Dating Danish Men In Usa

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Dating Danish Men In Usa Rating: 9,7/10 8611 reviews

Without further ado, here are my detailed reviews of the top three dating sites in Denmark. Launched in 1998, is Denmark’s largest dating site, with over 530,000 registered members. This site has a simple visual design, slightly dated to my eye, and an easy-to-navigate website. I saw a Danish movie recently that contained a romance, and it struck me that the male romantic lead was visibly shorter than the female lead. I’d say at least a couple of centimeters shorter, maybe an inch. Now, in Hollywood, they’d have that guy standing on a box, to look taller, or have the actress standing in a hole, to look shorter. In the Danish film, there was no attempt to hide it. Feb 17, 2014 I saw a Danish movie recently that contained a romance, and it struck me that the male romantic lead was visibly shorter than the female lead. I’d say at least a couple of centimeters shorter, maybe an inch. Now, in Hollywood, they’d have that guy standing on a box, to look taller, or have the actress standing in a hole, to look shorter. In the Danish film, there was no attempt to hide it.

Scandinavian dating sites are hands-down the best place to meet stunning women. They are easy to use, interaction is much simpler (and less awkward), and the women are just as hot – plus, you know for sure that they’re looking for a match.

That being said, not all dating platforms were created equal… and today we will check out the best dating sites in Scandinavia so that you can meet your soulmate easily.

With the abundance of international dating sites, we just know that it’s our moral obligation to point you to the best ones. Because, hey, we know the secret to dating Romee Strijd lookalikes, but who can keep a secret?

International Cupid: The Best Choice

We love International Cupid. It’s pretty much everything that free dating apps are not. Main differences:

  • Premium, not free (I’ll tell you why that’s a perk in just a couple of paragraphs)
  • Full profiles, not hot picture + bio (if she bothered)
  • Traditional dating site, not swipe and they’re gone forever
  • Members interested in meaningful relationships, not just hookups
  • Helps you find love outside your normal dating scene, not in a 50-mile radius like Tinder does, for example.

The fine print is that it’s less popular. These days everyone and their mom is on Tinder. International Cupid targets a particular niche. People who don’t date in this niche are not on International Cupid.

The huge perk here is distance-independent dating. On Tinder, you can swipe within a larger radius. Ultimately, though, most women have the default 50 miles. They will not be looking outside of that.

On International Cupid, members are already into the long-distance meet-cute idea. They are prepared for the ups and downs of a relationship with a foreigner.

Dating Danish Men In Usa

And, in most cases, women on International Cupid have also thought about (or are even in the process of) relocating. It may be hard to get the same commitment out of your Tinder hook-up or anywhere else.

And these are some of the most important reasons why we consider International Cupid the best dating site in Scandinavia.


Why Use Premium Scandinavian Dating Sites

The more you pay, the more you value stuff. Think about it. If you were learning a language and paid $100 for a course, you’d make sure you use the course. Duolingo is free and most people ditch it in the first few days.

It’s the same with dating. There is a certain level of commitment that comes from the membership fee.

It goes both ways, too. Women on premium Scandinavian dating sites are much more committed to finding a long-term relationship. They are investing more time, and they’re investing actual cash as well! It’s pretty obvious that they’re not there just to waste time.

But, I hear the dude in the back say, I thought girls didn’t have to pay for dating sites.

Scandinavian Girls Will Pay You To Date Them

Not really, but kind of.

Scandinavian dating sites and the entire Scandinavian dating scene are super feminist. Not feminazi, but definitely feminist. As in, insisting on equality is not radical and it’s actually great for you as a guy (in some ways).

In Scandinavia, women are happy to share the bill. If they asked you out (it happens more than you think), they are paying. The same applies to dating sites.

With International Cupid, at least one of two members should be premium, in order for them to chat.

Scandinavian women don’t mind being the paying member. Unlike Eastern Europeans, they can afford the membership (which is not expensive anyway) and if they are serious about finding a guy, they will pay.

Still, don’t approach International Cupid as though you were a poor lady. Male non-premium members still look kind of cheap. Perhaps that is one aspect of equality Scandinavian dating sites should work on.

Either way, the important lesson of all this is:

Scandinavian women on premium dating sites are spending time and money on meeting you.

Genuine interest and investment are the basis for any great relationship. That is why International Cupid has introduced more newlyweds than Tinder ever will. So click here to check out the website right now.

We know for sure that at least a few of our readers signed up and found a partner this way – and it worked better than Tinder.

The main problem with Tinder – and the fact that it is free – is that everybody’s there. You have a ton of choices, that’s a certain fact, but you also have a ton of competition.

On dating sites like International Cupid, things are a bit different. Being a premium service, it means that competition is not as high so you have more chances at scoring a date.

Dating danish men in usa 2019

Plus, if it’s you who is the premium member, you already tell potential dates that you are there with serious intentions and you’re not going to become that bum that any woman out there doesn’t want to meet. You mean business and you’re there to get it! This is the message you’re sending.

Scandinavian Dating Sites: Know How To Present Yourself

Whether you pick International Cupid, Tinder, or a completely different platform (in which case, share your experience in the comments below), here are some helpful tips on presenting yourself.

Scandinavian women look for a particular set of qualities. Here is how to hit the sweet spot:

  • Natural-looking photos, no company photoshoots.
  • You get bonus points for looking and being outdoorsy and a manly man.
  • The man bun is still not out of style in Scandinavia. Unless you look like Jason Momoa, though, I’d avoid it.
  • Don’t boast about your job, boast about the contribution you made. Bragging about volunteering might be slightly tacky, but it’s surprisingly effective.
  • Text her first and say something funny. Not carnal, not creepy (yes, even if you think it’s a compliment), simply something to make her laugh. It’s the easy and safe way to go.

All Hail King Tinder

As much as you may love or hate it, Tinder is the absolute king of dating sites and it will not be slowing down in 2021.

Are they the best at facilitating conversation? Do they have the friendliest user interface? Is their algorithm the most accurate? Absolutely not.

But McDonald’s is not super popular because they serve gourmet, either. They are just the best at selling their product and it’s the same on Tinder. Plus, there’s the most fish in the waters of this mobile app as well.

Why Tinder Works So Well In Scandinavia

These are cold countries. Dark countries, too, in the physical sense. With less sunlight and less vitamin D, libidos are not at an all-time high. If anything, most Scandinavian’s personal lives could improve dramatically with a simple vitamin D supplement.

But there is more to the lack of sunshine and the incredibly high living standard.

When it’s cold and dark outside, and you do have the means to live well (even without too much hard work), people become less sociable.

Internet addiction is a new, potentially huge issue for Scandinavian people. It’s the age-old paradox of being well-connected, yet painfully detached.

Tinder fills that void. It’s refreshing to know that:

  • There are others just as single as you are
  • And you can take your pick at thousands of partners at any given time.

Tinder appeals to the ego big time. A lot can be said about what that does to relationship quality and our ability to function as social beings. But that’s for another time. The simple truth behind Tinder is:

People who are lonelier or isolated use it.

There are thousands of Tinder guides out there, so make sure to check one out if you need help.

But honestly, there are just two tips for using Tinder in Scandinavia and the rest is strategies to implement them.

One: Be Your Self

I am not your mom giving you a pep talk on the first day of school. Just do you, real friends will love you for it.

I mean, it’s true, but it is also BS. Of course, a real relationship should mean acceptance and love for who you are. But everyone lies a bit at first.

It was true in middle school, it’s true now. The key is to strike the balance between ‘a better version of me’ and ‘basically a catfish except you can kind of tell it’s me behind it’.

The first is simply putting your best foot forward. Just like you will not outright lie at a job interview (or would you…?), don’t lie on your profile or to your date.

The key is to twist the relevant information in a very flattering way. Another job seeking example to illustrate:

You lost your job and you have been unemployed for a year. You tell your future employer about the community work you did, the courses you took to improve your skills, and the freelance jobs you took up. You embellish the truth and use nice phrases. Hopefully, you don’t lie.

Well, it’s the same with your Tinder profile and the stuff you tell to Tinder girls.

Another strategy that will help in that domain is self-irony. Trust me when I say that ‘can’t laugh at themselves’ is a huge red flag.

People who can’t make fun of themselves are usually beyond narcissistic and arrogant. If you’ve taken a Psych 101, you know it’s usually because of prior trauma.

Either way, all jerks take themselves super seriously. Don’t be that jerk.

For a practical example, if you’re obviously out of shape, put a fat joke on your Tinder profile. Something silly and self-depreciating like ‘I wanted to lose 10 pounds this year. Only 13 to go.’

Contrary to what you might think, this is what confident people do. Insecure dudes get offended (which still doesn’t make it ok to bully people).

Two: It Is All A Game

Tinder feels like a game because it is a game. Don’t take it so damn personal and serious. You can meet awesome one-night stands on Tinder.

You might meet the mother of your children. Or, you might come across a girl who talks to cut-off doll heads (that’s a storytime on YouTube and it’s hilarious).

Other Scandinavian dating sites are more grown-up. They focus on starting and nurturing meaningful relationships. Your typical Tinder smash is not a meaningful relationship. It’s a simple case of your genitalia having some fun together.

So, kids, don’t expect too much and you will not be disappointed. Swipe right, chat with a lot of girls, have fun, use condoms, and all that other stereotypical advice. Just don’t take it seriously.

Good luck in your Scandinavian dating adventures!

Although I have spent the last 16 years in two long-term relationships with an American and an Italian, there have been intermittent periods of dating in two international metropolises—New York and Rome. I have also experienced the grey area of accepting dates from Europeans living in America, that provided the best of both worlds. Many stories of relocation have common threads in which people from all walks of life leave their childhood home and start anew in a big city for personal and professional goals and fulfillment. This can be true from someone who has picked up and taken off from the American Midwest or migrated from southern to central Italy. However, there are some unique, funny, cultural, and outright strange differences that really impact the experience of courtship from both sides of the Atlantic. This is certainly not meant to generalize as each person and situation is case-by-case sensitive, but rather it’s an account from my personal experiences and those of dear friends who have shared theirs, too. The next time a date is offered and accepted, here are some things to consider…

1.) First impressions and personal sense of style.

European men take great pride in dressing up and being well-groomed for a date. They select their clothes for the fit and neutral color palette and appreciate a warm smile at first glance based upon their effort and attractiveness.

American men are more casual and will show up wearing anything ranging from their favorite band’s tee-shirt from 1999 or a pair of loose jeans and a polo. Only if coming from work, perhaps a suit without the tie. They are more concerned about comfort yet will maybe joke that they are too dressed down.

2.) First date: from antiquity to modernity.

European men have a strong sense of cultural and historic pride. A first date may be to stroll along the cobblestone streets on a Saturday afternoon while recounting stories of the country’s past—spanning back thousands of years while perhaps reciting a famous citation from an opera or poet. They also value the woman’s insights and impressions of her surroundings.


American men have a strong sense of degrees earned and career related pride. A first date may be to meet up for drinks or a mid-week dinner and reciprocally discuss university studies, internships, promotions, and the workday.

3.) Compliments, flirting, and laughter.

European men are charming with their words. This is because they’ve had centuries to practice the art of making a woman feel beautiful, desired, and adored—and that’s just on the first date. However, be aware. It’s not the first nor is it the last these affections come out of their mouths and ring into the ears of their love interest (or said to other women).

American men are sweet yet more reserved with the outpouring of compliments. They may point out something that they like about what a woman’s wearing or enjoyed something that she said. If they make her laugh, they are working hard to win her over.

4.) Chivalry and equality.

Although European men value a woman’s strength and intelligence, they want to be caring and protective of her during the date. Most men will be insulted or put off if she reaches for the check, offers to split it in half, or emasculates him by overtly shooting down what he has planned for their enjoyment together. It’s his goal to create a beautiful experience and initiate the courtship. In return, he sincerely wants to be met half way with simple kindness and attentiveness.

Although American men also value a woman’s strength, intelligence, and have the natural inclination to be caring and protective of her, they tend to be more passive if a woman reaches for the check or offers to pay half. With women making equal or even more money, a power struggle or blurred lines can occur anywhere from making plans, initiating communication, and determining the direction of the courtship.

5.) The chase and conquer.

European men love the chase. From boyhood they have learned to convince, persuade, hunt, negotiate, and develop skills of being persistent and clever—as passed on from their fathers, grandfathers, and so on. Women who gently resist, make them work to win over her heart, and present a playful challenge will make him feel successful that he has conquered the heart of his treasure.

American men tend to be more direct, straight talking, and relaxed. If they want to court a woman, they will let her know through actions and words without much fuss, but will still hold her to standards of being too willing and eager to give to him without rightfully earning her affection.

6.) The beauty of doing something vs. the beauty of doing a bit of everything.

European men may think up interesting, stimulating, and amusing dates but it tends to be one outing or activity per meeting. This is because Sunday lunch can last for four hours followed by a walk. Going dancing means you start the night at 11:00 p.m. and dance at a locale until 4:00 a.m.

American men are thoughtful in their planning, yet also have spontaneity to see how the date is progressing. It may start out as a Sunday brunch and if all goes well, an early evening movie at the theatre, followed by catching a bite and a drink afterwards.

Dating Danish Men In Usa 2019

7.) Smoking and drinking while enjoying an evening out.

Europe is known for its healthier and farm fresh cuisines, active lifestyle of frequent walks around the town or city square, along with valuing the importance of taking a daily dose of fresh air. However, smoking is still quite predominant within many countries. A “dream man” may show up, but every so often takes out his pack. However, a glass of wine is sipped and enjoyed for its flavor and accompaniment to conversation or the meal, not for further recreation.

America is known for it’s heavier cuisine and fast food culture along with a more sedentary lifestyle in the office or at home. Yet there is less interest in smoking as people choose to protect this aspect of their health. Only rarely will a “dream man” show up with a pack and if he does, he may even go as far to conceal it to eliminate judgment or a long lecture. However, anywhere from a glass to four of alcohol may be enjoyed during the course of dinner along with some under-the-influence behaviors.

8.) The language of the gaze.

European men will gaze at a woman of interest until she senses it. He will not back down until their eyes meet as he’s determined to catch her attention. During courtship, a language of the eyes develops as looks, stares, and glances speak volumes of appreciation, interest, flirtation, and comfort.

American men will wait for a woman to stare at him first and give him the go-ahead to approach once their eyes have met. During courtship, he relies more on gestures and words rather than eye contact to demonstrate his affection.

9.) Affection and intimacy.

European men are hot blooded and passionate about life, love, politics, economy, family, sports, and their interests. They are more emotive and expressive yet retain their masculinity. However, when they want to cherish and pleasure their woman, they will treat her with delicate care; taking the time to enjoy intimate moments spent together without rush because it’s meant to be savored.

Dating Danish Men In Usable

American men have more of a cool reserve that certainly illustrates strong work ethnic, intelligence and interest in both world concerns and academic education, along with making time for hobbies. However, they express themselves conversationally and with more tranquility. However, when they want to be intimate with a woman, they tend to speed up the process from 0-60 and within a blink of an eye, it’s over.

Dating Danish Women

10.) Independence and future planning.

European men like to live in the moment. They of course have work and familial obligations that require advanced organization, but they value letting their life’s process unfold day by day. If they feel good in the presence of their woman, they will come back for more and once they decide to commit they won’t let her go. However, there is a lot of external factors regarding economic crisis and strong family ties that impedes the path of marriage sooner rather than later.

Dating Danish Men In Usa 2020

American men are more future oriented and value organization, hard work, and planning to reach both short and long term goals. If they feel good in the presence of their woman, they tend to commit and marry sooner because they see the value of wanting her to share life together side by side. They also strike more of a balance between family and their personal lives.