Millionaires Dating Sites In Usa

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Everybody wants to become a millionaire. Unfortunately, not everybody’s chances of becoming a millionaire are the same, partially because the playing field is not even. This article looks at historical data on your chances of becoming a millionaire by race, age, and education.

The best millionaire dating sites are those that celebrate and embrace successful people. Without a doubt, is such a site. This millionaire dating website aims at helping millionaires establish serious, committed relationships. To do so, the site provides 24/7 customer support services for its members, including. Free dating sites can be a serious business. With a subscription service there is no charge for membership and communication options are unlimited. Free dating sites are useful when you want to begin a relationship, but don’t want to invest time in a relationship.

Getting to at least one million dollars in net worth is a nice milestone to achieve. However, due to inflation, you need more than $3 million to live the traditional millionaire lifestyle today. Thankfully, I firmly believe the majority of people reading Financial Samurai and other personal finance sites will be able to achieve millionaire status.

If I were to guess the exact percentage of Financial Samurai readers who become millionaires in their lifetimes, I would say 60 percent. This doesn’t seem like a particularly high percentage. But once you’ve read the statistics below, you’ll come to agree that 60 percent is a home run figure.

For the remaining 40%, even if you don’t become millionaires, you’ll likely still build way more wealth if you keep on reading Financial Samurai and other finance sites than the average person who does not.

Since 2009 I’ve received dozens of e-mails from readers saying they’ve busted through the $1 million net worth figure thanks to aggressive saving and investing. Many have mentioned they wish they had discovered the personal finance world sooner. But better late than never I say!

So what about the rest of the 330+ million Americans who were fortunate enough to be born or gain citizenship to our great country? What are their chances of living the champagne dream and caviar lifestyle? Let’s have a look.

How Many Millionaires Are There In America?

Before learning about your chances of becoming a millionaire, let’s find out roughly how many millionaires there are in America.

According to Spectrem Group’s Market Insights Report, in 2020, there were roughly 9.8 million individuals with a net worth between $1 million and $5 million. There were 1.8 million individuals with net worth between $5 million and $25 million. Finally, 156,000 households (not individuals) had more than $25 million in net worth.

In other words, there are roughly 11.8 million millionaires in America, making up roughly 3.5% of the population. This count is at a record high thanks to a long bull market in stocks, bonds, and real estate.

According to Credit Suisse’s latest Global Wealth Report, they estimate there are actually 22 million millionaires in America. That’s an impressive 6.5% of the population. Whatever the true millionaire count is, there are millions of millionaires and growing!

With stocks, real estate, and other risk-assets continuing to do well in 2021, the number of millionaires is likely even higher. Further, I suspect the actual millionaire number is higher due to stealth wealth and plenty of unreported or underreported assets. It’s easy to obfuscate the value of your own private business.

Now let’s look at three insightful charts based on Federal Reserve data that shows your chances of becoming a millionaire by education, age, and race.

Your Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire By Educational Attainment

The chart says that the more education you receive, the higher your chances of becoming a millionaire across all races.

This makes sense since high-paying jobs often require higher levels of education e.g. lawyer, doctor, executive management, and scientist. However, thanks to free online learning and shorter specialty school programs, a college degree is slowly getting devalued.

Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire With A High School Degree By Race

  • Asians 6%
  • White 5%
  • Hispanic 2%
  • Black 1%

Without a high school degree, you practically have no chance of becoming a millionaire across all races.

Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire With An Associate’s Degree By Race

  • Asians 3%
  • White 7%
  • Hispanic 2%
  • Black 1%

For Asians, your chances of becoming a millionaire are actually higher if you only have a high school degree versus an Associate’s degree (6% vs 3%). Perhaps this is due to the prevalence of more Asian small business owners.

If you are Hispanic or Black, the percentage probability of becoming a millionaire does not change if you have a high school degree or an Associate’s degree.

Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire With A Bachelor’s Degree By Race

  • Asians 16%
  • White 18%
  • Hispanic 4%
  • Black 3%

If you are Hispanic or Black, this data should make you very wary of getting into student loan debt. Please apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible to minimize the cost of attending college.

If you are Asian or White, getting a college degree significantly increases your odds of becoming a millionaire.

Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire With A Master’s Degree By Race

  • Asians 27%
  • White 38%
  • Hispanic 11%
  • Black 6%

By the time someone has a Master’s degree, chances of becoming a millionaire should be similar across all races. However, the difference between the percentages between White (38%) and Black (6%) is striking.

Millionaires Dating Sites In Usa

If I was a White person, a Master’s degree is exactly what I’d get. Maybe just not a Master’s degree in History or Journalism if you want to become a millionaire.

Unless Hispanic and Black people are getting a Master’s degrees in mostly low-paying fields, the huge percentage discrepancy seems too egregious. Put it differently, the chance of a Black person with a Master’s degree becoming a millionaire is the same as an Asian person with only a high school degree.

The Master’s degree percentage discrepancy between Whites and Blacks is the strongest evidence of systemic racism. I’m not talking about one person hurling a racial slur at another person.

I’m talking about things like a private club, where it was originally 100% Whites only 70 years ago. Today, the club says it is open to all races. But to get in, you need to get five letters of recommendation from existing members. If you are a minority, you will have a harder time getting this support network together.

You see the same thing happening when applying for preschools, private schools, high-paying jobs, and so forth.

People Tend To Take Care Of Their Own

To explain why this huge difference exists, my theory is that people tend to take care of people who are most similar to themselves. Thus, if the majority of people in power are White, then more Whites will benefit at the expense of other races. Therefore, the chances of being a millionaire is higher if you are White and lower if you are a minority.

When I was working in Asian Equities, the head guy based in Hong Kong was a White English chap. To nobody’s surprise, he appointed White English heads at our offices in London and New York.

When the head English guy left, a Korean guy became the boss. The English heads in London and New York got laid off, and in came two Koreans to head the respective offices.

I bet if your new boss came from Tasmania, you would suddenly see a lot more Tasmanian lieutenants. If your new boss was a woman, you’ll likely have more female colleagues.

Despite over 11 years of online writing experience, there is probably little chance I could land a job at the Huffington Post given I’m male and Asian. The reality is, I probably wouldn’t even try to apply there based on the lack of diversity. Therefore, if a company wants to recruit a diverse group of employees, there needs to be diverse representation. Nobody wants to feel like the odd person out.

I don’t think most people are intentionally racist. I just think that most people tend to hang out with and help people who have similar backgrounds. Just look around your social group and in your workplace.

Related: Three White Tenants, One Asian Landlord

Your Chances Of Being A Millionaire By Age

The older you are, the greater your chances of becoming a millionaire. This is obvious thanks to compound returns. The earlier you can start investing, the better. Most of Warren Buffet’s wealth came after his 60th birthday.


Everybody’s chances of becoming a millionaire improves up until the age of 61. But after 61, the chances for Hispanics and Blacks to become millionaires declines.

It’s interesting to note the slopes for Asians and Whites are much steeper. Asians and Whites have significantly higher chances of becoming millionaires as they age likely due to a higher representation of Asians and Whites in higher-paying industries.

Another hypothesis is that Asians and Whites make up a greater representation of investors in stocks, bonds, and real estate at all ages. Given investments don’t differentiate between races, investments tend to keep appreciating after the age of 61.

Equal Opportunity Is The Goal

The slope differences between races means there is different levels of opportunity. Therefore, there’s been such a huge rally cry for Hispanic and Black diversity in many industries. Equal opportunity is really all we can really ask for. The rest of our success depends on work ethic, skills, and lots of luck.

The call for diversity is particularly strong in Tech and Finance, two of the more higher-paying industries.

If you were able to join Apple as a 22-year-old 10 years ago, you’d mostly likely be a multi-millionaire by now. But look at the gender and race representation of Apple in the chart below. It looks quite similar across all the big tech companies.


However, I’ve also noticed there’s not much of an uproar in industries that traditionally pay less.

For example, there has been no call for diversity in grade school teaching where the vast majority of teachers are female (~76%). There has also been no call for diversity in the military, where the broad majority of service people are male (~84%).

Hopefully, those who fight for diversity are also willing to fight for diversity across the board, not just at places that pay the most money. Equal opportunity is good. Equal outcome is impossible.

Your Overall Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire By Race

  • Asian 22.3%
  • White 21.5%
  • Hispanic 6.8%
  • Black 6.4%

Putting everything together, the Fed data says Asians have the highest probability of becoming millionaires. This is interesting since Asians are the smallest minority, representing roughly ~6% of the American population.

Like other minorities, Asians still face discrimination. Further, it seems that test score requirements are higher for Asians to have the same chance of admittance at certain colleges.

On the flip side, perhaps it is easier to mobilize a smaller population to heavily invest in their future. Singapore and its 5.6 million population is an example. Singapore has a per capita GDP of $53,000. Now compare the difficulty of mobilizing 1.5 billion people in China with a per capita GDP of only $8,200.

Finally, U.S. immigration policy may have something to do with giving Asian Americans a head start. In 1992, Congress created the Immigrant Investor Program to stimulate the US economy and promote job growth.

If you and your family can invest $500,000 in an overseas commercial venture, it’s highly probable that you are already a millionaire. Thus, given the relatively small base of the Asian-American population, it may be fair to ascribe a small portion of Asian millionaires to this cohort group.

However, I also know of several Asian families who escaped difficult government regimes and arrived in America with absolutely nothing. Therefore, it’s hard to generalize, since there are many different types of Asians.

Finally, perhaps there is a cultural reason due to the intense focus on education in many Asian cultures. Here are some personal insights into Asian wealth and income.

Do You Like Your Odds Of Becoming A Millionaire?

Dating Millionaire Men

The odds of becoming a millionaire in America are between 6.4% to 22.3% according to data from the Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances.

I’d gladly take those odds over trying to become a millionaire in any other country. I bet the odds of becoming a millionaire in Zambia, where I lived for one year, is less than 1%. Zambia’s GDP per capita is only $3,900, or 1/9th the GDP per capita in the US.

But returning to my original thesis, I believe that around 60 percent of you who consistently read personal finance sites will become millionaires in your lifetime. You will naturally take action to boost your wealth with a positive money-mindset.

60 percent didn’t sound like much in the intro, but now you know that 60 percent is 2.72X higher than the highest chance anybody has of becoming a millionaire in America.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Becoming A Millionaire

One of the biggest goals on Financial Samurai is to help people of all races become financially independent sooner, rather than later. With interest rates so low and future investment returns likely going down, financial independence often requires becoming a millionaire.

Put it this way, $1 million only generates about $5,000 – $17,000 a year in risk-free income. The reason why is the 10-year bond yield is around 1.7% and the best money market savings rate is now only about 0.5%. As a result, investors are being pushed to take on more risk for higher returns.

Here are my recommendations for how to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire:

1) Read personal finance sites every day.

Personal finance sites do a lot of things, but most of all, they make you pay attention to your finances.

As soon as you have heightened awareness about how much you are saving, what you are investing in, your net worth asset allocation, and your retirement plan, it’s only natural to generate more wealth than the typical person who is financially unaware.

Personal finance sites are often like free financial coaches, pushing you to continue instead of giving up. When you see someone day in and day out work on their finances, you can’t help but want to improve your finances as well.


In addition to reading personal finance sites every day, read as many finance-related books by people who are multi-millionaires. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You simply have to follow the guidance of those who’ve been there before.

Millionaires Dating Sites In Usa List

2) Run the numbers.

Becoming a millionaire is a function of income, savings rate, investment returns, and time. Therefore, you can easily run various financial scenarios that will make you a millionaire. Here are some examples:

  • Put away $350 a month and earn 6% a year, you will become a millionaire in 46 years.
  • Max out your 401k and earn 7.5% a year, you will become a millionaire in 22 years.
  • Max out your 401k and invest another $1,000 in after-tax proceeds a month, you will become a millionaire in just 17 years if you earn 7.5% a year.

Religiously track your net worth in order to optimize your finances. You don’t want to wake up 20 years from now and wonder where all your money went.

3) Do what the average person won’t do.

Obviously, if you want to become a millionaire sooner, you’re going to have to do things the average person won’t do. Here are some examples:

  • If the average person works 40 hours a week, try working 60 hours a week to see if you can get paid and promoted faster.
  • Try to create multiple income streams instead of just having one income stream, which is typical of the average person.
  • If the average person only invests in index funds, try to invest 10%-20% of your stock allocation in individual stocks. Your overall portfolio might underperform, but at least you’ll have a chance of outperforming.
  • If the average person wakes up at 7 am, try waking up at 5 am for a year to work on your side hustle. Maybe an extra 730 hours a year will make you more productive.

4) Get motivated by the statistics and don’t quit too soon.

What’s annoying about statistics is that they can discourage you from trying. However, one of the core principles of Financial Samurai is to never fail due to a lack of effort because effort requires no skill.

If you don’t like your millionaire odds, change them!

Do not settle for what the data says about your chances. In fact, the lower your percentage chance of becoming a millionaire according to the Fed, the more motivated you should be to beat the odds. Once you do, it will be all the more gratifying.

One of the keys to building great wealth is not giving up. If you can try consistently for at least 10 years, I’m positive you are going to dramatically improve your odds.

5) Work in the highest paying industries.

If you want to be a millionaire, then you might as well seek employment opportunities in the highest-paying industries. These industries include finance, tech, medicine, law, strategy consulting, and entrepreneurship.

Generating a high income makes becoming a millionaire much easier. That said, you still have to have the discipline to save a good portion of your money. There are plenty of high income earners who end up broke due to poor financial habits.

6) Invest in the least diverse companies.

Let’s say you can’t join a fast-growing company no matter how hard you try. You also don’t think the company will ever change its homogenous workforce. Instead of getting left behind, if it is publicly traded, consider investing in the company.

This way, you get to participate in the company’s growth and have its homogenous workforce work for you!

Come up with a list of the least diverse publicly traded companies. Compare their diversity report card from five years ago and today. If not much has changed, you might be onto something.

Companies love to talk about diversity & inclusion, but it’s really hard to change established culture. If you can skillfully recognize human biases, you can increase your chances of becoming a millionaire.

7) Build your social network of highly motivated people.

Your parents were right. If you want to have a greater chance of success, whatever that means to you, you should probably hang out with people you think are going places. This includes marrying the right person.

Let your friends challenge you to do more. Over time, your friends will naturally become wealthier and more successful. If they are your true friends, they will want to bring you up along with them. If you are their true friend, you will do the same.

Your good friends will invite you to participate in various promising private investments. They will shoot you more enticing job leads. Some will make customer introductions. Others will help your children get ahead.

Welcome to the world of how things have worked for centuries! Your network is your net worth. The key is to be a genuine person who is always looking to help first. No matter your race or gender, this type of attitude will build you a great network. The stronger your network, the higher your chances of becoming a millionaire if that is what you want.

8) Don’t rent for life.

Although it’s a nice thought to rent and invest the difference each month, most renters don’t end up regularly doing so. The return on rent is always -100%.

Every month you get a place to stay with you rent money. However, you don’t build any equity or have a chance to build equity. In 30 years, a renter is guaranteed to be left with no real estate equity. Whereas a homeowner, if he regularly pays his mortgage, will end up owning the house free and clear.

In the Federal Reserve’s 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, it was revealed that the median net worth of homeowners was $231,400. Renters had a net worth of just $5,000. In other words, the typical homeowner had a net worth 46X greater than the typical renter.

We can argue until the cows come home why there is such a stark difference. However, just know that over the long term, you want to benefit from inflation and not get hurt from inflation.

Related: Mortgage Interest Rates By Race

At Least Get Neutral Real Estate

As soon as you find a place where you see yourself comfortably living for 5-10 years, get neutral real estate by owning your primary residence. Obviously, make sure you can afford your purchase. One home buying rule I suggest everyone follow is the 30/30/3 rule.

Over time, you will see a widening spread between the cost to rent and the cost to own due to inflation and largely fixed costs of owning a home. During this time period, you’ll also be paying down principal and building equity. If the home also appreciates in value, you will have a nice tailwind towards millionaire status.

If you can’t afford to buy a physical property, then you can still participate in real estate’s rise by buying a publicly-traded REIT, like VNQ. Or, you can invest in real estate crowdfunding, like I have done after selling my physical rental property in 2017.

The rental property was too much of a pain to manage as a new father, so I sold it and reinvested $550,000 of the proceeds in crowdfunding. My favorite real estate platform is Fundrise. It has innovative private eFunds that contain a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate investments across the country.

Best Real Estate Investing Platforms

Earning money 100% passively through real estate is my favorite way. Fundrise is free to sign up and explore and is my favorite platform. The platform manages over $1 billion in assets for over 150,000 investors. Investing in a fund is an efficient way to gain real estate exposure.


If you are an accredited investor and want to invest in individual real estate opportunities, check out CrowdStreet. CrowdStreet focuses on properties in 18-hour cities where valuations are lower and growth rates tend to be higher. CrowdStreet occasionally offers speciality funds as well, like a recent Build-to-Rent fund to take advantage of rising rents.

I’ve personally invested $810,000 in real estate crowdfunding to diversify my investments and earn income passively. Real estate is my favorite way for average Americans to build wealth as we recover from the pandemic.

9) Participate in the new “permissionless” society.

There are people making big money every day without the prerequisite traditional credentials. For example, you no longer need a fancy degree to get a job in tech. You just need to know your tech.

In the personal finance world, there are some very successful bloggers who are doctors, journalists, engineers, cooks, and school teachers. Most do not have a finance background. All they did was start a site and get creative.

You don’t need radio experience to start a podcast. Neither do you need broadcasting or acting experience to start a YouTube channel. Anybody can start a podcast or a YouTube channel.

Tech and the internet have created a wonderful permissionless society for historically marginalized groups. If you have kids, please teach them everything you can about the permissionless society. There are no gatekeepers.

The Inevitable Millionaire

In an ideal world, it would be wonderful if everybody could have an equal chance to become a millionaire by race, by age, and by educational achievement. Unfortunately, the system is rigged by the people already in power who naturally take care of their own.

It’s up to all of us to proactively enrich our minds with knowledge that can help us grow our wealth, regardless of circumstance.

Believe that becoming a millionaire is highly possible in your lifetime. And once you feel you’re on track to get to $1 million, you might as well shoot for $3 million due to inflation.

If you keep grinding long enough, maybe you might get to a top 1% net worth of $10 million! Once you get to a net worth of $10 million, you’ll be able to easily generate $250,000+ in passive income in a low-risk way.

Money does buy happiness because it helps you feel less stressed about money, especially during difficult times. Once you have enough money, make sure you do your best to preserve your capital. The last thing you want to do is go backward!

Readers, what do you think about the various chances of becoming a millionaire? Why do you think there is such a massive discrepancy in percentage chance for White and Black Americans with Master’s degrees?Any more suggestions on how to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire?

Related: The First Million Might Be The Easiest

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Most people know that dating can be tricky and finding the perfect match is often hard to come by. While this is certainly true in many cases, there are now a wide variety of website and apps that help as much as possible. They give you the opportunity to talk to new faces and find a connection with someone that compliments your personality.

If you’re from the US and are thinking of embarking on a dating adventure, or have perhaps had a bad experience with other websites, then this post is for you. We take a look at some of the best alternatives to popular dating platforms such as Tinder. Each website has been researched and most will have a USP, so evaluate this carefully before making the decision of where to try next!

It’s important to remember that every suggestion in this list can be used for free, but most will offer paid upgrades if needed. We have also included a brief overview of each platform at the bottom of each, just in case you’re a little low on time. Without further ado, let’s dive in to the top 10 best dating sites for singles that live in America:

1. EHarmony

EHarmony is advertised as a dating platform you can use to find a relationship that stands the test of time. By comparing EHarmony's statistics to other websites, they offer the highest chance for you to find a happy relationship. Their algorithm finds compatible matches based on a variety of factors. These can include things such as your age, location, interests and goals for the future.

The website also has a customer support that has been rated highly by many users. Support is available 24/7, throughout each day of the year and for a variety of reasons. Whether you need help with technical assistance, filling out your profile or simply want to share your love story, someone is always around to lend an ear. Don’t just take our word for it though, view their stellar rating on TrustPilot and see what others have said about their services.

To get started with EHarmony, simply create an account and complete a brief questionnaire. Matches can come as quickly as within a couple minutes of completion. Then, it’s up to you to break the ice, get to know each other and potentially arrange a date!

Overview of EHarmony: A large pool of users and a refined algorithm makes for a great overall experience when using the site. In addition to this, their customer support team is reliable and friendly. Keep in mind that you should look to be 100% honest when completing the opening questionnaire.

2. Millionaire Match

When wealthy individuals or beautiful singles are looking for love, Millionaire Match is usually the first place they visit. The website encourages millionaires to sign up to their website in order to find someone who loves the real them, not only their material assets. Successful people are highly admired on this site, with a superb level of service to reflect this.

Millionaire Match caters to people from different locations, industries and backgrounds. They have helped thousands of people to find happy relationships, with a host of verified testimonials to confirm this. A specialist algorithm is also used on this platform, matching people who are potentially compatible.

Free Dating Sites In Usa

All information submitted to Millionaire Match, including photos and personal information is verified in order to keep the experience positive for everyone involved. Not to worry though – They use top of the range security to ensure that these sensitive details are kept under close guard.

Overview of Millionaire Match: The place for successful singles to find someone who truly wants a relationship with them. Security and relevant checks are in place to keep things working smoothly. This platform has helped many people to find love in the past, thanks to the expert matchmaking system they have in place.

3. Senior Match

Dating for people over the age of 50 is made much easier with the assistance of Senior Match. This website focuses on a host of things that most people are looking for in a relationship, including companionship and shared hobbies. They know that a relationship should not only be emotionally fulfilling, but should also be a fun experience for both!

Senior Match are happy to learn about your story, before using this information to find someone who could be well-suited to your needs and lifestyle. The website is run and maintained from the US, by a group of experts that have over 20 years of experience in the dating industry. This knowledge has allowed them to tweak their matchmaking system over time, before settling for one that has had thousands of positive results.

Millionaire Dating Sites In Usa

Unlike most of the other sites on this list, Senior Match doesn’t just focus on creating romantic relationships alone, but also welcomes casual dating. You can also use Senior Match to find travel friends, or simply someone to share experiences with.

Overview of Senior Match: Exclusively for people over 50, this website helps to remove the guessing game that often arises when seniors are looking for a relationship. Honesty goes a long way on this platform, so being clear about your intentions from the start is probably the best route to take here.

4. Elite Singles

If you’re looking for a specialist dating platform that is aimed at well educated people, then Elite Singles could be the place for you. An overwhelming percentage of their users have a high IQ, meaning that awkward small talk is a thing of the past!

After inputting your interests and various other pieces of information, you will be matched with someone who likely shares your passions. From there, you can talk until you find a potential date that clicks with your personality. All of these details are added by you when joining, in the form of a short personality test.

Elite Singles have over 150 thousand new members joining each month, all of which are checked to ensure that you are in a safe place and among real people. They update their matchmaking algorithm regularly too, allowing you to speak to a variety of different singles.

Overview of Elite Singles: A highly educated group of singles that will allow you to talk naturally and confidently. Their matchmaking focuses heavily on your interests for an even better chance of finding meaningful conversation. With a growing number of users and a constantly adapting algorithm, Elite Singles could be the perfect place to find a partner.

5. JDate

J Date is a platform that allows Jewish singles to meet online. Finding a potential partner with the same beliefs as you is not only a great way of continuing a conversation, but also allows for a deeper understanding between the two of you.

They allow you to express more than just the basic ‘Location and Age’ data on your profile, so you can gain more information about potential matches before starting a conversation. List your beliefs, interests and anything you are passionate about to find better connections. Again, safety and security is the top priority of the organisation running the website.

In addition to all of their useful matching tools, they also have a blog that is full of information. From advice to in depth dating articles and even success stories from previous users, J Date offers a wealth of knowledge.

Overview of J Date: A large Jewish community of singles that encourage you to share different information about yourself in order to stand out. You can easily match with someone that has the same beliefs, which for many can be the foundations of a great relationship.


Match is dedicated to exactly that, finding you the perfect partner. With over 25 years of experience, they are perhaps the most established platform on this list. They boast that over 1.6 million people have used their service to find a partner and over 300 thousand messages are exchanged on a monthly basis.

In addition to standard matchmaking features, they also have a ‘Recently Online’ and ‘Top Picks’ section, perfect for getting a conversation going right away! The profiles on this website also allow for more information to be shared and they encourage getting creative with your brief biography.

Each user gets a virtual dating coach, who is happy to help you through the entire process. This can include ways to enhance your profile or simply tips for getting a conversation going. Keep in mind however, that this assistant is a bot and you may have to contact support for more complex issues.

Overview of Match: A highly experienced platform that has adapted over the years. The large user base and freedom with your profile makes it easy to find a match. Tailored sections also make it much quicker to get a conversation flowing immediately after signing up.

7. Christian Mingle

If God and Faith plays a large role in your life, you can use this platform to find someone who shares the same views. Christian Mingle is similar to J Date, but as the name suggests, for Christians. They have over 15 million users from around the world and look to create relationships that last. Mutual faith and love are the two main areas that the website fulfils.

The reason that J Date and Christian Mingle are alike is that they are run by the same company, known as ‘Spark Network’. Reviews for this company are mixed, but many expert websites tip this platform as one of the best in the business.

All matches on this website are hand-picked for maximum quality and compatibility. All you have to do to get started is sign up and input some basic information about what you’re looking for in a relationship. They also have a blog, referred to as ‘Believe’, which is full of inspiring stories.

Overview of Christian Mingle: A God-Centred relationship is the goal for many Christians and is something that this platform can certainly help to find. Shared beliefs and a deep sense of love are among the key takeaways for the website.

8. Asian Dating

Marry A Millionaire Dating Site

This website is proud to be the largest dating platform for Asians across the world. Over 4.5 million members are already registered, since the website began in 2000. Asian Dating has created thousands of relationships and a handful of these success stories are displayed for all to see.

Asian Dating is run by the Cupid Media Network, who are a trusted company with a portfolio of over 30 niche dating websites. With a large team and a wealth of experience, they aim to make dating as straight forward as possible for their users.

Their platform is focused on fun, safety and success. All of these are taken care of with the use of advanced technology, whether that be to safeguard information or to create unique matches. After signing up, you create a brief profile, upload a few pictures and begin messaging others. Asian Dating has an emphasis on communication, as they encourage you to interact with others to find those that may be best suited. On their website you can also find a variety of tools for selecting your dating preferences and filtering matches effectively.

Overview of Asian Dating: If you’re looking for an Asian partner, or are Asian yourself, this could be the platform for you. With an expansive number of users to interact with, you’ll never be short of someone to talk to. The added security features are also a nice touch, giving you ultimate peace of mind when using the service.

9. OkCupid

Based in the United States, Ok Cupid has a track record of success when it comes to finding relationships that work long term. They find matches based on what matters to you the most. This innovative approach to dating is a great way to find someone that shares your passion or outlook on life.

They have a unique algorithm for finding matches, which is dependent upon the amount of information you disclose during the sign-up stage. Ok Cupid make a staggering 50 thousand dates each week, with over 9 million connections being made on a yearly basis.

Their service is so good that they have been published in The New York Times, who had nothing but nice things to say about the fresh take to online dating. Ok Cupid can be used via the website or through an app for your convenience. The team are consistently working hard to bring out new features, while also updating the website to meet current standards and expectations.

Finally, they also have a list of questions which are based on your interests. It’s these ice breakers that can help to create conversations that are both interesting and natural. Like all of the other websites listed in this post, Ok Cupid is completely free, however you can upgrade your account for access to premium features.

Overview of Ok Cupid: This revolutionary app and website are always tweaking things for an optimal experience. With an immense number of messages being sent on this platform, it’s clear that Ok Cupid is a popular dating site for many. The tailored questions also make it much easier to strike up a conversation with a match.

10. Bumble

Bumble is a dating application that is talked about by thousands of people. The app brags over 2,000 social media mentions every single day, which doesn’t include the presence they have on platforms such as Snapchat. It’s no surprise that this level of virality is responsible for drawing in many new faces, with Bumble receiving over 12 million unique monthly users.

This platform stands out from the crowd as it has three different sections. Although each is self-explanatory, here’s a brief rundown on what you can expect from the three:

Bumble Date – This area of the app is centred around finding a happy, long-lasting relationship. The one trait that stands out here is that women are encouraged to make the first move, which certainly adds a new dynamic to the overall experience for both parties.

Bumble Bizz – Networking for business purposes is made easier within this portion of the website. Whether you’re looking for workers, a fresh opportunity for yourself, or even a mentor, you can find it here.

Bumble BFF – Not looking for a serious relationship but would rather find a friend? Look no further. This is particular useful for those who have recently moved to a new city, or simply want to expand their circle a little more.

While it did start off as a website exclusively for dating, you can now use Bumble to create meaningful connections for almost any situation. They also implement photo verification software across their platform, so that you can avoid communicating with impersonators.

Overview of Bumble: One of that most innovative dating sites that have introduced a variety of other services. You can use their service to find exactly what you’re looking for, whether that be for dating, business or friendship. Photo verification also helps you feel safer while searching for your number one!