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2021.12.24 17:49 No_Lie8472My boyfriend (29m) lies to me (25f) all the time — is it my fault because I get mad?

We’ve been in a long distance relationship for 4 years. He has lied to me about some very major things that he only admitted years later, when I caught him. It’s been very difficult for me to trust me after all that. It didn’t involve cheating, but significant and hurtful nonetheless. For those curious for more details: Lying about buying and doing hard drugs behind my back, he lied about having previously “dated” my coworker, lying about talking to an ex, etc.
Sometimes now and then I can tell he’s lying about something small and I’ll call him out on it. Last night he told me that he did a task he promised to do (it has to do with me because I’m going out of my way to help him with something, and this needs to be done first). I asked him when he did it, and he told me a random time. Something didn’t add up so I asked for the truth, and he admitted he never did it.
I got so upset and honestly, probably triggered. It really upsets me when he lies to me after everything I’ve forgiven him for and worked through together. I said some mean things over text: called him a lazy, lying POS, that I can’t trust him, and also tried to explain that I don’t deserve to be lied to. I know it was definitely dramatic for the specific circumstance, but it was a reaction based on all the lying in general for sure.
After I react emotionally like this, the whole situation is twisted and it becomes me who has to apologize and feel bad because I said mean things. I do feel really guilty today for reacting like that. I try so hard to keep it together but his cold demeanour when he finally admit he was lying really felt like a slap in the face.
What do I do in this situation now that I’m the bad guy? I’m so disappointed in myself that I couldn’t react better. How do I apologize while also being clear that I don’t deserve to be lied to in any capacity?
TLDR: my bf has a long history of lying, even about small everyday stuff. When I catch him in a lie, sometimes I get so upset and hurt because it brings up feelings of lack of trust from the past. I get mad and say mean things in response. How do I fix the situation when I become the bad guy?
submitted byNo_Lie8472torelationship_advice Free[link][comments]

2021.12.24 17:46 pascia-Advice to help me (17f) get over my boyfriend (17m) of 3 years? :(

So, about 3 weeks ago, my (now) ex and I had a very difficult conversation regarding the status of our relationship. I think separation had been on both our minds for a month at least, as we just seemed to be butting heads a lot.
For background context, throughout our entire relationship (3 years, started dating when we were 14, now almost 18), we were amazing. picture perfect, mutually head over heels in love with each other. but it all seemed to start changing last summer. I started to notice some very big personality changes with him. he started acting full of himself in every way. which at first I was like 'wow, I'm happy for him, really growing and becoming more confident in himself and his abilities', but his ego just seemed to keep inflating. it was like every compliment he ever got from people finally started fueling his ego.
it got to the point where I would actively be thinking 'I cant compliment him, even though I want to, even though I always used to, because i know it will go to his head.' It made me feel so guilty and sad. it seemed like every characteristic I loved about him had just disappeared. I have my theories on why, but the point is that we had been clashing and it caused hostile energy between the two of us, so we mutually decided to go our separate ways a week ago.
another huge contributing factor; the main source of any problems we had in our relationship, is my struggle with depression. I definitely abused his role as a safe space for me to feel things. I have a rocky (to say the least) family life and i would often just lay all of my feelings and problems out on him. I recognize this is a huge issue and contributed to our downfall. he never knew how to help me, (because nothing did, I needed more help than he or any one person could provide me) and it made him feel helpless and worthless.
there are other pretty big factors that go along the lines of we just werent seeing eye to eye anymore.
so, now I am here.
the hard part is it that it wasn't a terrible breakup. it was two people who love each other,letting each other go to better themselves. I feel like the only way I personally can get over someone is by picking out all of the bad things in our relationship and focusing on those instead of the good. it really fucking sucks though because we were so amazing together. he was my first everything. he made me feel alive. we did so much together and taught each other the truest love in the world.
but I cant think about that now because it causes so much pain. I need to focus on the shitty aspects, how we werent right for each other in the last months of our relationship.
TLDR: just looking for general advice on how to heal yourself after separating from someone you had so much with. very fresh wound, we broke up a week ago. thank you friends
submitted bypascia-toBreakUp [link][comments]

2021.12.24 17:43 pascia-Any advice to help me (17f) get over my boyfriend (17m) of 3 years? :(

So, about 3 weeks ago, my (now) ex and I had a very difficult conversation regarding the status of our relationship. I think separation had been on both our minds for a month at least, as we just seemed to be butting heads a lot.
For background context, throughout our entire relationship (3 years, started dating when we were 14, now almost 18), we were amazing. picture perfect, mutually head over heels in love with each other. but it all seemed to start changing last summer. I started to notice some very big personality changes with him. he started acting full of himself in every way. which at first I was like 'wow, I'm happy for him, really growing and becoming more confident in himself and his abilities', but his ego just seemed to keep inflating. it was like every compliment he ever got from people finally started fueling his ego.
it got to the point where I would actively be thinking 'I cant compliment him, even though I want to, even though I always used to, because i know it will go to his head.' It made me feel so guilty and sad. it seemed like every characteristic I loved about him had just disappeared. I have my theories on why, but the point is that we had been clashing and it caused hostile energy between the two of us, so we mutually decided to go our separate ways a week ago.
another huge contributing factor; the main source of any problems we had in our relationship, is my struggle with depression. I definitely abused his role as a safe space for me to feel things. I have a rocky (to say the least) family life and i would often just lay all of my feelings and problems out on him. I recognize this is a huge issue and contributed to our downfall. he never knew how to help me, (because nothing did, I needed more help than he or any one person could provide me) and it made him feel helpless and worthless.
there are other pretty big factors that go along the lines of we just werent seeing eye to eye anymore.
so, now I am here.
the hard part is it that it wasn't a terrible breakup. it was two people who love each other,letting each other go to better themselves. I feel like the only way I personally can get over someone is by picking out all of the bad things in our relationship and focusing on those instead of the good. it really fucking sucks though because we were so amazing together. he was my first everything. he made me feel alive. we did so much together and taught each other the truest love in the world.
but I cant think about that now because it causes so much pain. I need to focus on the shitty aspects, how we werent right for each other in the last months of our relationship.
TLDR: just looking for general advice on how to heal yourself after separating from someone you had so much with. very fresh wound, we broke up a week ago. thank you friends
submitted bypascia-torelationship_advice [link][comments]

2021.12.24 17:41 MeatSwordOverlordTo the scumbag on Bronson who stole my phone

Congrats, I guess?
I can't fathom what your goal was. As I'm sure you've since realized, you stole a 3 year old phone that has since been bricked so you didn't make any $$$ off of your douchebaggery.
If your goal was just to completely ruin both mine and several other peoples holidays, however, then you definitely succeeded. Let me detail exactly how much misery you managed to spread, in case you weren't already feeling like a like a total fucking alpha badass.
First off, I was currently on my way to a date - that I had very much been looking forward to all week - when you decide to be Mr. Slick and literally grab the phone right out of my hand and run. Thanks to you, I had no way of coordinating the exact meet-up location with this person, or even explaining to her what the situation was. Because of you, a wonderful person travelled 40 minutes out of her way, only to wait around a freezing cold bus station for an hour wondering why I had 'ghosted' her. But don't worry, I kept going and tried to find her despite you tooootally 'pnwing me', so I also got to wander around a cold bus station for an hour. On the bright side, the station attendants were super cool and really seemed to appreciate receiving the two coffees I had brought for her and me.
You'll also be happy to know that I couldn't even mosey into a nearby bar on my way home to drown my misery because - guess what! - my vaccination record was on my phone too! Two people's evenings were entirely ruined - way to go! I'm sure all the lads and ladies of the land will now realize how fucking dope you are when you tell them this story!
But if, like you, they are such colossal chuds, here's something ELSE you can tell them that is guaranteed to get all 3 inches semi-soft.
Nearest phone store is closed today, tomorrow, and Boxing Day. Lololol! So my grandmother will ALSO have no idea why her grandson has suddenly ghosted her on Christmas Eve. Lmao CLASSIC! No problem tho, I'll just call her and/or my parents from a payphone. At least I would if I had their new phone numbers memorized. No you're right, I should just know their numbers by heart! If I had known I was suddenly going to be robbed then I would have definitely made more of an effort to commit a series of numbers to memory. Hell, I would have got it tattoo'd on my arm.
Oh but wait.... tattoos are kind of expensive. Good thing I'm flush with disposable income. In fact, I had been saving up a few hundred bucks to finally get a used car rather than having to rely on the famously punctual Ottawa transit system. But now that I think of it, you're right! I should deplete my meager savings on buying a replacement phone instead! A much better investment! Thank you for doing me the holiday favour of perpetuating my poverty! Hell, I love living with the uncertainty of never knowing if I'll be able to make it to the end of the month with enough money left over to pay rent. The looming spectre of homelessness is *badass, *just like you! :)
Honestly, you did me a favour. I have been spending too much time and effort worrying about superficial luxuries like 'food' and 'maybe one day owning a new pair of jeans'. And 'medical expense for my elderly parents and soon-to-be centenarian grandmother.
Anyways, Merry Christmas to you too! Thank you for reminding me of the true meaning of Christmas - spreading misery among the people who dare to aspire to be less miserable that yourself. Looking forward to seeing you around the neighbourhood. Gimme a call sometime if you wanna hang out! ... oh wait....
submitted byMeatSwordOverlordtoottawa [link][comments]

2021.12.24 17:17 Arnoldmk1I’m struggling to move on from a girl from across the street .

So my dilemma is I met this girl back in July and she lives on the same street , literally opposite where I stay . We did a neighbourly games night and I ended up kissing her but did not sleep with her . A week later I ended up having sex with her on a Friday and she was schedule to go for a meal with her bf the next day on the Saturday. She went and ended up breaking up with him . The following week I had sex with her a couple of times but she had a date planned with another and ended up having sex with the guy which hurt me but she wasn’t my gf so I understood the position I was in . To cut a long story short we ended up sleeping together for the next 5 months and during that time we made a verbal contract to always tell the other person if we were talking to another person or if we do anything . She then told me she went out on a work Party and got so drunk , she ended up calling the other who lives on the same street . She then ended up falling asleep and he slept on the bed and she told me about all this which also hurt me at the time .I respected her for this and About a month and half ago I ended up having sex with one of my house mates friend which I her about told 3 days ago but now everything has changed . She said it didn’t bother her when I told her but now she doesn’t even reply to me and 2 days I told her she went on a date and has been ghosting me and gone completely cold.
My question is , should I pursue things with this girl or just accept defeat and try move on because i definitely have caught feelings and so hurt at the moment. Also despite the fact that the sex was amazing for the 5 months and had a great connection , I struggled to try to process the thought of having her as my gf because of how i got with her in the beginning.
submitted byArnoldmk1torelationship_advice [link][comments]

2021.12.24 17:15 thespacecowboyyWhat advice would you give to people who left Christianity but pretend to be Christian around others?

Yo, so I'm pretty much an agnostic now after being slightly skeptic for so long. It took many viewings of online debates, trying to pray and reading arguments since late 2020 to make myself finally lose belief in the Bible.
My family is super religious and some of my friends are a mix of atheists, Christians and Muslims. Since I'm a closet agnostic, it's going to be extremely annoying to put on an act 24/7 that I believe. Coming out as agnostic would cause some annoying problems such as maybe debating with pastors. Also finding a girlfriend would be a problem because of the yolked Bible verse where I can only date a Christian. It would probably be better finding a closet agnostic.
I read on old comment on this subreddit of this old man who pretty much remained a closet atheist since he was pretty much my age (19). What advice would you give for someone like me? Would it be better just pretending? I'll definitely have more freedom when I live on my own I guess.
submitted bythespacecowboyytoatheism [link][comments]Free

2021.12.24 17:06 marcoxnt93[H] Games [W] Offers
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Doom Eternal Bethesda Key
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Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
DMC:Devil May Cry
Dragon Age Origins
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TRINE 2 Complete Story
TRINE 3 The Artifacts of Power
Tracks - The Train Set Game
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WARHAMMER 40,000: Gladius- Relics of War
Warhammer 40000 : Mechanicus
X-com 2
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 3 Remastered

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Armello x 3
Band of Defenders
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Spandex Force: Champion Rising
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The Adventure Pals x 3
The Deed: Dynasty
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
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The Uncertain - The Last Quiet Day
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submitted bymarcoxnt93toindiegameswap [link][comments]

2021.12.24 17:04 marcoxnt93[H] Games [W] Offers

Arma 3
Crash Bandicoot Nsane trilogy
Doom Eternal Bethesda Key
Hand Of Fate 2
Two Point Hospital

Borderlands 2 VR
borderlands Game of the year enhanced Edition
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection EU
Darksiders III
Darksiders genesis
Dirt Rally 2.0 + 3 DLC
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
DMC:Devil May Cry
Dragon Age Origins
Duck Game x 2
Endless Space 2 – Deluxe Edition
Euro truck simulator 2
F1 2019 Anniversary Edition
Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved Mystery
Genital Jousting
Grid ultimate edition
Golf With Friends
guild wars nightfall
Hitman 2 Gold Edition
Hitman Absolution
Jurassic World Evolution + DLC x 2
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Second Extinction
Kingdom Rush
Kerbal Space Program
Legend Of Grimrock
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
My Time At Portia
Neon Abyss x 2
Outlast 2
Outward US x 2
Overcooked 2 + Surf and Turf + Too Many Cooks
Portal Knights
Pro cycling manager 2019
Project CARS 2 + Japanese Cars Bonus Pack
Project Cars 3
Risen 2 Gold Edition
Sairento VR
Summer in Mara
Tales of Zestiria
Team Sonic Racing
Tekken 7
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion GOTY
The Division + DLC US
The Surge
TRINE 2 Complete Story
TRINE 3 The Artifacts of Power
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Ultimate Chicken Horse
WARHAMMER 40,000: Gladius- Relics of War
Warhammer 40000 : Mechanicus
X-com 2
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 3 Remastered

American Truck Simulator
Armello x 3
Band of Defenders
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Beyond Blue
BioShock Remastered
Blacksad Under The Skin
Book of Demons
Choice Chamber
Chess Ultra
Cities skylines
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Degrees of Separation
Deus Ex Mankind Divined
Drake Hollow
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project
Espire VR
Europa Universalis IV
eXperience 112
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
FTL: Advanced Edition
For The King
Gato Roboto
Ghost of a Tale
Graveyard Keeper
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2021.12.24 16:52 Darchailect'Yes Jon There is a Hell' Part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This is a remixed version of an original story about an eldritch cat (which was not written by me)
“Yes, Jolonah, There is a Hell” by Darren Ryding (2008)
(44 pages)
From the Orion’s Arm universe Project
You should absolutely read the original later, as well as other stories by the author (which are quite good and not as disturbing).
I altered this story to be about Eldritch Garfield purely by changing or replacing the pronouns and names, and a few descriptions, just to see if it worked.
Part IV: The Gallery
The cat in the deserted alley was not the same as the one he remembered from his youth; though similarly plump, this one had flame-textured fur of orange and black. That meant little to Jon, for all that mattered was the cat's pain. He hated it, he hated its stare, its smug judgmental stare like all the other stupid fucking cats that stared at him within a day of each of his recreational killings, as if it knew what he had done, as if it knew what he was thinking, as if the dumb creature had the cognitive abilities to actually judge him, the audacity to mock him silently behind that sickly green gaze. He hated the attention, he hated the humiliation, he hated the silent persecution these useless furry mutes delivered, and it was time to get even. He would teach this petulant feline to dare to judge a stronger, superior being; to judge activities and pleasures it could not possibly comprehend. He reached one hand into his jacket and touched the cold steel of his scalpel, preparing to take back what was his, preparing to take back the power and dignity these evil felines kept stealing from him through their demonic eyes.
Besides, the stupid thing was reassuringly small enough to overcome.
Slowly and silently, he approached the still and seated cat.
The cat got on all fours and approached him, equally slow, equally silent ... until it let out a soft 'meow', as if in greeting, or requesting to be stroked.
Jon chuckled lightly, amused by the feline's misplaced trust. This was going to be easy. Too easy.
Predator and prey continued to approach each other, the gap between them closing until Jon could make out the lamplit beads of moisture on the cat's nose and whiskers, the bloodstains under its chin, his own reflection in its dark narrow pupils...
Something was wrong ... he should not have been able to see the cat's face in so much microscopic detail; not at this distance.
Then he realized that he was the size of an ant, and the cat was as massive as a mountain. Eyes wide and bright with fury, it opened its fanged mouth again, emitting a thunderous moan of hunger as millions writhed and squirmed in the fiery red lining of its endless throat...
Jon screamed and thrashed in his bed, then recoiled at the presence of another huge feline face. This one had grey and white stripes, and seemed to chuckle at him through rhythmic growling snorts.
'More bad dreams?' said Nermal . 'I hope they are preparing you for what awaits.'
Jon felt his entire bed lower and sway, then realized that he was not in a bed at all, but being carried in the muscled grey cat's massively powerful arms. He looked up and around, noticing that he and the crew were inside a huge cave suffused with a dim, red glow.
'Where are we?' he enquired.
'Close to the end,' said Nermal, standing before him. 'We thought we should take you for a little walk through His Majesty's Infernal Gallery, so that you'll have a faint impression of what you're in for.'
The cave tilted, and Jon's feet hit the floor with an unceremonious thud. He gave a soft hiss of discomfort as his ankles absorbed the impact.
'So, that hurt you, did it?' said Nermal . 'I don't think you're ready.'
'Enough taunting, Nermal,' said Arlene. 'This is the final hour of pleasure he's ever going to have.'
Jon felt the solid pressure of Nermal 's giant hand-paw gently gripping his upper arm. He could not understand why he still needed to be restrained in such a way, considering that Arlene, Odie and Nermal still carried their rifles.
Suddenly, Jon felt a tremor under his feet.
'Did you feel that?' Nermal gasped.
Most of the crew nodded nervously - a surprising reaction from such a tough bunch.
'He knows,' said Nermal , glancing at Jon.
'Who is he?' Jon rapidly enquired.
All refused to answer as Jon was ushered deeper into the cave.
Up ahead, above an entrance to another cavern, was a darkly toned picture large enough to cover a mansion - the strangest picture Jon had ever seen. A group of terrified, naked humans were falling into the maw of a huge and ravenous monster. Fire and smoke billowed from the creature's mouth and nostrils, roasting the victims within. Above floated what had to be a particularly hideous beast-head - bat-winged, lizard-legged, furred and horned, with a bulbous stare that was gleeful in its cruelty. On its belly was an equally hideous, scowling human face. Jon recalled Nermal 's ability to carry a man in her belly; but this second face was grotesquely out of proportion, being larger than the face on the head. Above this vile creature floated what appeared to be a long flag fluttering in the breeze - or, more likely, a scroll with strange writing.
'This is a reproduction of one of Earth's oldest known artworks,' said Odie. 'The original probably did not survive the Terrible Mondays; but by then almost all artworks had been stored electronically, even amateur ones. This one, of course, is far from amateurish. It dates more than a thousand years before the swarms, when even printing machines were rare novelties. The scroll above the demon features lettering in an ancient language. Roughly translated, it says 'There is no redemption from hell'. The picture was inspired by one of baseline humanity's greatest works of literature; the rather ironically entitled Divine Comedy by the great religious scholar Dante Alighieri. By describing Hell in such a graphically detailed fashion, Dante created a meme that would reshape the religion his own people had already been practicing for centuries.'
The group walked under the grotesque image and into a long hallway lined with many more grotesque images. To his left and right, Jon gawked in disbelief at paintings and drawings of hideous monstrosities and abject suffering. Several depicted people chained to rocks as they were assailed by fiery rain, while other victims were either crushed or swallowed by huge serpents. One showed a huge scaly demon holding human victims in both its mouths - the one on its face and the one on its belly. The paintings by the artist called 'Bosch' were a frenzy of strange and colorful creatures administering equally strange torments and disfigurements upon their pitiful human victims.
All the way, Odie explained the content of each picture, displaying knowledge that was surely the mark of extensive and passionate research. Jon himself shuffled and stared numbly, unable to connect such insane imagery with the reality of his present situation. This surely had to be some insidious psychological tactic designed to maximize his fear and break his spirit, not unlike that employed by the Tylansian government when dealing with political subversives and radicals. One thing was certain: the artists of Old Earth displayed a level of creativity, a brazen sweep of explosive expression, which was rarely seen in the history of his own planet.
The ground shook three times during the tour of the gallery, each tremor a little stronger than the last.
'And now we come to the second part of the Gallery,' said the Chaplain as the group crossed an open hallway into a second narrow gallery. Here, the colors were even more vivid in their almost uniform reds and purples. Some of them moved.
Jon averted his gaze from the walls and pretended to show intense interest in the barren stone floor. He did not want to look at the new pictures. They were too real, too alive, whatever they were. He tried not to think about what he had barely glimpsed in those pictures.
Suddenly, his head felt as if it was being held in a cushioned vice. 'Look,' said Nermal as her furred thumb and index finger jerked Jon's head upwards to face the wall. 'Open your eyes, or else I'll open them for you,' added the muscled grey cat.
Trembling all over, Jon slowly opened his eyes and beheld the rich textures and hues of the life-sized picture before him...
... a strangely beautiful young man, his skin a golden tan, his curly hair and mustache a gleaming black, affectionately holding a plump, short-haired cat close to his body. A brilliant halo of love seemed to surround the embracing pair.
The cat was orange and black - exactly the same as the cat in Jon's last nightmare.
'This is where the story begins,' said Odie. 'With the beautiful, hungry orange Cat, so loved and protected by his owner, Lyman, so loyal and affectionate in return. If ever the bond between pet and master reached a pitch of almost divine beauty, it was between the pair you see before you.
'Nearly five thousand years ago, a ship of prisoners came to this planet. It had hitched a ride inside a much larger, more advanced starship that was able to travel close to the speed of light. As the greater starship re-accelerated outward to its distant destination, the prison ship went into orbit around the world whose surface we now walk beneath; then a lifeless world with an adequate atmosphere, despite the excess of carbon dioxide.
'Some time during the rotating ship's long orbit, while machines far below were preparing accommodation for the prisoners and their supervisors, the Cat wandered the ship's corridors alone, for his owner and the rest of the staff had been distracted by mysterious power surges. And on that terrible day, one man, one prisoner, took advantage of the chaos in order to fulfill his most repulsive act of revenge.'
The group moved on to the next picture; that of a large man with a shaven head and a lifeless stare.
'That prisoner - who henceforth became known only as the Primordial Sacrifice, for the fate that was soon to befall him was so hideous that none dare speak his name -, was the most cruel, most cowardly, most irredeemably evil murderer on the entire ship, for his many victims were exclusively the most innocent, the most defenseless, the youngest.'
All eyes turned to Jon, all filled with knowing disgust.
'He had to be separated from the other prisoners for his own safety,' added Arlene.
'The Cat's owner was not a cruel person,' Odie continued, 'but he did not suffer fools gladly, and he was fond of questioning the Sacrifice's manhood, courage and intellectual integrity. The Sacrifice, his pride hurt by the female guard's most casual remarks, had been fantasizing his vengeance ever since emerging from hibernation, and had decided to hurt the cat in the worst way imaginable. Thus he lured the Cat into a trap of his devising.'
Odie sighed deeply, and his crewmates watched him with something approaching sorrow. If Jon did not know the rest of the story, it was obvious that they did, and sympathized with their Chaplain for carrying the burden of such a heavy tale.
'I told you, Jon, that this man was cruel even by the low standards of that ship. However, there is nothing I could say that could shock you, for there is nothing that this man did that exceeded your own acts of inexcusable cruelty. That being said, what this pathetic excuse for a man did to that innocent animal defied the most warped imagination of even the other murderers that distantly neighbored his cell. After the guard's beloved pet was found - barely alive, no longer recognizable - all prisoners and many guards renewed their hatred for the coward, renewed their desire to slaughter him in slow and gruesome ways.
'Unless I am mistaken,' said Odie, 'your first victim was a cat, was it not?'
Jon nodded numbly. Uncomfortably close, Nermal flexed her claws tensely before Arlene shot her a reproving glance.
'There are many parallels,' said Odie, 'between the vile acts of the Primordial Sacrifice and the vile acts of your own youth. The similarities are as remarkable as they are appalling.'
'Odie already mentioned that the Cat was full at the time,' said Nermal , focusing on Jon as if deciding which organs to rip out. 'He had been close to full. With the internal injuries he had sustained, there was nothing they could do to save the cat.'
'Sadly true,' added Odie. 'Yet, though close to death, the Cat Himself could still be saved, at least in theory. The owner was so desperate to save his beloved pet that he scrambled for the most advanced medicine he could find. Unfortunately, what he sought was so advanced that it was not categorized as medicine by his kind.
'You see, the prison ship carried a mysterious gift called a 'godseed'. It was a gift from the same beings that had carried them all that way. None of the crew understood what this godseed was capable of, nor its true purpose. Yet the angelic beings that helped carry the smaller ship had ensured the crew that the seed must be planted in their time of need. That time of need was expressed in a poetic riddle passed down from one generation to the other to this day:
'Plant the seed for love that's risked
In time of direst hate.
Plant the seed in purest rage
For healing of a mate.
Plant the seed when chances lost
Lead only one path out.
Plant the seed in innocence
And watch the Angel sprout.
'The owner could not resist temptation, for to him it was so clear that the riddle was for him and his beloved pet. Without hesitation, he inserted the godseed into the body of the unconscious orange cat.'
The Chaplain inhaled, his breath trembling, as if afraid to continue the tale.
'No mortal among us truly understands what happened on that darkest of nights. No one truly understands why it happened. Oh, we have theories. We have tales passed on from generation to generation. We have physical evidence. We even have great words of mind and feeling from Garfield Himself. Perhaps all the stars were wrong, so horribly wrong, at that moment. Perhaps the Great Lord was distracted, and averted His attention from His creation at that moment. But there was no doubt that, on that darkest of moments, the powers that were saw fit to eschew all order, all sanity, and let something truly monstrous come into being.'
Jon was ushered on to the next picture, and this time he definitely did not want to look.
'Keep your eyes open!' snarled Nermal as Jon's head was raised by gentle furry pressure under his chin.
At the sight before him, Jon let out a whimper.
The creature in the picture was not recognizable as a feline. It was not recognizable as any conceivable living creature. It was a congealed mass of thrown-away scraps. It was a skinless obscenity that filled an entire room; a nightmarish cluster of eyes and drooling mouths, all numbering in the dozens, no two of them the same size or shape or angle. How many limbs did this hideous thing have? Eight? Nine? It was impossible to determine where it began and where it ended. Did it crawl on the floor, or the walls, or the ceiling? Did all eyed and mouthed limbs have to touch every edge of the room like a spiderweb of thick raw muscle?
No, this had to be a myth. This could never have lived. Jon refused to live in a universe where something like this could ever come to life.
'The godseed did far, far more than merely repair and replace lost tissue,' continued Odie. 'It created new tissue ... masses and masses of it. New bone, new muscle, new organs, new glands, far beyond anything that was necessary in a creature of flesh and blood.'
'All lifeless carbon in the operating theatre was absorbed into his new body. Organs copied and multiplied, distorted in form, randomized in position. Miraculously, all bystanders were unharmed, and had plenty of time to escape the medical lab and close off the area; though temporary this plan turned out to be.
'Yet of all the cells that multiplied, we now know that it was the proliferation of new neurons that had the most profound effect, for the creature - inconceivably - seemed able to control his own transformation. He became vastly more intelligent than any of the humans on board the vessel; even more than the ship's controlling computer. He had breached what we call the first singularity of consciousness, and entered the realm of the truly superhuman. Yet His intelligence was not of order, but of chaos. He had become an animin - an angel of chaos -; and was driven by a single goal that, as alien as it was, was soon to become all too horribly obvious.
'As I have told you, the hideously transformed Cat did not harm any bystanders. The staff and most of the prisoners were safe, as traumatized as they were by his mere appearance, the chorus of hideous howls from his dozens of malformed throats. He most definitely did not harm his former owner, and indeed later turned out to be rather protective of him; for, as tremendously he had transformed, some solid remnant of that loving bond remained.
'No; there was only one person on board that ship that he wanted. And no barrier, no matter how solid, could withstand his insatiable lust for him.'
A tremor rattled Jon's body as the riddle became terribly clear. 'The ... the prisoner who abused him?' he said weakly.
Odie nodded, and ushered the group onto the next picture. Jon wished that he could feel relieved that the monster was not in it. Unfortunately, what it did depict offered no comfort. The prisoner known as the Primordial Sacrifice was huddled in the corner of his padded cell, the look of absolute terror on his face shockingly familiar to Jon.
He had seen that look on his own victims.
'The Cat Garfield was able to secrete a corrosive fluid from many of his mouths,' explained Odie. 'An acid venom, dark and potent. The superstrong alloy of the ship's walls was no barrier to him. They melted before his regurgitations like ice before boiling lava. Yet he was careful not to damage the ship's outer hull. he meant no harm to the innocent. he had redesigned his own body for only one purpose - to reunite himself with his torturer, forever.
'At that moment, the poor Primordial Sacrifice was the most unfortunate, most pitiful creature that ever lived. He was still sporting the bruises inflicted by outraged prison guards when they had discovered what he had done to the Cat, Garfield. And now, he was going to suffer a fate infinitely worse. He could hear the infernal choir of demonic feline screeches through the air conditioning vents. He could hear the hellish hiss and bubble of the walls beyond corroding under the hot lust of the chaotic angel's venom blood. He thrashed and wept and wailed in his straightjacket, hurling his head violently but harmlessly against the cushioned walls. He so desperately, desperately wanted to die. For he knew, at that very moment, that he was going to suffer more horribly than any living creature had ever suffered in the history of the universe. He knew, beyond all comfort sought in doubt, that there was a Hell, there was a Devil, and he was hopelessly, irrevocably damned.'
Nermal picked up the trembling, wriggling Jon and carried him to the next picture.
'I don't want to look. I don't want to look.'
'You dare shut your eyelids again I shall tear them off!'
Jon's fear of Nermal won over his fear of looking at the next picture, but that offered him no comfort as he gazed upon the most horrific scene he had ever witnessed. Too afraid to close his eyes, Jon stood there in the grip of the muscled grey cat's mighty paws and wept with terror.
There was the Cat monster again, oozing his meaty bulk through the jagged hole in the cell wall. All of Garfield’s eyes were focused upon some shapeless, twisted form in the grip of several of his limbs, under dozens of thickly drooling mouths that grinned with malicious hunger. The thing he held looked as if it could have been his own offspring, for there was a superficial resemblance - skinless, shapeless, erupting with eyes and screaming mouths. Bubbling gashes were open in the parts of its body under the dripping mouths, exposing ruined layers of tissue beneath.
Jon did not want to speculate what that wretched thing was, what it might have been. There was no way, no way, no way, that thing could have possibly ever been human.
'The two,' said Odie, 'once victim and torturer, now predator and prey, were united; and in that First Embrace the first true Damnation began.
'The Cat Garfield injected his wretched victim with the septic nanotech that now flowed through his blood. Garfield split and multiplied his prey’s nerves so that he would feel new levels of pain, more exquisitely than natural evolution would ever allow. He corroded his extremities with acid venom. He turned him inside out over and over again. He distorted and scrambled his biology in a thousand different ways. He liquefied his bones so that he flopped and squirmed like a slug. He grew noses and anuses all over his body so that he would sniff nothing but his own bloody diarrhea. He gave him new mouths to scream with, new eyes to watch his own disfigurement. Again and again He would remold his body like clay. But He would never let him die. He would never let him rest. He had granted him a full and grievous immortality. For when He had been mortal, the man had spoken to Garfield in the Language of Pain. Now a minor god, Garfield replied to him in the Language of Pain, with an eloquence and poetry that us mere mortals shall thankfully never know.
'Yet, in the orgasmic throes of his lust, merely holding the wretch outside his body was not enough. Garfield had to keep him, own him, carry him; let not a single nanosecond of his relief sully the eternal, infinitely intense bond of their unholy matrimony. Thus he opened his belly wide and thrust him into its hot red lining, sealing him forever from the liberation of death. For, as the murderer of the Cat, the once-human Primordial Sacrifice now unwillingly replaced with his body and soul what he had stolen from Garfield. Deep, deep inside him, the man's writhings of agony were Garfield’s new joy, and he sang his lust through a chorus of a hundred throats.'
By now, Jon was too weak, too limp to offer any resistance when they ushered him on to the next picture. The Cat Monster was standing in the centre of a dark, multi-ribbed enclosure, surrounded by fearfully reverent humans.
'Centuries passed, and for a long time not one more mortal would suffer even an infinitesimal fraction of what the Primordial Sacrifice continued to suffer in the belly of Garfield . On the surface of the new world, the descendents of the guards and prisoners built a civilization around the reverence of their Master, built a temple in his honor. He fed only upon the planet itself, slowly expanding to mountainous proportions. No longer a common animin, He became an animin power, and relished the next level of cosmic wisdom almost as much as He relished the continual agony and misery of His eternal prey that was the Primordial Sacrifice.'
The next picture was of a conical mountain of mouths and eyeballs. A tentacle reached out to grasp a pathetic human figure.
'Yet, after a thousand years, the time would come when, once again, Garfield would need sinners to feed upon.
'In his frenzied and chaotic wisdom, he imparted upon his human subjects the secrets of superior technology, of faster and more efficient star travel. For it was their lifelong duty to go out among the stars and collect the cruel, the sadistic, the unrepentant, and deliver them unto HIM for his eternal pleasure.
'In later centuries, it became apparent that Garfield’s hunger won approval from a handful of even greater powers. One star god who shall not be named arranged the construction of several wormholes in key systems to allow for swifter collection of the wicked.
'From star to star, from world to world, from wormhole to wormhole, in places where crime and cruelty were still common, His minions would search the prisons and palaces for the most evil souls, those worthy of His everlasting embrace. For He was not motivated by rage or revenge, but only constant and endless conversation in the Language of Pain, that very Language that the Primordial Sacrifice had taught Him when He had been small and mortal and vulnerable. He believed that those who took the most pleasure in inflicting pain must surely take the most pleasure in receiving pain. Of course, the cruelest mortals being cowards, this was not the case; but it mattered not to Him. Whatever pain they gave the living, He would return a trillionfold, a trillion trillionfold, infinityfold - for the pain He offered was truly without measure, without interval, without end. For predator and prey shared the Language of Pain, and in that unholy Language His victims shall shriek throughout eternity the chorus of the damned.'
'And you are about to join them,' said Nermal. 'His imps have been watching you in disguise for the past few years.'
'Did you not notice how cats would stare at you within a day of one of your disgusting acts?' said Nermal. 'They were the Garfield’s remotes in disguise; transported to your world through His portion of the Wormhole Nexus, transmitting their reports back to Him through the same network. They were judging your acts, measuring the pleasure that you derived from them, and determining the severity of your damnation.'
'All too true,' added Nermal . 'When a cat stares at you with that focusing gaze, he is already planning your fate. Which circle of Hell do you belong? Seventh circle? Eighth? That has been the way for thousands of years.'
'And for thousands of years the agony of the damned was His Majesty's primary source of pleasure,' the Chaplain continued, 'but it was not His primary source of nourishment. His consumption of the atmosphere gradually added to His bulk, while the heat of the sun above and the molten rock beneath provided the energy to convert the elements of the sky itself into a continent of flesh. Of His many titles, one of them is Eater of the Sky. He devoured Heaven to fatten Hell. Now, there is no air above the ground; only below. In His mercy, he allowed his servants to breathe and continue her bidding.'
The group moved on to a floating hologram of a strangely textured planet - smooth and dark as a sphere of black stone. The crust facing the group turned translucent. While the molten magma beneath was visible in parts, something red and shapeless blotted out much of its fiery glow, like an ulcer beneath the skin of the planet. Given the scale of the hologram, the thing must have been hundreds of kilometers wide. Hundreds of roots extended from its base down into the translucent magma. A fine film of red mist floated above the surface of the shape, slowly swirling like a bloody soap bubble.
As Nermal gently nudged Jon forward to allow him a closer appraisal of the hologram, Jon noticed that the shapeless thing was covered in thousands of tiny eyes. Equally numerous spiracles opened and dilated with rhythmic slowness, mostly no larger than pores upon human skin.
Beneath his feet, the cave floor shook again.
'No,' said Jon. 'This thing could never live. It's not possible.'
Odie ignored him as a transparent lens floated over the surface of the planet.
'His roots now extend throughout the entire planetary crust,' said the Chaplain. 'The surface only harbors one species of life, and that is Garfield Herself; or, more precisely, the leafy extrusions of his body that drink nothing but sunlight.'
Through the lens, Jon saw a thick and tangled forest of pitch black, spidery foliage, with monstrous leaves like dark batwings.
The lens moved over the shapeless mass, and Jon's entire body shuddered as he glimpsed huge eyes staring directly at him. It settled over the largest spiracle in the centre of the mass, which opened and magnified into a deep, nine-ringed throat of sickly redness. The throat's inner lining constantly shimmered, as if from millions of constant, microscopic motions.
Jon recognized it instantly. He scrunched his eyes shut as tight as possible. 'Why are you showing me this!' he cried. 'It's not real. It's not real.'
'Open your eyes!' bellowed the muscled grey cat, shaking Jon as if he was not already shaking enough.
Before his petrified gaze, the lens was expanding, while the image underneath grew at a much faster rate. The wriggling motions on the throat's upper ring became discernible as distinct, separate forms.
Buried up to their waists in boiling, bubbling red meat, thousands of living beings writhed and thrashed. Many of them were recognizably human, all sporting huge red sores.
'Hell is the part of Garfield's body where he keeps His precious victims,' Odie said matter-of-factly. 'It is divided into nine levels. The first level is for sinners who committed only one atrocious act in their lives without remorse. They suffer nothing worse than burns, boils and blisters.'
'I don't think he's going there,' said Nermal.
'On the second level,' continued Odie, 'the damned suffer necrosis. On the third, constant digestion of the flesh.'
Jon averted his gaze long enough to glimpse Nermal shaking her head at Odie, before Nermal forced him to face the horrid hologram.
'The lower levels,' said Odie, 'is where Her Majesty's use of nanotech destruction and reconstruction reaches frightening levels of creative genius. Torment becomes both physical and psychological.'
The lens zoomed in on some individuals whose torment beggared belief. One skinless man, almost indistinguishable from the bubbling thick stew all around him, rose to the waist out of the squelching muck and raised his arm to the misty red sky above. His arm suddenly transformed into a serpent, turned on him and engulfed his entire face, its fangs neatly penetrating his eye sockets. On a nearby bony outgrowth, a half-eaten figure stumbled around awkwardly on jagged bony stumps where feet should have been, constantly being chased and nibbled by dozens of swiftly swarming spider-like creatures. Another thrashed around in terror and revulsion, desperate to escape his own body as hideous faces opened up in his wounds and laughed at him. A fourth watched helplessly as every space of his own flesh erupted with wriggling white worms as fat as thumbs.
'The deeper the level, the deeper the torments,' said Odie.
'For ... how long?'
submitted byDarchailecttoJonLore [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:36 Dry_Relationship8508Her words and actions don't match

Hey reddit,
I (22m) met a girl on Tinder a few months ago (21F), and we've been on a first date (we never called it that) about two weeks after that.
A normal coffee date that went through well, we didn't kiss but it was quite successful we've both enjoyed ourselves.
We didn't meet a second time since, as she underwent a pretty serious surgery with a long recovery time. During this time (about three months) we have been speaking daily. I usually initiate the conversations but she responds well and we're sharing our everyday lives with each other and discussing all sorts of things.
We've talked about our status multiple times as it became really unclear to me, and she responded with the same answer every time: 'I'm currently not ready for a relationship as I have lots of stuff to do (work and studies) but I'm not ruling that (being with me) option out'.
That made me assume she wasn't interested in me romantically, but she was in a pretty tough situation and seemed to appreciate my attention and I enjoyed talking to her too, so I went along with it and continued texting her. We did speak on the phone every week or so too. Sometimes multiple times per day if she was having a bad time.
She's been kinda okay the last month, and returned to work slowly. We kept talking a lot but didn't meet again as we also live a couple hours apart and she's kinda busy all the time.
At this point I wasn't expecting much to come out of my relationship with her as nothing major happened. About two weeks ago something did: she completely cut any ties with her ex (she left him about a month before we met, she's definitely been attached to him still) and things seem to be escalating in a weird way since. We're speaking more, and usually on video as well. She also told me about speaking to her friends and family about me telling them how great of a guy I am, and how much she appreciates me and enjoys talking to me.
Future activities she wants to do (like watch a new movie) seem to be offered to me before her other friends as well.
She also started offering me to do things that you normally wouldn't do with someone you're not in a romantic relationship with, and that's where I got really confused: she wants to go on a vacation together, like, for real. She actually wants to order flight tickets and book a hotel. At the same time (and I've asked her recently) she doesn't seem to change her mind about our status and says I'm just a good friend. She even wants separate beds, lol. (Or at least she says so)
A few days ago she even offered to come to my place tomorrow, watch a movie and order some food. Obviously, that is a well known codename for sex, but I'm not sure what her intentions really are. This is the second time ever were gonna meet, and she also wants to look into the vacation together when she's here.
I'm kinda lost at this point trying to figure out what to do next. Should I try to make a move while she's here? Is that expected in our situation? I feel like I'm either in a super deep friendzone or that the tides are changing and she actually wants to date me now.
How would you go about a situation like that? I don't wanna ruin my chances of dating her if that's where we're headed, but I definitely don't plan going on a vacation with her if we're not in a romantic relationship. That'll weird as hell.
I need a plan for tomorrow (; Thanks everyone!
submitted byDry_Relationship8508todating [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:36 SilverBerserkerjust moving on now (WARNING: LONGBOI POST)

First and foremost, I'd like to say I'm sorry. One, for how mind-numbingly long this post is about to be, and two, for behaving the way I have in the past. Ladies and gentlemen... I'd like you to consider this my form of resignation from the based department. I don't know how or why it happened, but a great realization hit me recently, after a certain incident with a very recent group of friends on Discord. There's an extremely huge amount of stuff I have to cover in this post, and I honestly have no idea where to start. Basically, I am no longer an incel and will be looking toward a much brighter future. I want to detail in this post why I was the way I was and I want to pinpoint the exact moments where I had fallen down, and subsequently stood back up.

I understand that, from a lot of my post history on this site, this might seem like an outright lie, but, years ago, I was... an extremely happy, content, lovable, loving, popular person who was super-fun to be around. Now, keep in mind that I've always kept to myself for the most part irl and most of my social life was online, but I was quite content with that. In the year 2018, I joined a certain server on Discord, where I hung around for quite a long while, getting to know people, sending out a bunch of very bold friend requests (even to complete strangers lol), and in a surprisingly short amount of time, I pretty much became a pillar of their community. Pretty much everyone loved me. I was hilarious, yet down to earth and kind; loving. I offered so much insight and so much care. I truly loved everyone there. In fact, as naive as it is, one of my goals was to one day be able to bring myself to love everyone in the world - even the 'bad' people. As naive as it was, I actually did achieve that, too.

I had a certain group of friends within that server, too... Like, a much more personal, tightknit circle of actually close friendship. People seriously thought I was an amazing person. I had a ton of presence and everyone loved me. By around 2019-2020, I had over 170 friends on Discord (mostly just from that server alone). Also, as much as I've grieved on this subreddit in the past about never finding anyone to be attracted to me, ever, the truth is is that I've had three girlfriends in the past. Two of them... actually came from this said servetime period.

..........................WELL THAT WENT OUT THE WINDOW ROFLMAO XDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!

So like, in the year 2020, I started noticing a ton of shit wrong with the world. I mean, everybody did lol. This was when there a HUGELY noticeable, widespread criticism and outrage towards racism, capitalism, and alllll kinds of horrible worldly issues. My depression was... already being challenged in its own unique way at the time. I noticed that a lot of my friends were becoming so much less responsive towards me. Most of my posts ended up getting completely ignored. A lot of my humor, which used to be so very well-received, was barely landing with anybody anymore. I confronted them about these issues time and again, only for them to tell me they were 'busy'. Busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy, it was like, THE in thing at the time. I personally had found it every bit suspicious that this whole entire group of so many people was collectively way too busy to talk to me -- BUT!!!! -- they were NEVER 'too busy' to talk to anybody else. They were always online and available, I could sometimes see them responding to somebody else's post after I had sent them something that they completely ignored... etc. And you have nooo idea how hard of a sinking feeling I had every time this happened to me. I wondered and wondered and wondered what I said wrong. It was like a gamble of whether or not I'd win the lottery of these people who used to have so much fun with me ACTUALLY RESPONDING TO ME

So many of them who used to be sooooo much nicer and more enthused with me suddenly became so cold and... uh, cold, towards me.

I knew I was losing every last drop of charisma I'd ever had. Even worse, I was losing all of these friends and to this day, I still have no clue why. I was devastated. My depression grew worse.

...and then I got into politics. Great combo rite? I might as well have mixed lemon juice with shredded glass and served myself a nice cocktail

The thing is, these friends meant the literal world to me. It cannot be understated how much I wanted things to go back to the way they were, and how heartbroken I was when all I could do was lay in bed, too depressed to get up, wondering what I did to drive everyone away like this.

In addition, I had disowned half of my family because I was becoming increasingly less tolerant of how they viewed me as a person. My grandpa's side of the family is an ultra-conservative type who I just knew looked down on me because I was so completely different from them. I never had a job, I don't drive, I dropped out of college twice, and I look like a woman. A sharp contrast to my cousins on this side who were raised by a man who was in the military, raised to be 'real men', in every way both good and toxic lol. They were all hard-working, very conservative, some were married like pretty much after high school and immediately joined the military and shit too. Yet here I am still, even now, 27 years old with nothing to show for it. They must look at me like I'm the scum of the earth. I disowned them with my own huge amount of angry words for them.

And yes, with the ongoing flamewars about the evils of capitalism, I was one of the many who had finally come to realize what was going on with it all and I became extremely outraged like the rest of the people, arguing about it on Twitter. I was extremely hurt and angry for the amount of people in this world who were already rich and well-off yet continued to exploit millions of poor, starving, and dying people with absolutely no remorse whatsoever. I was sickened and enraged about the racism, the ever-increasing releases and recalling of certain police brutality cases...

And on a much more personal level, I was hurt beyond words that I was losing the most precious friends I'd ever had. I would've taken a bullet for these people, but for some reason, I was being treated like a cockroach by them, and I don't know why. Nobody ever told me straight-up. What the hell was I doing wrong?! Even to this day, I still wonder. Yes, it's literally been almost two years and I'm still not completely over it yet (although, now, I am a lot better about it and only dwell on it sometimes... but that's for later). I was so devastated that it was the actual most I had ever wanted to end myself in my entire life.

I had always had suicidal thoughts that would spring up every now and again, but because of what had happened between myself and my friends, it had gotten to the point that I would literally fantasize about my own death almost every. single. day. This went on for almost half a year, too. And one night in particular, it was so bad it's an actual miracle I'm still alive today.

It was the worst bout of suicidal thoughts I'd ever had. Normally, whenever I have thoughts like that, I am much too scared to do it and/or I can talk myself out of it by realizing how much more there was to life, how big of a mistake it would be, etc.

but on this particular night, it was literally so bad that none of those things could've stopped me. I had a plan... I would go into my grandfather's room, sneak a gun out of there, and end my life. However, the one thing that still managed to stop me was that I was genuinely so depressed that I was too lazy to get out of bed. I could barely even move a muscle. If I had something there, right next to me, I thought, I would be able to do it without any hesitation whatsoever this time.

That is how miserable I was. The only reason I'm still here today is because I was too lazy, from depression, to get out of bed and there was nothing immediately beside me to do anything with

That said, however, I DID have a few friends left over who stuck with me and were on my side... and one of them, actually, was also my (third) girlfriend at that point

Eventually, I lost most of them. I have like three friends from that server still interacting with me today. The others eventually decided they'd follow suit with the other people who abandoned me and yes, I never got an explanation from them, either. One of them outright blocked me for genuinely no good reason.

By the way, remember when I said I had over 170 friends? Well, in those few short months where all of this downfall took place, I was soon reduced to about 20 (and even then, only a few of them really talked to me or were more than acquaintances).

About my girlfriend at the time... she was extremely supportive and loving to me. I was seriously madly in love with her. Now, to this day, I'm not really sure if I was being lovebombed or not, but honestly I still blame her for half of the downfall of our relationship as well. At the time, even with how horribly angry and depressed I was, she was there for me and I felt like she truly loved me with all her heart. She lives all the way across the world, though, so I had to save up a lot of money in the hopes of someday seeing her.

Thing is, she also started to become very cold and distant to me. I... handled it badly. REALLY REALLY BADLY. First off... I became an incel during the relationship. Perfect timing~

The story of how this happened is actually kinda funny... I'm a writer and I have a character in my main series I'm working on who, I decided for shits and giggles, I would make an incel. thing is, I never had the intention of making him a full-blown caricature or strawman, because I knew not all incels were horrible people or whatever, even then. And I was even guilty of making fun of incels in the past myself.

So, to kind of 'study up' on typical incel behavior, mannerisms, etc.... I browsed incels without hate lmfao

it was all fun and games until I slowly started scrolling through and realizing 'oh shit.............. THEY MIGHT HAVE A POINT!'

I was still in denial at the time, but looking back, yes, I think I can safely say that, even in my happiest times, I was actually an incel in denial.

I started to resent my girlfriend and really started suspecting shit was up. Now like I said, I don't think I was wrong that she was basically following suit with all the other people who were suddenly starting to hate me, but I DEFINITELY did not make matters any better.

In the end, I lost her, and after breaking up, I... honestly, I sent her a huge wall of actually horrible and disgusting, insulting shit that the 'good', stable me would've never dreamed of doing. It was the most horrible shit I had ever said to anybody on Discord in my entire six years of being on that site. Looking back, I am not the least bit proud of it and sometimes still wish for an opportunity to sincerely apologize to her or take it all back, or something. But at the same time, it seriously was how I truly felt at that point in time.

Actually, I have never been anything but completely open and honest with everyone on that site. Even now, I can take pride in saying that, and meaning it. But obviously, the fact that I was not perfect myself had consequences. In retrospect, I understand this completely.

But at that time, I finally tried moving onto a different server and I was just in no fit state to be interacting with pretty much anybody. I probably was the most pissed off person on that entire site for the next year or so lol. I tried and tried to make new friends, but I was still just so goddamn angry and I slowly started realizing that I was not going to find anyone anywhere near as loving, fun, and accepting as the people I had lost. In addition to this, it seemed like no matter where I went, I was always running into asshole. after asshole. after asshole. after asshole. AFTER ASSHOLE AFTER ASSHOLE AFTER ASSHOLE.

Every time I ever tried to joke around, people took it wrong and were extremely rude to me about it, calling me unfunny and acting all pissy about it and stuff, when before, I used to be able to have so many people in stitches. I was hurt and soooo tired of the snark. Whenever I complained about anything, people responded to me with snark. Snarky prick after snarky prick. snark snark snark snark snark.

I ended up having to leave over nine servers in the span of one year because of how insufferable most of the people I was running into were.

What I didn't realize until just a little while ago... was how absolutely insufferable I'd become.

It's true, I admit it. I took offense at so many little things. I gained a persecution complex, because I couldn't let ANYTHING go. Old me used to be able to let things slide, brush the rude and snarky comments off easily... but after everything, i just couldn't. I felt the irresistable urge to always have to 'stand up for myself', or else I would always be seen as the butt of the joke or some shit. I got super-butthurt whenever I tried to be funny and people responded with shit like 'not funny didn't laugh'. I guess it's because I've always wanted so much to be the cool popular funny person again and never to be that boring guy who's 'just there'... in fact, i always tried as hard as I could to not be some background character. I realized recently that I was trying so hard to stand out because I craved what I had with my old friends. I wanted so badly to have my status back that I was too impatient to let things progress naturally.

I tried way too hard to stand out and try to impress people.

I think what I'm trying to say is that, I was completely wrecked by all of these experiences. I was in no fit state to be dating, and yet I thought it would help make me whole. And at the core of it all? Honestly, it's because I had forgotten how to be a friend.

I was so angry at the world. As a 27yo NEET who hasn't worked a day in their life, now finally becoming attentive to the close-minded capitalist hatred of those who don't 'contribute to society', and how the homeless are treated like shit solely for being homeless and yada yada yada, I felt PERSECUTED. I developed a persecution complex.

I thought the old friends who had left me were probably virtue-signaling behind my back about things that I had done wrong when I was still talking with them. I felt like I was always being made out to be the bad guy. I always repeated 'SilverBerserker Bad' whenever I felt like somebody out there was making me out to be the villain over something stupid once again. I thought everybody hated me and thought that I was a terrible no-good very bad person, and that everybody I interacted with probably thought all of the most negative things about me. For a while, I seriously even convinced myself that I was being gangstalked by a group of my old friends.

Now? I look back and I see that, maybe it WASN'T my fault... Maybe they really were just busy, and I overreacted? Maybe my old friends still liked my sense of humor and I wasn't being 'cringy' at all, but just didn't really show it. Maybe we were just drifting apart, like some friends do. It's a perfectly natural thing and, maybe I took it far too personally. Honestly, I may never know.

Even so, I do also realize that, while I could sometimes be pretty toxic myself, these people were also VERY assholish towards me.

I started to become incredibly turgid and spiteful about things like 'virtue signaling'. To think that you, who treated me like you did, could turn around and call other people 'toxic' like you're a perfect little angel who could do wrong.

At this point, I started to hate pretty much everyone. Not EVERYONE, everyone, but pretty much, everyone (I mean, how tf could you hate Scott the Woz, for example?)

I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick and fucking tired of people seriously thinking they could fool everyone by preaching against worldly issues when, in reality, they aren't doing a goddamn thing about anything and that they had no empathy whatsoever to begin with. I mean, pretty much everybody who's ever abused me has turned around and proceeded to be a holier-than-thou asshole about 'bad people' when they themselves probably couldn't give a fuck less if say, I was found dead on the streets.

I felt like there was literally no incentive to be a 'good person' in this world whatsoever. All of the political figures I hated for exploiting people... I'd be lying if I said I might understand them a little bit more now. Maybe they had similar experiences as me, and also came to the realization that karma doesn't exist, this isn't a just world, that bad people are often rewarded for their bad behavior, etc etc.

I truly did feel like I could become the villain I was being perceived as, for a long time. I repeated 'SilverBerserker Bad' mockingly all the time whenever I felt like I was being persecuted again.

I also lost my grandfather, whom I loved very much, during the summer of 2020. Ever since I was just a baby, he was my father to me, because my biological father left as soon as he knew my mother was pregnant. It was the first time I had ever experienced the death of a very, very close person. Seriously. Never before in my life had I ever really lost anybody I truly spent my life with. I'd been to funerals, but only for people or family members that I never really even talked to all that much.

...........I was devastated, of course, but then, something even worse happened.

Day after day, I began having 'visions' of my grandfather, in HIS voice, mocking me, being ruthlessly critical and hateful towards me. it was like, after passing on, he became a celestial body who could see everything I was doing, and realized the pathetic piece of shit I really am. Gradually, this man who raised me, who I loved so much, who I was so grateful for, became somebody I fucking hated. Honestly, even now, I still fucking hate him, because who knows? Maybe those auditory hallucinations really WERE him... or maybe it's just my persecution complex taking over again.

but yeah, so first actual devastating death of a close person who was really important to me, and then ohohohohooooooooo, what's this? Oh, Silverberker, you thought you could catch a break? WELL GUESS WHAT? I'M GONNA TAKE ONE OF YOUR CATS, AND IN ONE OF THE MOST AWFUL WAYS POSSIBLE. I loved that sweet little boy so much

This September, we also lost a very sweet little puppy that I loved very much, too

and then, in October...... my grandmother passed away. Whole 'nother level of fuckery. NOBODY expected that one. My grandfather was already weak and dying for years, so yes, while I was devastated, it was a wholly expected outcome at any time. My grandmother though, she was FINE, she was mostly healthy, she could walk, talk, drive, cook, do all this stuff... yet, she died of a heart attack this year. Of course, she died of a broken heart because of what happened with my grandpa.... but still.

In summary, a LOT of downright hurtful, agonizing, life-changing shit has happened to me. I just... hope this explains in part why I was the hateful person I was on this site for so long.

Even on Reddit, yes, actually especially on reddit lmao, I thought I was being hated on for no good reason. I would get butthurt over even just ONE downvote. Even if I'd get like twenty karma in total, I'd notice one person downvote my post and get PISSED because I took it as another person being all 'SilverBerker Bad' for no reason. Hell, even the most inoffensive and perfectly, PERFECTLY thought-out posts on this website can and will be downvoted, it seems. All it did was add more stress as I took downvotes as an 'internet middle finger' even when I knew I had said nothing wrong.

Eventually, I would come to realize 'wow, if this is how reddit communities are then I'm not gonna even fucking try to be friendly anymore, fuck it'. I realized I wasn't here to make friends, and that I could basically say whatever I want, no holds barred.

In actuality, this is what helped me seek help the most on here, ironic as it is. I came across this sub and, knowing that I could literally get rude replies or downvoted for ANYTHING whether naughty or nice, I was able to throw caution to the wind and seek help in a place that I would be otherwise completely embarrassed to even touch. I could be a completely honest person on here. I could in fact state that, yes, I am a horribly down bad, misogynistic incel, and here's why, etc.


I love this subreddit. And I love you all. I seriously want to thank you for all that you've done for me. I know I was extremely rude to some of you in the past, and that I posted a lot of inflammatory shit, but that's because I actually WANTED to be proven wrong. I said tons of misognystic things because I wanted people to give me logical reason to not believe in these things. And it worked. You all gave me very good points and things to really think about.

In the end, my confidence was shot, because I felt like I had done something completely wrong to drive all my old friends away.

But now, I'm finally starting to move on. I realize now that I was looking at a lot of close-minded people in the area where I live and blamed ALL women for how the ones I've been stuck with for my entire life acted.

I... realized that I was wrong to blame everybody else for my shortcomings. I had placed myself in a void of self-doubt, and that is a position to be pitied.

I do not want to be pitied. I realize now that I AM a completely capable person.

I postured as someone who could never get a job even if I tried, because I thought I was 'too retarded to work'. In the end, I said this because I felt incredibly stupid when comparing myself to so many other more learned and cultured people I had conversed with over the internet.

I realize now that, even though sex and love are a goal I really, really want to be able to achieve someday, they aren't the be-all and end-all of life. My life is beautiful. I have every reason to be content with it.

There is still a huge part of me that is terrified of dying a 'pathetic virgin' one day, but that's basically a part of me that I want to work on.

I just... want to move on, and I realize now that I will have to work hard to achieve whatever I want. But I can. My past doesn't define me. I was valid all this time, and while I made mistakes, it's okay and I don't want to keep dwelling on them for the rest of my life.

For now, I just want to be the best person I can be. I will focus now on just being a cool person, and being friends with women and well, everybody. I did it before and I can sure as hell do it again.

Thanks again, everyone. and I'm sorry for being an asshole.


*slips on a banana peel and cracks skull open*
submitted bySilverBerserkertoIncelExit [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:27 Dry_Relationship8508(22M) Her words and actions don't match

Hey reddit,
I met a girl on Tinder a few months ago (21F), and we've been on a first date (we never called it that) about two weeks after that.
A normal coffee date that went through well, we didn't kiss but it was quite successful we've both enjoyed ourselves.
We didn't meet a second time since, as she underwent a pretty serious surgery with a long recovery time. During this time (about three months) we have been speaking daily. I usually initiate the conversations but she responds well and we're sharing our everyday lives with each other and discussing all sorts of things.
We've talked about our status multiple times as it became really unclear to me, and she responded with the same answer every time: 'I'm currently not ready for a relationship as I have lots of stuff to do (work and studies) but I'm not ruling that (being with me) option out'.
That made me assume she wasn't interested in me romantically, but she was in a pretty tough situation and seemed to appreciate my attention and I enjoyed talking to her too, so I went along with it and continued texting her. We did speak on the phone every week or so too. Sometimes multiple times per day if she was having a bad time.
She's been kinda okay the last month, and returned to work slowly. We kept talking a lot but didn't meet again as we also live a couple hours apart and she's kinda busy all the time.
At this point I wasn't expecting much to come out of my relationship with her as nothing major happened. About two weeks ago something did: she completely cut any ties with her ex (she left him about a month before we met, she's definitely been attached to him still) and things seem to be escalating in a weird way since. We're speaking more, and usually on video as well. She also told me about speaking to her friends and family about me telling them how great of a guy I am, and how much she appreciates me and enjoys talking to me.
Future activities she wants to do (like watch a new movie) seem to be offered to me before her other friends as well.
She also started offering me to do things that you normally wouldn't do with someone you're not in a romantic relationship with, and that's where I got really confused: she wants to go on a vacation together, like, for real. She actually wants to order flight tickets and book a hotel. At the same time (and I've asked her recently) she doesn't seem to change her mind about our status and says I'm just a good friend. She even wants separate beds, lol. (Or at least she says so)
A few days ago she even offered to come to my place tomorrow, watch a movie and order some food. Obviously, that is a well known codename for sex, but I'm not sure what her intentions really are. This is the second time ever were gonna meet, and she also wants to look into the vacation together when she's here.
I'm kinda lost at this point trying to figure out what to do next. Should I try to make a move while she's here? Is that expected in our situation? I feel like I'm either in a super deep friendzone or that the tides are changing and she actually wants to date me now.
How would you go about a situation like that? I don't wanna ruin my chances of dating her if that's where we're headed, but I definitely don't plan going on a vacation with her if we're not in a romantic relationship. That'll weird as hell.
I need a plan for tomorrow (; Thanks everyone!
submitted byDry_Relationship8508todating_advice [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:19 KonekoBotSat Dec 25 00:19:02 2021

[Blue Line = VWAP White Line = Daily Support/Resistance ________________________________________________________________________ How I plot Daily Levels Video: Reddit Profile (With Lots of Past Trade Reviews): ________________________________________________________________________
Todays Trade Review is a Trend Continuation on TSLA. TSLA bounced off the 20 daily ema into open (the setup I mentioned in the Morning Watchlist Live Stream) and then started strongly trending upwards. I entered on the second 5min pullback after price came into test the trend line and started heading back up. I took profit in pieces and finally fully exited after at double top chart pattern formed against the 1048 liquidity.
I explain in a lot more detail in the video!
Total Profit: $708.18 Leveraged Return: 2.5% Risk:Reward 1:2.84
As always happy to answer any questions :)](/Daytrading/comments/rn09dg/122321_live_trade_review_tsla_trend_continuation/hppbfw)
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 17:11:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
The goal of day trading is to take advantage of volatility. The same stock isn't going to be volatile every single day of the week. Realistically a single ticker, might only have 4 or 5 volatile days per year. Of course there are outliers(think MRNA, TSLA, AMZN,etc). By focusing on only a few stocks you are going to miss a lot of opportunities. Image if GME wasn't on your magical list back in January. You would have missed the biggest trade of the year!
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:08:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
Not really for a symbol like SPY, Qs, TSLA, etc. It's not a problem for you to not be a scalper but to assume scalping is lazy is pretty short sighted
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Tue Dec 21 22:05:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
TSLA recovers from previous month’s sell off. FTFY.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 01:27:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:07:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I was proud of myself for buying 1.5 shares of TSLA at $905 a few days ago. I will hold till it is $4,206.90 per share.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 03:58:23 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Less than 3% of TSLA is short. That thesis is no longer valid.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 08:16:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
holy TSLA wish I traded that one.. it's a holiday week chill TSLA chill
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 21:31:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
TSLA NVDA SOFI GOOG MSFT AAPL.. Try and create a balance on the above and you won’t regret it.. 5 out of these companies created more gains for S&P 500 .. Check this vid for charts and analysis
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:49:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Not much actually. TSLA is at 10% of her fund. So the fund drops less than 10% if everything else is unchanged. Edit: DKNG isn't even in the top 10 holdings. But I understand your sentiment.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Tue Dec 21 11:50:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Current ETF portfolio - VOO - S&P QQQ - Nasdaq SMH - semiconductors IPAY - fintech CIBR - cybersecurity XLI - industrials VIG - dividend growth Individual stocks (in order by weight, subject to change) - NVDA, AAPL, MSFT, TSLA, AMZN, GOOGL, FB, CAT, SNOW, SOFI, ABNB, U.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Tue Dec 21 18:53:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Loading up on AMD, QS, TSLA, NVDA. Thinking of getting one of these: PYPL, AAPL, QCOM. I'm leaning towards AAPL.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 06:30:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Yea it'll probably be a reckoning on this sub considering how many posts I see about PLTR, TSLA, etc. Hopefully it stays smooth for us boring guys in index funds and blue chips.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 01:26:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
INTC if I’m being honest, TSLA is I’m telling the truth.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 04:31:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 03:58:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 07:24:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Invest in FAANG. Midterm, take a portion of your portfolio that you feel comfortable with using as a hedge. I, personally, use HYG as a vehicle to cover the crash I think is inevitable and buy SPY puts on up days and sell on downs to cover my midterm put premium in HYG. This market will not slowly grind down…it will keep rising until it collapses and a hedge will protect the rest of your portfolio (stairs up and World Trade Centers down principle). After you cash out your hedge, pile it all back into FAANG if you are more risk adverse. If you find yourself wanting to reach those goals quicker, there will be emerging tech that you can dabble in. Something for us all to consider: Most people didn’t call the type of growth that major players had in the past two years, even though it seems pretty obvious now. We may have jumped on along the way, but it’s hard to objectively look at these things and be sure. Tech made a huge move to the front stage and we really saw what made the market tick. After this next crash, ask yourself what sectors and businesses have all the signs pointing in the right direction for them. A big one will be new markets that are getting a ton of government subsidies and are inevitabilities for society to advance. A past example of this is TSLA. They came into a relatively untouched market, was one of the only major businesses taking advantage of huge government initiatives and cornered something before anyone else could. I’m not a huge fan of TSLA but you can’t say that what they did didn’t work. I don’t know what is next, what sector or industry will lead the way but I think things in the market will restructure first. Be ready to have cash for those events. My bet, completely a feeling, is something to do with computing/processing power like quantum computing. Tech like this seems really far off but is getting closer and closer. Also, anything related to IoT.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 07:13:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA probably
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 09:05:41 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 10:39:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
High risk or blue chip -- those are two separate things? Nevertheless, I do use Roth IRA for somewhat 'riskier' trading than my 401K (which is all 'safe' investments), but think QQQ instead of SPY / VOO and some option straddles, rather than some really risky stock like TSLA or crypto-based products. But I do all my riskiest trading in my taxable brokerage account. Which is a good thing since I mostly lose money on my options trades anyways 😄 so I can offset against any stock gains I make.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:06:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I do this. TSLA is currently half of my IRA, and I have no plans to sell out till I'm at least 65. I'm 31 and in a financially stable position, so as long as I don't do dumb shit like yolo my savings account or mortgage my house into coins made of bits I can be as risky as I want. Here is a risk profile that works for me. 401k: 60% it comes out of my check my company matches it and it's managed by someone else, or probably some trading algo. The idea was even if I fail miserably I can still retire on my 401k. However this year they have only returned 12% and in a year where the S&P 500 is at 27% I find that unacceptable. Might take this over and just split it between VOO/VTI. Idk little miffed about it. ROTH IRA: >30% I am below the $6k/year threshold, so I just throw it all in an IRA that way I don't have to worry about taxes on it ever. I use this account for 'riskier' long term bets. Got a bit in mega cap for less volatility, but when I find a company that I believe in on a multi decade time frame I build out a position there. TSLA, was an obvious call for me in this account. Might build out a larger position in PLTR in this account, but I'm not 100% sold yet. Then some weed stocks(less then 3% of the IRA) and the META, ARKG ETFs. Once my income increases and I pass that 6k/year cap I will transition this IRA to safer long term calls (mega cap tech, blue chips, ETFs, etc. Then make my riskier bests in a normal brokerage account. Digital Assets: <10% I think this is 6% right now, but it fluctuates. this is where I'm taking the most risk and expecting the most immediate returns. Again not risking anything that could harm me or my family, but enough to be engaged with the asset class and keep track of the industries development. Also scratches yolo gambling itch in an account that can minimize the collateral dmg. IMO managing risk is more about managing your emotions than anything else. I understand my strengths and weaknesses really well, so I set up my investment ecosystem to take advantage of my strengths and mitigate the risk and fallout of my weaknesses. Find what works for you and have fun.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:13:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
NVDA. Most ppl know 80% of what apple and Microsoft companies do. But not nvidia really. Nvidia is only chip almost all major data centers, cloud computing,AI and autonomous driving use apart form gaming. You name any big tech to small companies, they use Nvidia products one or other. IMO.. it is going to be a bigger than TSLA.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 01:25:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
So far seems like TSLA, AAPL, NVDA are the most popular answers.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:24:48 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
UPDATE: so I went through the comments, and found the top results, by hand. So far these are the results: 1. MSFT 2. NVDA 3. AAPL 4. TSLA 5. GOOG 6. GME 7. AMZN 8. FB 9. BRKB 10. PLTR 11. COIN then everything else: COST, MCD, AMD, JNJ, NFLX, WM, PYPL, DIS and a bunch I’ve never heard of that got one vote or recommendation. So I’m going with MSFT or NVDA. Probably flip a coin. Thanks everybody for the advice.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 16:33:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
F - undervalued, planning to overtake TSLA in the next 2-4 years, building new factories left and right and cutting their non-profitable lines. I could see them breaking triple digits by 2030 easy
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:21:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA obv
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:33:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:53:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA all the way… !!
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:16:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:10:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA. MSFT, GOOG, NVDA, etc. are all good buys but if Tesla can pull off FSD, it’s lofty valuation now would pale in comparison.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:16:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:45:41 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA is a horrible choice lmao
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 10:37:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Yeah imo make a btc play.... Coin prolly the best one, but see also microstrategy square, PayPal, SoFi, TSLA, and riot if you want mining play. My personal favorite is btcr a newer etf focusing on all the companies that have btc holdings.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 03:10:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
China has way more leverage over Chinese companies then an American company with factories there. If push comes to shove with contradictory laws between the US and China the Chinese company will side with China, and the US company will side with America. China's government may be able to punish NKE, TSLA, & AAPL if they do stuff they don't like, but if they take too drastic action (i.e. like seizing their factories) it'll scare investors away from their economy and hurt them a lot in the long run.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 23:08:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
is having a 500$ split over NVDA, TSLA, FB, MSFT every month ok ? what 4 would u split the 500 on?
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 20:44:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I'm really uncertain on todays action. We will touch SPY 470, IWM 225, QQQ 399 for certain. But then what happens? Also, does ARKK break 100? Can TSLA and AMZN regain bullishness? Internet money is at a moment of truth too.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 13:03:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA, AAPL, NVDA, AMD, ROKU, PFE, JNJ, F, WFC, AAL, ADBE all green premarket. At least some of them tend to be showing red premarket when the overall market is heading down. TSLA, AAPL, NVDA and AMD alone could make many ETF holders green.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 12:51:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Personally, I would just cut TSLA out of the list, but that's my opinion.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 20:47:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Is that all of your investments? That’s pretty all in on tech, with 2 of those, TSLA and NVDA, having had huge gains in the last year+. I’d pick one of TSLA or NVDA (high growth high upside), one of FB or MSFT (mature blue chip tech titan), and then diversify more. Something in financial/banking like JPM or WFC and then something in consumer retail like TGT or COST. Food for thought.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 22:03:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
My stocks are doing fine, I been investing for years and been in TSLA since 2011 @ $5. Like I said stocks being down 20% in a week or month doesn't mean much if they are still up 5% next day. You are still down multiple percentage. You do not call that a rally.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 15:04:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Momentum trade/investing. COST, DPZ are a bit similar to TSLA in this regards. A stock that's simply loved beyond the normal 'value' metrics, or even 'premium' metrics. CMG is another good example of this.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:20:51 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Another TSLA short seller…
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 09:40:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
For Normal calls/puts executing the option instead of selling to close will always net you less due to not recovering your premium paid. Instead you're using the contract for yourself, to buy the 100 shares, the ~$600/contract paid is gone. But, you bought TSLA stock well below the existing price so your profit is only that differential (say the contract was for $500, so each share you made $500, or 500k with all 100 shares. If you just sold to close, the contract value will have this differential baked in, including any time left on the contract, etc. This is where instead of 500k you maybe made 510k for selling the contract, or if a lot of time is available, could be more like 600k+. Even with 5 minutes left in the trading day, you'll get more for that contract than buying the stock. Obviously in the long run executing on something you wanted to add to your portfolio anyways is a good idea, just not if you're simply looking to make the most money from it. Edit: Elon was granted these options as compensation from TSLA, so the whole premium thing and contract execution is out the window. Either way he'd have to 'cash in' those shares and by selling shares he's paid for the taxes on the rest. Almost like an RSU, when a percentage of your vested shares are sold off to pay the taxes, depending how you set it up.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 12:19:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>I pay 49.5% over income. Not once like Musk and then make a big stink. Every year. Why does it matter how often Musk paid taxes? He was awarded these options back in 2012, and he's exercising them this year right before they expire. You can divide everything out over the 9 years and he still pays the same tax percentage. If you force him to exercise some each year, he pays way less taxes because the actual profit that's counted as income is way less, as TSLA didn't shoot up until the last couple years. And btw, he does pay almost 50% taxes on his cashless exercise, because just like yours, they're ordinary income. The additional sales are from stock he already owned, thus is subject to capital gains. No different from you cashing out a part of your investment portfolio.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:49:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Placed a “put” on TSLA and I break even at $905. It expires Jan 20th and I find myself checking price 50 times a day. Not good for my mental health....
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:04:54 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA. Gigs Berlin & Austin will roughly 2x their production over the next year, at increased gross margins
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 05:33:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I wouldn't count on a MSFT split. It's been since 2003 since they have. TSLA if it keeps going is likely.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:54:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA gonna have one of those nutso 10% days isn’t it?
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 16:07:07 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA back to $1000 with a shout!
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 15:39:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA is mooning pre-market, probably because Elon is done selling.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:06:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I took over my 401k and converted to IRA when I left a job I had for 20 years. This was in 2019. Since then I have had over 800% gain. Mostly I got super lucky. I had leap calls in apple and tesla pre split. And that helped a lot. Now I am all in shares of multiple NVDA, TSLA, SQ, RH, SPR are some shares I recommend. If you are not ready to retire yet and have some extra cash - buy a LEAP option in One of the top. I usually got 9-12 month out. Gives time for bounce back if slides
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:21:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>NVDA, TSLA, SQ, RH, SPR are some shares I recommend. Hmm, most of them have narrow or no moats (except nvda). from my understanding I should look for undervalued companies with wide moats. ...yeah I know nvda is overvalued
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:16:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
We can agree to disagree. This will be my last comment on it. 1) Technological advancements increase a workers productivity multiple times greater than the loss of individuals in the work force due to retirement. An example: How much faster can we build cars now? What causes us to build a car so much faster now than the 1930's. Even if you account population growth (123M in the 1930's vs 331M in the 2020's). Its not like we only build a car 3x as fast. 2) Supply constraints are the main driver of inflation. In normal times, business would be able to produce enough to meet demand. But due to covid, several factories have been shut down for a period of time (AAPL, NKE, TSLA, etc). That's not a demand problem, that's a supply problem.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Wed Dec 22 06:45:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
ARKK and ARKW were ( pre-pandemic (in other words before TSLA ran up), but sure, let's pretend that the stock market didn't exist before February 2021 so that it supports the Reddit circle jerk hive mind narrative.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Tue Dec 21 11:00:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSLA put holders wiped in two days Crazy
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:33:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
My only regret is not buying TSLA calls this week !(emotet5_2th524267)
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:01:37 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Just saw a TSLA with the license “Put Slyr “ which one of you is it
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:54:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I refuse to visit wsb for the next week because I don't want to see all of your TSLA gain porn. I made a little money from it but not NEARLY as much as I could have. Literally sold 900c, 950c, 1000c, and 1050c's for hundreds instead of holding for thousands. Grats and fuck you all. Merry Christmas.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 21:47:07 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
in terms of absolute market cap TSLA most overvalued domestic company of all time by a huge margin !(emotet5_2th524887)
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 04:41:41 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA 1200 by 12/31
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:26:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I swear TSLA stock price more bipolar than my ex fuck you Heather
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:36:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA is a sh1tcoin
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 01:50:57 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
#Ban Bet Lost tiswuttis (0/1) made a bet that TSLA would go to 899.0 when it was 1004.14 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 21:09:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:09:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I paper handed my TSLA calls today but finished the week +8k - could have been 26k but oh well. A win is a win is a win, right?
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:45:48 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA 1069 !! Bullish like a mofo
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:04:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Me too. I bought 1,000 shares of TSLA in 2018, when it was $180/share (before the 5:1 split). That’s about $5 million.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 04:48:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA to the moon Andromeda galaxy
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 19:01:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA CALL to 2500 by q2 be back with profits in 4 months
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 21:21:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Today on TSLA evangelism…
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 19:41:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
No need to get offended, I’ll be making money with you, I think the TSLA community is cringe is all
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:10:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Oh man if you had bought calls today this morning, instead of losing 6k you could have made like 90k. But uhhh yeah I bought TSLA calls today and still managed to lose money lol.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:10:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA puts get fucked, retard
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 03:09:29 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
How people manage to lose money on TSLA is beyond me.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:58:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Did you have it all on TSLA?
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:56:44 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I don't understand how people can mess up like this and be fine with it 🤣 SPY and qqq rallying to new ATHs and TSLA is testing the previous breakout/pivot. And you buy puts at the exact bottom 🤦🏻‍♂️ and hold until the exp after a monster rally the day before
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 05:23:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
We must be back in bull mode since people are losing on TSLA puts again.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 08:32:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Dude why tf did you short TSLA!? Anyways thank you for your money - TSLA Bull
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:19:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
The one time I bought into TSLA.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 06:18:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
On TSLA of all things.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 22:03:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I sold too early. Made $3k when I could’ve made $25,000 or something. Never paperhanding TSLA again. It just runs and runs. Congrats OP!
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 06:08:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Buying TSLA calls is the infinite money glitch. I still don’t know why everybody hasn’t figured it out.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 06:22:25 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA about to rocket. Elon done selling…
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 10:00:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA fanboys are literally a billionaire’s bitch.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 14:40:25 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
And? He's a billionaire it's not like he's dumping shares ahead of a bankruptcy or bad earnings. TSLA is still very much on the rise. If he had waited until TSLA dipped you retards would be crying about his timing then too. You really think he gives a shit if he sells at 1100 or 900? When you have billions and multiple billion dollar companies you're not going to be concerned with day to day share price.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 13:39:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA has a 10% profit margins. RACE/Ferrari has a 19% profit margins. For a benchmark Toyota has 8% profit margins and Ford has 5% profit margins. You obviously do not know what you are talking about.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 04:19:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Theyre catching up because Teslas tech is open source. They havent been innovative until Tesla came around, and they now HAVE to catch up. I disagree with your comments about automated driving. Its a huge incentive for those with commutes on already clogged roads. You wouldnt want to sit back and read WSB while the car inches itself forward on its own? The market is always going to want the best. You think city dwellers in a ford raptor care about its wheelbase or suspension travel? Or lamborghini owners about gas mileage? Everyone is going to want as much range as possible because people are inherently lazy. Less plug ins the better. Drive the car for a month on a charge compared to a couple weeks. Their valuation is ridiculous but if you arent buying in BEFORE the cyber truck is released, you deserve to be poor. The hype behind that vehicle is insane and once you see some influencer fuck driving it on youtube, TSLA will rocket to the moon before landing itself at that proper eval.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 17:32:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA has made a lot of people here big money. We love him. No true wsb member gives 2 fucks about his morals. He creates volatility which creates a nice sandbox for us to make bank. The apes hate him because he's a rich ceo and they are broke and jealous
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 14:43:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
You weren't here in 2019 when TSLA made quite a few wsb millionaires so your opinion is pretty much dog shit.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 14:50:37 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I swear to god Elon should be renamed to St. Musk. I was down 170k on my short TSLA puts, had like 80 credit spread expiring 12/23 that I would have no way to take assignment. Thought I would hold and pray, thanks St. Musk for the last 2 days' bull run, they were all OTM by Wednesday. Immediately rolled them down and out to lock in profit.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:46:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
What's your cue to pull the plug on TSLA calls when they're negative, or I guess I'm asking what's your risk tolerance on them, since they often move so fast?
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:56:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I've gained $963K on TSLA the last two days HODLing (including LEAPs). LOL, lets just say it's been an interesting year.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 05:36:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
That's like Cathie pointing to a couple of stocks like TSLA and laughing at people shorting those stocks while ignoring all the stocks she chose that tanked. Btw, Cramer's job isn't to make his viewers rich, it's to create liquidity so he and his friends can buy/sell certain stocks to retail traders. With the amount of tickers he talks about though, I'm sure a lot of this stock picks are just fillers.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 06:01:44 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
TSLA and AMD are the OG 1st generation meme stocks and have done very well. 2nd generations meme stocks not so much in recent months but some do look very promising. Like PLTR maybe even BB or GME if they really turn things around.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 13:21:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Damn I wish I had bought 1 DTE FD TSLA calls yesterday. Was so close but expected a rug pull today
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 15:59:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Damn bro. What’s crazy is that in the morning I was debating MSFT or TSLA to play today. Msft looked better but no idea why I went in tesla. But I lost money even with tesla going up 6% (even though i bought my first options when tsla was in the red in the morning lmao) so it doesn’t fucking matter.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 21:45:41 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Naked calls on TSLA, you belong here
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:58:36 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
My dude. You sold 3x slightly OTM naked calls on TSLA. Ok, we’ll here’s what you do then: 1) close and take the loss. 2) roll like I described above, but make sure you’re selling the new short calls for more than you’re spending to buy back the old ones. 3) use some of the premium to buy TSLA shares, or a further OTM call, to protect yourself from more losses to the upside. Don’t sell naked calls on meme stocks that are also on the S&P anymore.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 22:49:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I bought like 6 more shares of TSLA today I'm not going to lie lol. The pull is real.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 01:09:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Why hold 100% gains over the weekend?? You don't think TSLA needs some consolidation after a 180pt run lol? Definitely should have rolled that into a farther OTM strike and secured profits. Personally, I bought puts for a gap down on Monday. Definitely Bullish on TSLA for next week, but there will probably be better entries on Monday. I only kept 1/21 1200c's open.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:29:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
He's ITM. Theta isn't going to affect him if it keeps running. Only concern is what it will do before open Monday. But I think TSLA sees over 1100 by Friday, there just might be a gap down first.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:37:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Even I had TSLA calls this week and i've been losing money every day for weeks god bless u santa and papa musk
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 19:06:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
The TSLA money machine doesn't stop.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 18:18:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
#Ban Bet Lost hornstar91 (0/3) made a bet that TSLA would go to 1500.0 when it was 1062.4301 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 11:23:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I’m so tempted to throw my TSLA YTD gains into 0 DTE TSLA 1050Cs at open.
KEYWORD : TSLA DATE : Thu Dec 23 13:58:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
submitted byKonekoBottoBizSMG [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:13 QualityProofWIBTA If I told someone who invited themselves to my birthday dinner not to come?

I (F,27) met this person (M,32?) in 2019 in a bar in our hometown. He is a friend of a close friend and the night we met was a leaving night from his job before he joined the armed forces and left for basic training. He asked me out and we went out on one date, I wasn’t feeling it and gently told him this as one of his parents has just passed at the time and I was being mindful of his feelings. I’ve made it pretty clear now on several different occasions via text/messengesnap chat/WhatsApp(he added me on them all, and if he doesn’t get an answer on one app he will try the next until I reply). He is now on home leave for the holidays for the next few weeks which falls over my birthday. I’d planned a night with my close friends, one of which is the mutual friend we have in common. He asked me to go to dinner via snap chat and the conversation went like this…
Him: Do you want to grab dinner when I’m home? xx
Me: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Thanks for the offer tho 👍🏼
Him: Just as friends?? xx
Me: Look I’m finishing my current job on Thursday next week, I have my birthday dinner on the Friday, and start my new job on the Monday so I don’t have much free time I’m afraid 🤷🏽‍♀️
Him: Where are you going? xx
Me: ironically the name of the bar we first met in
Him: Aw is mutual friend going? xx
Me: Yep. Pretty sure he said he’s coming.
Him: Great, I’ll see you there!! xxxx
Me: …
Him: If that’s okay with you xxx
Me: Well the table is booked for 6 people and there’s 6 already going so there’s not any room left for dinner 🤔
Him: You’ll be done by 2030, so I’ll be down then xxx
I pretty much was stumped and completely missed the trap I’d just walked into. I’m 100% sure he wouldn’t see this as a friendly thing and will spend the night trying to flirt with me which makes me really uncomfortable. I’m not attracted to this person, I hardly know him or speak to him, I never reach out first but am polite in my replies and rejections but he’s just not gotten the hint and has expressed that I’ll change my mind. I know my own mind and it’s made up. He calls me pet names which from people I don’t know, I absolutely abhor. It makes me want to crawl out of my skin and set it on fire.
My question is, WIBTA if I told him not to come or is it too late now and I’ll just have to risk him showing up and making me uncomfortable? This is making me so anxious it’s keeping me up at night, so I’m turning to my favourite subreddit for some help!
ETA: A few people have suggested that I’ve being saying soft no’s to this dude. On each of the four occasions he’s asked me to hang out one on one I’ve said a hard no e.g dinners, a drive, hotel and a trip to the Christmas markets in another town. I’ve said I’m not interested in dating anyone which is absolutely true, I’m at a fantastic place in my career, starting my dream job in 9 days which I didn’t think I’d get before I was 30. I have a fabulous family, brilliant friends, and my pup who’s like my doggy daughter. I absolutely have no interest in adding a man to my life. Since this happened he has found my tinder profile which goes unused, sent me a screenshot of my profile picture with the comment of “nice profile” which I replied thanks. He then said “welcome sugar xxx”. I then called him out and told him it’s insulting to call me a pet name and to just stop because he’s been told several times not to do it. He was very offended and then asked how I was getting on with tinder. I just don’t want to cause any awkwardness with our mutual friend because he and I are very close.
ETA2: Thank you everyone for your comments, advice, and time! I have sent this dude a cease and desist message and been as blunt as I can possibly be. Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to change the venue as getting a table for a large party this close to Christmas was hard in November, it’s impossible now. We live in a relatively small town, the nearest city is about 45 minutes away by public transport and it’s a nightmare to get home after midnight. I’ve also been spiked twice in that city so it makes me understandably uneasy! I’ve also had a long conversation with our mutual friend and he understands that I feel really uncomfortable with his advances and knows to reiterate the un-invitation if this dude reaches out to him. It might not stop him appearing but if he does the bouncer and bar staff will be my first port of call so I can leave early if need be, I’ll be pissed off, but at least I have a bail out plan. Below in the comments is the message I’ve sent him with the assistance of my mum as I had a panic attack (I’m okay, I have rescue meds if this type of thing happens)
ETA3: I received a response about ten minutes ago which read “Aye whatever I’m seeing someone anyway” and then “delete my number”
One- I never saved it in the first place my dude
Two- if you’re seeing someone why are you asking me to dinner? WTF?!
Dude is a field of red flags and I’m happy it’s over with now. Hopefully there won’t need to be an update and I can enjoy my birthday in peace! Thank you to everyone who reached out, commented and awarded, you’re all very kind!
Relevant comment from OOP
I have no idea how to link pictures on Reddit but below is verbatim of what I’ve sent to this dude. Unfortunately with it being the week before Christmas, getting a table booked for a party of 6 is very difficult. We also come from a smaller town so we’re limited to the places we can go, and I’m uncomfortable going 45 minutes away to the nearest city as I’ve been spiked there on two separate occasions, and after midnight it’s expensive to get home again. There’s definitely a wave of spiking happening in the UK.
“Hi. I think you misunderstood last week when I was talking about my birthday, it’s just going to be an event with my friends and I’d rather you didn’t attend. I’m not interested in dating you, or hanging out with you one on one, as we’re not friends, just acquaintances. You’ve repeatedly asked me to do things with you when I’ve repeatedly said no. Called me pet names when I’ve said several times that I hate it, it constitutes boundary stomping in my book and it doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve tried to be nice but you’ve not taken the hint so I’ve had to be more direct. Good luck in the future.
ETA: I tried to post this the day after my birthday but it didn’t go live! So posting a few days late, lol.
Original post above 👆
Many thanks to the kind Redditors on my original post who gave me advice. A wee update to let those who wanted to be updated on the outcome of this event. I’m currently writing this from my bed with a hangover that could floor a moose, I had an absolutely fantastic birthday dinner last night with the friends I invited! The dude did not show up as predicted (thank god) and I’ve had no further contact from him so it looks like I’m in the free and clear!
My last day in my last post went wonderfully, my colleagues threw me a mini birthday party/leaving party with cake, food, and presents when there was space between patients. Lots of hugs and some tears but all in all a great last shift. Dinner last night was brilliant. I felt beautiful after getting my hair and nails done, I took my time doing my make up and my dress fit perfectly. We went out dancing and drinking afterwards and although it was bloody baltic waiting on a taxi home, I got a lovely cuddle from one of my best friends who held my hands the whole way home because I couldn’t feel my fingers 😂
I’m tired, hungover but feel loved and happier than I’ve been in a long time. I start in critical care on Monday and I’m ready to smash this challenge!
So thank you again kind internet strangers because without you I would have suffered through last night instead of enjoying it 😊
Happy holidays wherever you may be 🎄
submitted byQualityProoftoBestofRedditorUpdates [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:12 UberHansenGame Matchups Preview #15: Bills @ Patriots

Interested in how the Bills roster stacks up against their opponents? Me too, and because of that I spend a significant amount of my time analyzing five key matchups for every Bills game; Bills Pass Offense vs. Opponents Pass Defense, Bills Rush Offense vs. Opponents Rush Defense, Bills Pass Defense vs. Opponents Pass Offense, Bills Rush Defense vs. Opponents Rush Offense, and Bills Special Teams vs. Opponents Special Teams. After doing this I try to determine “Why Buffalo Will Lose” and “Why Buffalo Will Win” which ultimately leads me to a Prediction. Below I present 2021’s 15th iteration of this analysis for the Bills upcoming game at the Patriots. Included is a scale to rank the advantage in each matchup from 👏👏👏👏👏 (Massive Advantage) to 👏 (Minimal Advantage).
Is Josh Allen a Pro Bowler? No. Is Josh Allen one of the best Quarterbacks in the NFL? Yes. Coming off a game where he torched one of the best Pass Defenses in the NFL for 3 Touchdowns while playing on a Sprained Foot behind an OL effectively missing 4 starters Allen entered yet another chapter in the storybook beginning to his 4-year career. Early on he may have sailed a few passes while figuring out how to deal with that injured foot but shortly there after he was slinging piss missiles through defenders for Touchdowns. Popularity contests be damned, Allen is an NFL Superstar that constantly puts this Bills team on his shoulders…and consistently delivers.
As of late that consistent delivery has come against Top-Tier pass defenses which will continue on Sunday as Buffalo faces a Top-8 (By DVOA) group for the 5th consecutive week. Less than 3 weeks ago, against this Patriots team, Allen put up the paltry stat line of 50% Completion, 184 Yards, and 1 Touchdown. It is worth noting that Allen is likely one of the few Quarterbacks in the NFL capable of producing even that level of success when you consider at times the winds on the field were in excess of 60MPH. This time around will be significantly different with the weather report suggesting temperatures in the Low 40s with little wind and no precipitation. What won’t be significantly different is the secondary on the other side of the ball that should make it difficult for the Bills to garner high levels of success pushing the ball through the air. Elite defenders like J.C. Jackson, Kyle Dugger, and Devin McCourty couple well with depth players like Jalen Mills, Adrian Phillips, and Myles Bryant to clamp down on opposing receivers. For Buffalo this will likely be Stefon Diggs, Gabe Davis, Emmanuel Sanders, and Dawson Knox as they were delt a huge blow this week losing Cole Beasley to COVID. If Allen can find a way to spread the ball to each of these players each and every drive the Bills could come away with an easy win but if he can’t Buffalo likely leaves Massachusetts with little to no chance of winning the AFC East.
Making this entire matchup all the more difficult is a defensive front that will give whatever offensive line Buffalo trots out fits. Bills Mafia is on pins and needles waiting to hear if Dion Dawkins and/or Jon Feliciano return from injury because if they do not Buffalo likely roles with the less-than-ideal Brown-Boettger-Morse-Ford-Williams OL. This sets up for a day after Christmas feast for the biggest offseason addition to the AFC East, Matt Judon. Judon has delivered an astounding 41 Pressures (NFL-4) and 12.5 Sacks (NFL-6) this season and projects to be a terror all day Sunday for the Patriots. Expect New England to find the weak side of Buffalo’s OL, which may honestly be both sides, and feature him specifically there. The result more than likely is a behemoth in long sleeves disrupting Josh Allen’s throwing motion on the majority of his drop backs.
EDGE: Bills 👏 👏 👏
Like only a true RB1 can do, the Bills Devin Singletary has seized the reigns of Buffalo’s backfield and become the predominate Running Back for his team. Against the Buccaneers he saw 82% of Offensive Snaps and against the Panther 93%. In those game Singletary is averaging 5.3 Y/A despite a low Yards Before Contact of 2.96. By no means is he Jonathan Taylor (Who he has out snapped the past 2 weeks) or Derrick Henry but Buffalo has seemingly found something that is working in their backfield. Moving forward there is no reason to expect to see him on the field any less than 80% of the time and with him and the occasional QB Draw and/or Jet Sweep it is possible Buffalo may actually have found a way to run the ball.
And running the ball may very well be the key to Buffalo leaving New England 1st place in the AFC East. While the Patriots Pass Defense has proven incredibly potent their Run Defense has been less than suspect ranking 28th in the NFL with a 4.6 Y/A. More so than even the Bills, the Patriots have been gashed by opposing RBs with no game more demonstrative of that then their matchup with the Titans. In that game, where the Titans were missing RB1 and RB2, the Pats gave up 270 yards on the ground for a 6.9 Y/A. By running directly at their strength, their Pass Rushers (i.e. Judon) teams are countering what the Patriots are best at and getting their RBs into the 2nd level. Once in that 2nd level the Patriots LBs have struggled to keep up with quick and/or fast RBs as they break down field for big gains. On paper this all makes too much sense but in practice we know it didn’t work in early December for the Bills, why?
The key difference in the Bills better than normal rushing attack the past 2 weeks has been twofold. First, Zack Moss has been benched in favor of more snaps for Devin Singletary and Matt Breida. Moss seemingly has the talent to compete in the NFL but his lack of vision and instincts to hit open holes has proven a major detriment to an RB that can’t get on a roll in 2021. Second, the Bills have gone full Bell Cow back mode. Devin Singletary is being used as the primary back which has allowed him to produce a rhythm on the ground as the game progresses Expect the Bills to stay somewhat Run Heavy this week by feeding Singletary and establishing that part of their game. Assuming Allen’s foot is feeling even better the Bills could abuse the Pats for 150+ on the ground which would be a game winning number for the Buffalo Bills in Week 16.
EDGE: Bills 👏
The Bills win football games when opposing teams throw the ball. In Bills losses Buffalo is giving up 26.3 Pass Attempts per game and in wins 37.1 Pass Attempts. Even sans Tre White the Bills Pass defense remains elite with Jordan Poyer and Micah Hyde dominating at the Safety position, regardless of how Pro Bowl voters feel. Levi Wallace is playing like a mid-tier CB1, Dane Jackson has been impressive as an emergency CB2, Taron Johnson remains an elite Slot Corner, and as stated Poyer and Hyde are the best Safety tandem in the NFL. This is a secondary that can compete for a title and if they play to their potential over the next 2 months, they may just deliver one to Western New York.
The key to Buffalo winning Sunday is forcing Mac Jones to throw the ball. When Mac Jones throws the ball 37 or more times the Patriots are 0-4 and when he throws less than 37 times, they are 9-1. The definition of a “Game Manager” Jones has been impressive for a rookie QB but nowhere near the level of play that some in the NFL media have suggested. To date Mac Jones has a QuBeR of 52.75 which ranks #17 this season and #468 (Out of 896) since 1994. He is near as average a QB as QBs come and when the game is on his shoulders has consistently proven incapable of delivering. Let me make this clear, he could improve in coming seasons and become a dangerous QB but for now he is what he is, an average passer who struggles to bring his team back when they are down early.
One of the things that benefits Jones most is an OL who has proven dominant in protecting their rookie QB. Jones has just an 18.8% Pressure Rate, 3rd best in the NFL and 6.9 percentage points better than what Josh Allen is going through. This has allowed Jones, who has a quick release, to consistently scan to at a minimum of his second option without any mobility needed. Buffalo needs to counter this by sending heavy pressure up the middle with Ed Oliver and/or Harrison Phillips. One other possible contributor is Efe Obada who has proven more than capable of creating pressure up the middle. For the Bills to win this matchup it’s not their secondary you should worry about but whether or not they can create this afore mentioned interior pressure. Do so and Buffalo may just dominate in Foxborough Sunday afternoon.
EDGE: Bills 👏 👏 👏
The Bills run defense leaves a lot to be desired and it starts with their Middle Linebacker. I have consistently been critical of Tremaine Edmunds who I find to be an OK MLB at best. Most frustrating about him is he possesses all of the physical tools to be a legendary player but lacks the instincts and football IQ to be a dominate force in the modern NFL. Key on him play in and play out and you will see a player that is 0.5 seconds late and struggles with identifying running lanes. Long gone is the blame of the DTs in front of him and now is the time for Edmunds to step up and become the elite player he is capable of being. He will get paid if and when he leaves the Bills but in this final stretch of the season Buffalo needs him to feast if they want to extend their season considerably.
Buffalo must stack the box this week and force the Patriots to throw the ball. A lot has been written about how the Patriots ran all over the Bills but let’s stop and realize that they only scored 14 on Buffalo, a total that very likely does not win the game this week. The Bills likely get A.J. Klein back on Sunday which will allow them to go Base if and when they need to. In theory this allows them to better match up against bruisers in Damien Harris and Rhamondre Stevenson. Expect Buffalo to run that base set sparingly though as Taron Johnson has proven to consistently be a dominate force in the box against the run. A good barometer of how this game is going will be the number of missed tackles the Bills have. In their fist matchup of the season with the Pats they missed a whopping 17 tackles, this must improve.
The Bills can help themselves improve on that and stopping the run by unleashing one of the best players on the defensive side of the ball this season in Jordan Poyer. It is literal insanity that he is the THIRD alternate for the Safety position in the Pro Bowl for the AFC, especially when you consider he has arguably been the best safety in the NFL this season. Poyer is dominate against the pass but can play like an extra outside linebacker when called upon. Expect him to be in the box consistently and often while punching at the ball whenever he gets the chance to. Poyer can win this game for Buffalo on the defensive side of the ball with a game changing play and that’s something we should not put past a player that MUST be an All-Pro this season.
EDGE: Patriots 👏 👏 👏
Tyler Bass was the Fifth alternate for AFC Kicker in the Pro Bowl. This means that it has been deemed that FIVE kickers in the AFC alone were better than the Kicker that is the only one in the AFC with more than 27 XPs attempted to nail 100% of them. He is elite, the Pro Bowl is a joke. At Punter Matt Haack continues to move up the Punting Charts. Haack now has an I20% of 35.56% and has been drilling punts for an average of 45.8 in his last 5 games. Last is PKR which I am still skeptical of as Marquez Stevenson has taken over return duties. Stevenson has flashed the quickness that is needed from elite return men yet should still list as a boom or bust returner due to ball security issues.
Nick Folk still has yet to miss a FG from within 50 yards since Week 1 of 2020. Folk is about as automatic as it gets at kicker and is a player that Bills fans should expect to put up points whenever they see him on the field. Punting is Jake Bailey who is still one of the best in the business and when he gets kicks off is deadly in the Punt game. Bailey though is the only NFL Punter with multiple blocked punts this season and has THREE which is a massive number for that stat. Expect the Bills to come after him often in Punt Block formation as opposed to return formations. Last is return man Gunner Olszewski who ranks 3rd in Y/PR (12.0) and 5th in Y/KR (24.7). Gunner is dangerous and should be treated as a possible game changer in Foxborough on Sunday.
EDGE: Patriots 👏 👏 👏
The Patriots benefited massively in their first matchup with the Bills that saw weather conditions that played extraordinarily into their favor. Sill though, their game plan proved fruitful as they were able to pick up consistent yardage against a Bills team that struggled to stop the run. Will Mac Jones need to throw more than 3 times this week? Of course, but if the Patriots can jump out to an early lead, they should be able to rely on their bread and butter of interior runs to control the clock and put-up points against the Bills.
On defense it all comes down to turnovers. Can the secondary, specifically McCourty and Jackson, goad Allen into forcing the ball through tight windows? If so and that secondary can force multiple turnovers the Pats should be able to flip this game in their favor quickly. Add in Matt Judon who likely will pressure Josh Allen all game and that turnover number could grow as high as 4. If it hits 4 call it a game, and hand the Pats the AFC East Title.
The Bills have the better QB in this matchup, and a pissed off one at that. Josh Allen is one of those freak players in the NFL who has the ability to say “Hey, see that win? That’s mine”. Allen should dish to Diggs, Sanders, Davis, and Knox and while the loss of Beasley is huge, I think Singletary fits this game extremely well. The Pats struggle to stop the run and Singletary is on a mini hot streak. A few chunk plays on the ground coupled with some pass plays mimicking run plays and the Bills should be able to put up points quickly and often.
The defense will be fully dependent on the Bills offense. Expect Buffalo to WANT the ball to start the game to obtain an early lead. Force that early lead and you can force Mac Jones to throw. Force Jones to throw against this Palms defense and don’t be surprised if they can create 2+ turnovers in New England. All is not lost if the Pats go run heavy, which they will, since the Bills will have completely adjusted their game plan. Harrison Phillips and Ed Oliver both need to have big games here and if they do the Patriots offense will prove to be as pedestrian as it actually is.
We are eyeing a game for the ages and one which likely defines this season for each team. There may be some Pats fans reading this and let me tell you this prediction is purely based on which team has the better QB, and there is no argument on who that is. With weather conditions set to be normal what was a handicap for the Bills in Week 13 no longer exists. The Bills are the angrier team here for a lot of reasons (Loss to Pats, Pro Bowl Snubs, Standings, Media Disrespect, etc.) which should further allow them to reach their full potential. Look for Buffalo to come out hard and take this game on route to their second AFC East Title in a row.
submitted byUberHansentobuffalobills [link][comments]

2021.12.24 16:03 KonekoBotSat Dec 25 00:03:17 2021

NYSE:GME / 135
Started trading at 16 and my best advice, don't do it. Focus on college and getting a less risk degree. Right now you are at that age were you are prone to make risks and make bad decisions in the market. The market isn't easy to learn as some may think - especially for day trading - and those gurus aren't really showing you how to trade either. Personally YouTube isn't really good, they are tons of fake gurus out there. Question, why are successful traders making videos but then charging hundreds to thousands of dollars? And since you talked about options, I am guessing you heard it from some of those subs reddits or the whole GME thing. They really aren't showing the full story, some of the guys had luck then lost it all. I know one of my classmates that was up 20k, then lost it all, down to $500 or so (I heard about these a lot) and is very depressed (I am 20 years old). Again my personal advice is don't do it, day trading takes a long time to accomplish, not every trader becomes profitable and some give up (again know a lot of them). Edit: I forgot to mention but you have to sacrifice a lot of time for trading. 9 am to 4 pm for trading, then the rest for schooling and then assignments. Which could end around 9 pm, then if you like me you check the markets again and you gotta sleep early, being sleep deprived is not good.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:34:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
Just curious what 'whole GME thing' has to do with options?
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 05:45:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
The goal of day trading is to take advantage of volatility. The same stock isn't going to be volatile every single day of the week. Realistically a single ticker, might only have 4 or 5 volatile days per year. Of course there are outliers(think MRNA, TSLA, AMZN,etc). By focusing on only a few stocks you are going to miss a lot of opportunities. Image if GME wasn't on your magical list back in January. You would have missed the biggest trade of the year!
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:08:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
IBKR is quite good, you can trade almost everything OTC, my first choice was Fidelity, but coudn't open the account as I'm not US based too. Been trading with IBKR since 2019 and aside from the GME 'glitch' everything has been smooth, and fair commissions too, definitely not a scam, of course you still have to beware from the countless pump & dump penny stock scams
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 22:54:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Robinhood is really easy but eventually I changed to Fidelity. Robinhood got a lot of hate during the GME pump/short squeeze, I know this is pennystocks but I don't recommend it to new investors/traders. Good luck OP
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 17:19:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Correct, forward splits do the opposite. If AMC or GME forward split, they would squeeze as retail has a better buy-in
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:29:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Have you ever heard of GME? You might just turn your luck around!
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 16:37:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Tell them GME every time
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 17:12:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
tell them you buy GME, and you really like the stock
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 18:41:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Just tell them to invest in GME. They’ll stop taking you seriously
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:23:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
I snooped around a bit and you appear to chase moonshots yourself. GME, crypto, etc. You also often mention you do research like you're some savant even though all these assets have poor solid inputs to analyze. My guess is that you keep bragging you're making tons of money to sound smart and make people around you FOMO. So just shut up or be honest with your true capacities and it should settle. There, true advice
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 14:31:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Granted, I have GME and crypto. That makes up less than 5% of my portfolio, although judging from this account you would be forgiven for assuming it's more. Moon shots are rare and risky so it's not something I allocate a huge amount of money to nor do I suggest others should do the same. I've never even mentioned these investments to anyone in real life. Also, you're a fool if you don't have any GME or crypto right now. They might be higher risk than other assets but that's not a good reason not to allocate some of your portfolio to them. Crypto is the reason I'm financially stable before the age of 30. Anyone who invested in crypto before 2020 very likely made huge amounts of money. I'm not sure why you think someone claiming to spend hours researching something is claiming to be some kind of savant. I've never bragged about making money. The closest thing to that I've done is mention to some people that I trade full time and don't need to work a normal job anymore. That's not bragging though - that's explaining why I no longer work.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 14:37:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Correct. I’ve mistaken CEO and Chairman. Forgot he is chairman for GME. Mixed up positions when he was at Chewy
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 09:35:57 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Selling covered calls comes with downside risk aswell. IMagine what happened to GME folks selling covered calls this month. Ye, they got the juicy premium, but the stock it self soard for like 30%, stomping on their profits.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 09:53:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Im ready to be banned for this. GME is growing at an outstanding rate, tons of money to continue expanding into other sectors uninhibited by new debt. Look at what they are selling online- it’s no longer just video games and collectibles. You can buy random things like electronic door locks or an underwater scooter. The broad inventory is slowly encroaching amazons market “monopoly”. Couple that with whatever web3 project they have in the works behind the scene and there is a very high chance this introduces a new corner of the tech market. Not to mention, GME has millions of loyal customers paying for pro rewards and a large amount of shareholders that refuse to sell because of the events at the beginning of the year. Additional thoughts, executives from major companies like Amazon, Apple, and Chewy have been jumping ship to work for GameStop. You say return 100% in 5 years. Myself and thousands of other investors will likely say less than 2 years and this company will have made a record turnaround that will melt your face.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 19:03:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Lmao people saying GME are dumb af. It is so so overvalued and won’t be a 2x from where it sits right now. Zero chance!
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 05:56:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Don't argue with anyone about it. I let my brokerage account talk for me. Let's see how GME investors do over 5 years vs all the others who keep falling for the media take. 'DyInG bRiCk & MorTaR'
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 05:59:02 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I think the fact that it went from less than $20 to stabilizing near $200 in less than a year is proof enough GME is here to stay.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 06:42:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I feel sorry for the clueless people downvoting you who don't understand what exactly is happening with GME and instead listen to Cramer and read the Fool.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 19:48:02 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Nearly 100% in GME.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 06:43:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I think there's a high chance GME won't exist in 5 years.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 22:14:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Can’t even tell if you’re memeing, you really think they’re going to release “web 3 gaming” in a month? Can you explain what web 3 gaming is? Especially considering GME cant even develop any of their own games (tried and failed multiple times)
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:49:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
So what is happening with GME?
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 09:32:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
At the end of the day the core business is low margin video games retail. When you look at macro picture, all brick and mortar retail businesses are facing more and more challenges for one. And then second, they sell video games and video games publishers are super super eager to move to digital only sales as soon as they can. From publisher's point of view digital sale is much more valuable than physical. So then the core of the business terminally impaired. They already had negative net margins ever since 2018 and even with this crazy WSB stuff they still cant generate net income. If we have any prolonged recession and people need to sell their shares or WSB people get bored its game over for GME. Edit: On MDT, they make medical devices. It's a business with wide moat that has been around for 72 years and while stock price been beaten down recently they still have 65% gross margin and around 15% net margin generating around 4b net profit. So this makes me very skeptical of these bankruptcy percentages. Somehow consistently profitable business is more likely to go bankrupt than unprofitable brick and mortar commodity retailer. I wouldn't pay too much attention to those honestly.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:38:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Listen, maybe I’m wrong about this and in a year I’ll have egg all over my face. But to me “listen dude I don’t know what it is or what it does but it has blockchain so it’s gonna totally go to the moon” makes me want to run the opposite direction as fast as possible, and I’m not even a GME pessimist
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 05:26:29 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
So that's the theory which I'm aware of but I'm not convinced. What you are saying is that GME is switching to e-commerce... in 2021. This is not 1995. E-commerce is a given basic necessity for any decent retailer and the fact that people are celebrating GME becoming e-commerce business in 2021 is odd. On digital download its not a moot point. It makes no sense at all for people to be buying digital downloads from GME. Why would your average person go to GME e-shop, login, buy the code, go to console, manually enter the code when he can go directly to PlayStation store or Steam and click buy? Especially when Steam and other stores are very good at offering discounts that retailers find it hard to match. It just makes no sense. On physical games always having some demand, yea sure. Fax machines still have demand, so do cassettes and CD-RW disks but is not the market you want to be in. And your assumption relies that publishers keep publishing physical copies. That's not the case, already more and more games are coming out digital only. Where is the physical copy of CoD Warzone? All indies are digital only. Where does that leave GME? And also we assume that games streaming doesn't take off in a big way. But you know Xbox games subscription thing is already very compelling and it will only get better and better. You get loads of good (digital) games for small monthly fee. Where does that leave GME? On collectibles and all that stuff, its just super early to tell and its still unproven if it can be lasting and profitable activity. Yet its the final and only Hail Mary for GME... Besides its completely different thing from what GME does at the moment. Different industry really. Lets face it, at the moment without this cult around this equity this company is really kind of worthless. There is a term 'zombie company'. Its a company in declining industry that barely makes any money and just struggles along for years somehow making just enough money to cover debt interest payments and paying peoples wages. That's what GME is.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:26:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
More hyped buzzwords which mean nothing. Honestly you GME holders are so unbelievably easy to please, you’ll believe anything and you don’t understand anything. Omg they’ve hired some people? Wow crazy. They’ll definitely be able to compete with Amazon, google, Microsoft , steam etc . Lmao
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 03:01:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Not really, GME was a very popular stock on WSB since November 2020.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 11:45:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
UPDATE: so I went through the comments, and found the top results, by hand. So far these are the results: 1. MSFT 2. NVDA 3. AAPL 4. TSLA 5. GOOG 6. GME 7. AMZN 8. FB 9. BRKB 10. PLTR 11. COIN then everything else: COST, MCD, AMD, JNJ, NFLX, WM, PYPL, DIS and a bunch I’ve never heard of that got one vote or recommendation. So I’m going with MSFT or NVDA. Probably flip a coin. Thanks everybody for the advice.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 16:33:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
GME Before I get banned for talking about a “pump and dump' on a 'legit' stock page, hear me out. Even without the short squeeze theory, if you want to believe that or not. They have the following going for them. -New chairman in Ryan Cohen who revolutionized the pet industry. -They've lured a huge list of new execs from Amazon, Walmart, and other big e commerce giants, I don't have the exact number but it's like 50+ talented individuals who've started with the company over the last year or so. Why would all these execs be joining a dying company? -2+ billion in capital earmarked for growth. -Two brand new massive fulfillment centers on each coast, one 500,000sq ft, one 700,000sq ft, why do they need this if nothing is changing in the company? -Brand new 500+ employee customer care centre, again why do they need this if they plan to maintain the status quo? They never had this before? -Rumors of the world's first nft gaming marketplace are more then rumors now, you can see the Gamestop job postings easily online. This is happening. -New CFO and CEO are former Amazon execs. Can't speak for CFO but the CEO is only paid in stock and with the stipulation that it has to grow BEYOND the current values. Either he is dumb and plans to work for free for the next X amount of years or he knows something we don't. I could go on but you get the point. In my humble opinion there is no other opportunity on the planet like GME right now.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 00:54:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
GME. They are transforming the industry plus not to mention the short squeeze potential still on the table.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 07:42:29 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Depends on your investing goals, are you looking for a quick trade, or long term hold? Are you looking for something more guaranteed, or trying to make a bet? If you're trying to make a bet, GME, just gotta have the stomach to hold through the dips, it's 'on sale' right now. ​ If you're trying to get a long hold, your Top 3 are pretty good. To add, if you have 15k you can 'almost' get 100 shares of GME, which you can sell high strike covered calls against to hedge your investment.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 16:59:16 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I would purchase GME. I would’ve just said “GME”, but this sub blows and makes me write a long ass comment :)
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 18:20:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
GME easy. If you don't set a reminder so you can regret it in a few years.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 23:14:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I’d say GME don’t ban me ask questions if you have any
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 11:49:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I can't believe people still think GME is an opportunity
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 16:10:48 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>biggest digital transformation play around: GameStop Can you explain how this happens? All I see is: * Shrinking revenue * Shrinking market share * No profits, consistent losses * Majority of video games are now sold digitally * Toxic company culture * No IP, no unique products * 20 major competitors * 3 straight earnings calls lasting less than 10 minutes offering no guidance and no Q&A Edit: as I said in my other comment, to the detractors: I would love to hear where my analysis is off, maybe I missed something? Feel free to unload those numerous bullish GME financial stats on me whenever they become available!
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:05:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>New chairman in Ryan Cohen who revolutionized the pet industry. Chewy never turned a profit til 3 years after he left. Amazon outsells Chewy for pet supplies. Chewy still doesn't have a full year of profits. >They've lured a huge list of new execs from Amazon, Walmart, and other big e commerce giants, I don't have the exact number but it's like 50+ talented individuals who've started with the company over the last year or so. Why would all these execs be joining a dying company? This is misinformation - they have hired a bunch of mid level managers and engineers from listed companies to be execs at their new company. The new GME CEO was the Head of Amazon Australia which would be like number 300 in the line of Amazon succession lol. Feel free to cite all the names of 'execs' if I am wrong, should be easy enough if true. The rest of your comment fails to address: * Shrinking revenue * Shrinking market share * No profits, consistent losses * Majority of video games are now sold digitally * Toxic company culture where most employees hate working there * No IP, no unique products * 20 major competitors * 3 straight earnings calls lasting less than 10 minutes offering no guidance and no Q&A I think you might be caught in an MLM if none of those are alarming to you. Edit: again, if you have some GME news I missed that makes a bullish case I missed above feel free to share!
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:13:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I can't believe people still don't see that GME is an opportunity
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 16:38:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>I really believe this company will be a dominant tech company. Can you explain how this happens? Consider me the 'controlled narrative' but I only see the bear case here: * Shrinking revenue * Shrinking market share * No profits, consistent losses * Majority of video games are now sold digitally * Toxic company culture * No IP, no unique products * 20 major competitors * 3 straight earnings calls lasting less than 10 minutes offering no guidance and no Q&A Edit: to the detractors, I would love to hear where my analysis is off? Feel free to unload the bullish GME financial stats on me whenever they become available!
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 04:03:29 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I don’t see anything meaningful here aside from the 30% increase in YOY revenues, which isn’t all that impressive when you consider that in the context of all the attention GME got this year, not to mention the fact that the share price is up like 25x already which is completely unjustified.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:03:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Yeah, dominant tech company my arse. They are waaaay late to the game, perhaps they had the opportunity to become the Netflix of vid game distribution years ago, they had the distribution channels. Now all the faangs and platform owners are creating their own digital distribution channels, what do they need GameStop for when they have a D2C channel? GME will at best be a minor player in that space, I don't even see them becoming relevant in a few years. Happy for that they represented in the market (little guys pulling one over the big guys), but claiming they'll be a major player in the tech space is far-fetched lol.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:25:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Hi there, I just wanted to share with you the case for a company pivoting into tech and blockchain. There’s a post I wrote a few days ago pinned in my profile that presents analysis on RadioShacks white paper and how it applies to GME X LRC. I present the case that during this transformation, the numbers ultimately don’t matter as the only goal at this moment is to secure a distribution channel to “cross the chasm” to allow mainstream adoption to begin by allowing the average customer to pragmatically use the tech without having to know all the details surrounding how it works
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 08:42:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Wait so should I short it or not? If shorting it offends you maybe you aren't up 1400% like you claim? Lol. Are you one of those GME LARPers that pretends they got rich? Lolll
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:33:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
But that's just the problem, GME has no brand recognition in that space. Hell will freeze over before they take that throne from Amazon. Much better-positioned companies, Walmart --the king of discount items-- included, have tried.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 00:59:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>Is it a sure thing, absolutely not. Are the other companies mentioned great companies, yes, apple, msft, etc are fantastic companies. Are the criticisms of gme valid, totally. Honestly man, this is all I want out of the GME people who flood these forums. Most can't accept a single criticism of it and lose their minds when faced with the many bear points. Every stock has its faults and flaws but only a few have cult like followings. Have a great holiday and best of luck to all of us in 2022.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 16:28:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I don't mean super low risk, but something less risky than the shit that went down surrounding the AMC GME bubble. Investing in cannabis and solar when a democratic was elected felt like the right move but clearly wasn't.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 02:00:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
If you lost money on GME it’s because you bought the top. That’s your own fault.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:47:54 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Not paying attention/taking it seriously when all the GME news developing a year ago.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:19:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
bought 3 GME at 340 bucks...sold at 88. I became an investor after that day. no more trading
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:05:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I lost 6k on GME. My logic at the time?: 'Fuck yea, me and reddit are going to stick it to Wall Street. They'll be panicking for money after this' Lol.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 21:50:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I bought GME at 14. Felt like I had to take profits at 35. Then sold my last at 44. It went much higher in the following days lol cant be too upset with profits but still....
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 07:36:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Thinking that any randomly peddled stock would blast off to another moon or planet. I experienced the GME euphoria like everyone else but smartened up eventually.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 01:09:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
During GME hype. Some eSports company(SLGG) had gone up 69% to $4.20 I bought a bunch and sold it a week or so later at about $10
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 07:22:02 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Bought GME when it was at 40 and sold at 405 right after market open. Followed the same greedy logic and bought BB at 25 (!!), sold for a huge loss a week ago due to taxes. I‘m fortunate that my mistake didn’t wipe out all of my GME profit.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 09:06:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Seeing AMC, GME, and BB hype, deciding to buy like 20 shares of BB cuz it looked most promising, then seeing AMC and GME blow up, so then doubling down on BB, just to see AMC and GME skyrocket more and BB plummet. I promise this is my only WSB-esque decision in the world of stocks. Wanted to have fun but I paid the price
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:32:54 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
You mean I shouldn’t place my life savings on AMC and GME?!
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:01:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Exactly. When mainstream media started to spam GME every day, it should’ve been a red flag to gtfo asap
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:26:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I seriously cant understand how anybody on GME lost money. It was my first stock I ever bought and I bought right before the rally in January and held, I mean I was literally clueless about stocks. Bought more, I never got the dip right, it always continued to dip more. I bought most when their offering at 220 was completed and it fell even below that. I made so many bad decisions with GME, I bought so often at a peak before it dropped and I am still green.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 04:09:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
FWIW, I meant that I kept seeing posts on reddit and ignored it, then started seeing it on the news and figured I'd missed the boat and wished I'd gotten in on it early. However as a pretty novice investor, I'm sure I woulda sold at the wrong time, anyway. I did end up buying some GME and AMC about a month ago. Did some research, but it was mostly FOMO. In the best case scenario, I'll wish I invested more, in the worst case, it'll sting a little. Either way, there will be a tinge of regret, I guess.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 22:26:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I'm 100% GME and I outperformed the market convincing YTD
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 06:00:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
This is assuming GME continues to go up or at least hold value which isn’t guaranteed
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 12:32:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
RobinHood is pretty good for anyone not wanting to do anything that complicated. Most of the people who got mad at it were the ones who got screwed during the GME craze.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:43:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Agreed on the interface. I think a lot of people we really bothered that they restricted buying but not selling during the GME squeeze
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:39:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I’ve never held GME, but the stock buying restrictions on GME really rubbed me the wrong way.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 03:52:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
This. RH had the best UI and functionality of any broker BY FAR. But besides that, its one of he easiest to use for 'advanced' trades. People only shit on it for the GME fiasco
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 02:18:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Don’t get me wrong, I love the Rh app. It’s simple, user friendly and just makes sense. But I’d rather go with a more trusted platform…also the whole GME buying restriction really bothered me
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:31:16 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Your probably right…but then GME happened
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:24:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I did not like their response to GME. I’ve never been a holder, but that really rubbed me the wrong way. I actually really like to app. No issues with it.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:27:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
They restricted stock buying on GME during the short squeeze. I’ve never held GME, but if they can manipulate a stock like that then they can do that on any stock. Besides that, I really like the RH app and features. Just was a shitty/non ethical move imo.
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 13:35:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Is there really any huge downsides to buying and holding shares long term on Robinhood? I remember the whole GME debacle, but other than that I've heard that sometimes there can be server issues which causes issues buying/selling for very short periods of time. I've been putting a lot of money into QQQ/VTI/TQQQ recently though, all on Robinhood and I just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 20:29:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Many brokers restricted trading when GME rallied in January, they disabled the buying of some stocks, like AMC, SSOK (reverse), BB, BBBY, and of course GME. A lot of people were really really mad
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:44:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
When GME and AMC was skyrocketing a bunch of brokerages disabled their buy buttons (mind you they still allowed selling) on those stocks to suppress the price because apparently the brokerages and hedge funds were shorting it. Fidelity and Vanguard were one of the few that allowed normal trading so you could still buy.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:25:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I mean I care. If they can do it to GME holders then they can do it to me and YOU. I never purchased GME, it’s the principle that they can restrict a particular stock/ETF and there’s nothing you can do about it.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 19:35:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
GME, the fundamental development within the company will be coming to fruition in 22 so I expect strong growth as they sit on 2bil cash and have had growing revenue all 21. Those shorting this 'brick and mortar' company will lose
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 06:42:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I have to be honest I just ordered a bunch of stuff from GME online their service was pretty good, the games I ordered as Christmas gifts are all downloads (which isn’t as cool to hand out as hard copies but I digress) I can definitely see how this would be much more profitable than their old business model but how overvalued is the company with the massive run up with the meme stock ordeal? It will be interesting to watch
NYSE:GME DATE : Wed Dec 22 10:22:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Just yolo into GME and get rich soon.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 18:22:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Listen, wsb folks get lucky too occasionally with stocks like GME and what have you. Tesla was her big break in 2020, Bitcoin in 2017. It might work short-term for massive bursts, but it's not a sustainable strategy. Index funds tend to be much more long-term sustainable gains even if smaller gains. If you believe strongly in high-risk ARKK, buy it and stick to it. It's your call. For me, I don't believe in her car salesman scheme to search for pumps or pump it herself like she did Tesla. If you look at wsb over time, it will work wonders until it doesn't. I bet Cathie stays up at night trying to see if she can find the next Tesla. If she does, great. If she doesn't, then her world crumbles. She always has the option to quit the fund & start the next one. That has been a sustainable strategy for her that is tried-and-tested multiple times by her in the last 20 years.
NYSE:GME DATE : Tue Dec 21 23:53:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Same smh the thieves invested my life savings in GME and I just want all the money returned please 😉 You can trust me I would never do something that irresponsible I promise! (Sorry Bad Joke!! I pray you get your money back OP nobody deserves to be robbed)
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 05:07:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : RobinHoodPennyStocks
My early GME gains paid my property taxes this year. Thanks losers!
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 22:31:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Imagine saying GME was a long term play in January 2021. Almost a year of an abusive relationship and some of you GME folk are really losing touch with reality.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 03:12:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
#Ban Bet Lost Hunaxor (0/1) made a bet that GME would go to 180.0 when it was 148.59 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 08:40:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
same people who bought GME at 483
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 10:42:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
How do you fucking retards loose money when AMC & GME have blown their load all over us retards? Why the fuck would you not invest in them when you know how much fuckery the whole market is?? GME is shorted to fuck, AMC was built on Hype and they are now having great attendance. Literally made 75K Fuck sake boys buy AMC below 25 and GME around 150. Not advice you fucking retards. Welcome to WSB 💎🙌
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:17:57 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I laughed at people last year…. but now I feel personally attacked, even after I rode the GME train… twice, 20$ to 420.69$ and 45$ to 150$. 18k down currently from up 61k at peak. Likely worth a New Years tax year loss porn. 😅
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 03:15:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Those stocks are why so many people here lost money, buying GME at 300 and “buying the dip” at 250
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 04:07:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
GME 💎🤲
NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Dec 24 02:59:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Deciding between two options for my GME shares: HOLD or HODL…
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 09:36:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Some of the replies in here 🤦‍♂️ Imagine being a retail trader on WSB and not having a position in GME. Literally fuck off.
NYSE:GME DATE : Thu Dec 23 12:15:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
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2021.12.24 15:33 mdmppbog1189I loved you. Like... For real

You were the person I felt like I could trust. We were amazing together. I used to brag about our relationship together. I thought everyone should make their relationship like ours. I never wanted anything more in life but to have you in my life forever. And then covid happened. You started staying at home to work. We were building our future. We had such plans. We made lists and set goals. You never stopped amazing me at your motivation. As stressful as the whole home buying procedure was we were doing it! But whats this? I'm now getting blamed for something rediculous. You say I'm mean to you when you wake me up? I don't understand what you mean I am so happy to see you especially when you wake me up. Youre beautiful face when I wake up is a dream come true. Youre the light of my life. Why are you upset dont be upset. I try to defend myself and you dont understand. You claim im being offensive. Now youre saying I am not happy for you when you received a raise?! How am I not happy? That's a win for us! Why are you saying these things? Why are you claiming I'm feeling this way? I love you. Now I start to believe it must be we are seeing to much of eachother. That makes sense. Perhaps if I spend time doing stuff it will help us. Plus i still have to work not at home so we can still separate. How was your day? I would listen to events and then start to talk about mine. But wait. Why are you saying I'm the bad guy in my story? Perhaps you misunderstood. No you are definitely blaming me for work events that I'm telling. How could you even consider that? I'm doing good things i don't understand how you claim im not. This doesn't feel like youre on my side. Why are you mad at me now? So its time to lay down. Finally I get to hold my baby. I can't wait to do what we do in the bedroom. I'm so excited. We lay down and I'm comforting you and touching you and you just want to go to sleep. You got to have fun without me since you were home all day by yourself. Oh I see. Well ok maybe tomorrow then. Tomorrow youre home all day by yourself. Not interested again. Again. Again. Now wait... We ended up viewing. Bidding. Loosing. Then finally we got it! Our dream home! Winter? Months away? Yea we will figure out what to do when it snows. Why do we need a plan right now you know i love the snow we wont have an issue. Why you calling me a narcissist? Idk what even means. Don't be mad at me for that. You must be stressed from this whole house buying process. But now look at this place! Its the greatest place ever! Were going to start our family here! I can't believe how great this place is! Were so lucky. But what do you mean? Yea that was my plan to take vacation when we got a house so i can move our stuff. Well yea I know you have some busy days but I'm taking a weeks vacation to move our stuff and if i dont use it soon i lose it. Why does this make you mad? This is a gain for our team! You are part of my team right? So we get everything moved with help from some of our friends. The new house is so amazing. Boxes everywhere still but we did it! This is going to be so amazing. Did you see the house has this? That? Have you seen the wildlife? Theres squirrels! Chipmunks! Holy crap look at all the turkeys! You left to go to work. I'm going to clean the house as best as I can. Surprise you with this task. I bust ass and get a bunch of work done. Wow this place looks amazing. You ask how long it took me. I worked 3 hours or so on it nonstop. The cable bill? No I didn't throw it away? All papers went here. Well idk where its at but I didn't throw something like that away. I'm sorry. Why are you mad again? What do you mean it doesn't count that I cleaned the house? I do nothing around here? Why would you say that my friends and i moved so much stuff. Yea you could have paid someone... But you didn't have to cause.. Stop being so mean please. I love you..
Your anger and blaming started to really become frequent. I started to realize nomatter what there was no winning for us. You were against me nomatter what I did or said. You just wanted to fight. You wanted to blame. You just called me names. Why would you intentionally hurt me? Please say sorry. Please? How am i offending you? I am sorry I asked you to say sorry. Please stop being mad.
Almost 2.5 years into us. You've locked yourself into your own personal office room by yourself. No chair or spot for me. You dont offer to smoke with me. You do that by yourself now. You dont join me at our shared desk. You dont seem interested in anything I'm doing. Oh geez more blame. Yea of course. Im sorry for this and that. Why are you claiming that? Why are you mad at me for that? Why can't you see my point of view? How am i offending you? I'm so confused. Old topics? Cause you just brought up this from the past! Now you feel blamed. You make sure I'm blamed and so I apologized. Every time I was the only one apologizing.
We spent an amazing morning together. Fed our chickens. Fed the pond fish. I love you so much. Heres a story about some guys at work I just found out. Well no... But why... Hey now why are you mad at me I'm just telling a story... Babe lets separate for a bit and we can talk when were calmed down. Babe I came out to garage so we can separate please. Why are you still attacking me? Youre following me still? Can't we follow strategies we learned from counseling I bought us? We learned this from our research. No I didn't read the long ass texts you sent please calm down why are you so mad? You chased me out to the barn now? Wtf?
What do you mean were breaking up? Why? Why? Babe why? Can't you talk to me?
Its 815pm what do you mean the locks are changed I'm working 630am to 915pm everyday you can't let me stay any longer? My stuff is there thats illegal. I have no choice. Dont worry, I'm calling them first. The house is empty. Such a scary feeling. Where did you go? Why cant you talk to me. I have to work but my whole world is crashing and idk why. Please talk to me. Theres an eviction notice on the doors now. Why? Please talk to me please? Now a sheriff note. I call and they say 'well you know what this is about right?' Well yea the eviction.' No... She's trying to get a restraining order on you'.. This woman that I love. The light of my life. Why? You still haven't talked to me! What is going on?! Please talk to me! Why isn't anyone talking to me? What did she say? What did she say I do? Please talk to me! Tell me the truth! Please.... Please.....
You stayed at the house again once I was moved out. Whos SUV is that? Theyre there every night? Its been what a month? Who moves in with someone a month into dating? Why have so many people called me and told me youve cheated on this person and that person and this person and that person? OMG. You wasn't leaving the house for work like you said was you? All night shifts werent shifts at all were they? Please talk to me!
Here we are now months later. You still haven't talked to me. You posted a bunch of lies once. Then you ignored my reply like whats became your usual action when I talk. How can you say such horrible things about me? How?
I'm now homeless. My heart has been ripped out. I trusted and loved someone who only pretended she cared about me. She pretended to love me. Now that she knew I allowed myself to be vulnerable to her and trusted her she could tear me apart. Yea you hurt me alot. I cried for 2 months it seemed. I cried more than ive slept. But as time goes on my eyes became sober. All the lies. Manipulation . all the times I was made to apologized. The apologies I've never received. Who are you? Are you enjoying my pain? Please talk to me so I understand.
Regret? Denial? Why? I don't think I care anymore. Christmas is here and my birthday just after. You made it clear for the last year of our relationship that you wasnt gunna put any effort in. You refused to do anything I asked. You refused to respect boundaries. You refused to treat me like any human deserves. Ive begged and cried and tried literally everything to get you to be reasonable. I'm done. You wouldn't send me my phone I left there, you wouldn't send me my mail. You wouldn't answer a text. A call. Email. Nothing. I'm done. I'm done being the only one trying. I'm done being abused. I'm done treating you with respect and treating you like a decent human. You really are a horrible person. To attack and lie and attack and lie to me and lie about me without a limit. I still have no idea what the point was. Why did this all happen? Why can't you talk to me still? Actually. I dont think I care anymore.
submitted bymdmppbog1189toUnsentLetters [link][comments]

2021.12.24 13:39 bhaitvNational register of historic places (Historical sites in the US)

National Register of Historic Places – Historical Sites in the US
History has its own value that can’t be denied and attracts millions. History lovers prefer to go to historic places to know the reasons behind their importance. People give more value to antiques, momentous and celebrated places that keep historic events, personalities, and acts at their core.
The United States holds most of the world’s important historical places. It has a rich history that is hosting around 90 of such places around the globe that keeps it in the list of the top historical countries. It is home to many of the historical cities, cultural places, museums, forts, monuments, landmarks, and islands. Moreover, visiting these sites gives you the feeling of the past; the people, their way of living, acts, and hardships they have gone through, and their architecture. In addition, all such historical buildings and architecture were man-made without any sense of technology.
Besides, many of such places are the signs of glories while others are reflecting on the painful past. Due to the rich history of such places, it is attracting more people annually. Furthermore, if you are planning to visit historical sites, it gets difficult to cover up all such places in one visit while having limited time. Here, I will narrow down your thoughts by providing a list of the places that have great importance regarding history. I will provide you with; date, time, events, and other significant and related reasons that made it so important.
Following is the list of historical places that are popular in the US. These are the places that have real stories. Also, such places are the need of the time to visit for the sack of information that lies in them and to be well aware of the past.

Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz Island
Location:San Francisco Bay, California, U.S.Established:1934Area:22 acresUsed for:U.S. Army, Bureau of Prisons
The Alcatraz Island was the habitat of the seabirds that was first explored by Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala, in 1775. He named it “Isla de Los Alcatraces” (Isle of the Pelicans). It was later sold to the US and became the first lighthouse on the coast of California in 1854. In 1861, it was made a resident for the US military and also kept 19 prisoners at that time who resisted against the government. In 1907, it was given the status of Pacific Branch of the US military Prison. It also serves as a federal prison for dangerous prisoners.
Moreover, escaping from the prison of Alcatraz Island was rare because of its location. Some have attempted but no information about their survival from the currents of the bay. In 1972, it became part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. No efforts have been made to repair the buildings that have suffered decay. In 1970, buildings were burned but the lighthouse survived and others were destroyed. It is now open to the public and is a popular tourist destination.
Can you spend the night at Alcatraz?Well, that is the most interesting question that people usually ask. Alcatraz is a national recreation area that was opened in 1973. Yes, you can stay for a night at Alcatraz but not more than 600 people and spots are given via lottery.
How much does it cost to stay the night at Alcatraz?To stay for a night at Alcatraz, tickets are different as per age. Children (5-11 years) US$ 28, Junior (12-17 years) US$ 46.25, and Adult (18-61 years) US$ 47.30.
Which is better Alcatraz day or night tour?The difference between the day and the night tour is a day you will go straight to the island by yourself. While at night, you will have information that will tell you about different spots and hidden places and such spots that were used by the prisoners to escape. So, the night tour has an information behind-the-scenes tour.

Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
Official Name:The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the WorldLocation:Liberty Island Manhattan, New York CityHeight:151 feet and 1 inch (46 meters)Dedicated:October 28, 1986Sculptor:Frederic Auguste
The Statue of Liberty is the everlasting friendship of the two nations that is French and American. It was the joint effort of these nations. The statue was created by a French sculpture Frederic Auguste out of copper and is designed by a famous personality behind Eiffel Tower that is Gustave Eiffel. It was given to America and was placed on a small island of New York, also known as Liberty Island. The name was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland in 1886.
The Statue of liberty color is blue-green that is the symbol of freedom and democracy and became the focus of millions of visitors across the globe. It is a robed Roman liberty goddess. She is holding a torch in her right hand that signifies the enlightenment and a tabula ansata, where the date of independence of America has been written. A broken chain at her feet is the sign of the abolition of slavery. The status became an iconic symbol and a trademark that is seen as welcoming to the arriving immigrants.
What is the best time to go to the Statue of Liberty?If you want to visit the statue of liberty, then departing in the morning time will be the best because in the afternoon it gets more congested and will take time. Furthermore, visiting in winter is nice because, in the afternoon, you can also see the sunset.
Do I need to reserve tickets for the Statue of Liberty?Yes, you have to reserve tickets in advance. They are only with Statue Cruisers. You have to contact them in advance via telephone or can book online.
How much does it cost to visit the Statue of Liberty?Entry to the Statue of Liberty is free but you have to pay to access it via the Ellis Island Ferry. It is free for children below 4 years and costs $5 for children (4-12 years), $12 (13 and up years), $10 (above 62 years).

Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Location:West End of National Mall, Washington, D.C.Built:1914–1922Style:Ancient Greek TempleArchitect:Henry Bacon
The US national memorial that is the Lincoln Memorial was built to honor the US 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. Across Washington Monument, lies to the west of the National Mall. The reflecting pool and the greenery around the memorial add charm to its beauty. It is in the style of the ancient Greek Temple. The Lincoln memorial statue architect was Henry Bacon and designed and carved by Daniel Chester French and Piccirilli brothers, respectively. It was dedicated in May 1922 and is one of several memorials. It has become one of the major tourist attractions since 1930.
Furthermore, Lincoln Memorial is 190 feet long, 119 feet wide and 100 feet in height having 36 columns of 44 feet each that are made of Colorado marble. Each of the columns represents the states in the Union that were at the time of Lincoln’s death in 1865. The statue is 19 feet tall and made of Georgia white marble. The Lincoln statue has the inscription of two of the well-known speeches of Lincoln are “The Gettysburg Address” and second “Inaugural Address”. Also, there are other famous speeches inscribed including “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King.
Can you visit the Lincoln Memorial at night and is safe?Absolutely yes! Lincoln Memorial is the safest place during the day and also at night. Administer and police patrols day and night are on duty to answer any question. You can visit the memorial any time and is open 24hrs.
Does it cost money to see the Lincoln Memorial?The Lincoln Memorial is totally free of cost. You can also visit the official page of the Memorial Parks and National mall for more confirmation. Furthermore, you will require a special permit for having a wedding function or having commercial photography.

Mesa Verde National Park
Mesa Verde National Park
Established:June 29, 1906Location:Montezuma country, Colorado, United StatesArea:52,485 acresType:UNESCO Cultural World HeritageNearest City:Cortez, Colorado
Mesa Verde National Park is a UNESCO world cultural heritage site and anAmerican National Park. It has protected the Ancestral Puebloan archaeological site. One of the best historical places in Colorado was established by American President Theodore Roosevelt. This has preserved more than 5,000 archeological sites having 600 cliff dwellings and the largest in North America. Mesa Verde is a Spanish word that means “green table”. It is best known for Cliff Palaces.
It started in 7500 BC, Mesa was inhabited by Paleo-Indians. They were influenced by the surrounding area of the Great Basin, the Rio Grande Valley, and the San Juan Basin. With time, they developed temporary rock shelters around the area of Mesa. By 750 AD, they developed the Basket maker culture from the local Archaic population. Those people used to hunt and gather and were farming crops of corn, squash, and beans. At the end of the 12th century, they started constructing cliff dwellings. By 1285, they were facing droughts and environmental disability and moved to the areas in the south of Arizona and New Mexico.
What is the best time to visit Mesa Verde National Park?The best time to visit Mesa Verde National Park is in spring. You will experience pleasant weather. Also, you can visit in the fall months. Where you will experience fewer visitors and can enjoy wholly.
Can you tour Mesa Verde on your own?Yes, you can also tour Mesa Verde on your own. You can go at your own speed and can visit those places that you want to see.

Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Location:Boston, MassachusettsBuilt:1825-1843Architect:Willard, SolomonPart of:Monument Square Historic District
Bunker Hill Monument is a historical landmark. In 1794, King Solomon erected an 18-foot wooden pillar in honor of Patriot Dr. Joseph Warren. He was killed during the final assault. The Bunker Hill Monument was constructed after 29-years as a permanent memorial. The association purchased 30 acres of land for the monument.
Moreover, due to a shortage of funds, the work was halted several times. Later, the association sold 10 acres of the land for housing and to complete the work. Its construction was completed in 1843 and it is 221 feet tall. The bunker hill monument steps are 294 to reach the top. The monument became part of the Boston National Historical Park and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1961.
Can you climb Bunker Hill Monument?Yes, but you have to be on time. It is open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The entry to climb closes after 4:30 and has no elevator. So, you have to climb those 294 steps.
Who was General Warren?He was a political leader and an active protester against the Stamp Act of 1765. He also headed a committee to protest against the Boston Massacre in 1770.

Gettysburg Battlefield
Gettysburg Battlefield
Date:July 1-3, 1863Location:Gettysburg, PennsylvaniaWar:Union and Confederate ForcesResult:Union Victory
The Gettysburg Battlefield is the place where the war has been fought between Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. The battle resulted in a large number of casualties as compared to the whole civil war. It is remembered as the turning point because of the Union victory and the Siege of Vicksburg. Gen. Robert E of the Confederate army was defeated by Maj. Gen. George Meade of the Union. Lee led his army to the north in Shenandoah for the second invasion after victory in Virginia in May 1863 with high spirits. He hoped to influence the Northern politicians and penetrate far in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia.
The armies collided on July 1, 1863. At the start of the battle, the Unions were driven back but later they took the defensive role and besides the Confederate fierce attack, they managed well to hold their positions and defended despite significant losses. On the third day, the Union rifle and artillery fire performed well at the great loss of the Confederate army and retreated back to Virginia. The casualties from both sides were about 47,000 to 51,000 in three days and were costly in US history. On November 19, President Lincoln dedicated Gettysburg National Cemetery to the fallen soldiers to honor them.
How many days do you need to see Gettysburg?It depends on the interest level of the visitor. Normally, it takes 2-3 days to explore all of the Battlefield, the town, the shops, the museums, and other attractive areas.
Is the Gettysburg battlefield open?Yes, The Gettysburg Battlefield is open throughout the year even though it was open in pandemic situations. One can visit anytime.
Final Thoughts
History has its own value and importance. It can’t be neglected at any step of life. To conclude the historical places of the US, I will say that the above-mentioned places are the most visited sites in the US, annually. These are the core and basic places where much of the history of the USA lies. It will take you back to the ancient days and you will feel the time.
Moreover, there is the peak of architecture that shows the intellectual level of people at that time. You will definitely praise them once you visit.
submitted bybhaitvtou/bhaitv [link][comments]

2021.12.24 13:10 AventadorDH(Part 2) Deep dive into Terra Ecosystem

Hello all,
This is gonna be a long post.
In celebration of Binance listing UST and LUNA breaking 100$, I would like to update my original post nearly half a year ago on the Terra ecosystem. There's a ton of euphoria right now, and so its always good to take a look back at the fundamentals.
A lot has changed since then and by now I'm sure many more people have heard about Terra, maybe even used some of its dapps. For those that are brand new, I recommend reading my original post first. For those wondering if it's too late to get into LUNA, I will present why I think LUNA still has much room to grow. I won't cover every protocol, just the ones I think are most interesting/significant. Still, there's a lot to go through so let's get started.
A quick refresher
Terra is a blockchain developed by TerraForm Labs based on Cosmos SDK (this is important because it allows Terra to connect to all other blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem, more on this later). Their main products are a suite of algorithmic stablecoins, the most prominent being UST tied to the dollar. UST retains its peg through its relationship with LUNA, where LUNA absorbs the volatility of UST. LUNA is minted when selling UST, and burned when buying UST. In practice, 1$ of LUNA always equals 1$ of UST, even if UST loses its peg. This creates arbitrage opportunities, where if UST is at 1.50$, you can sell 1$ of LUNA for 1.50$ UST and immediately bank 50% profit. This increases supply of UST as people sell LUNA for UST and the peg returns to 1. In reverse, if UST is at .50$, people buy 1$ of LUNA with .50$ UST, which decreases UST supply until the peg returns to 1. Again, videos on this below:
Stablecoins are the most important product in all of crypto, no question about it. I honestly can't imagine a time without stablecoins when people took profits into BTC, itself a highly volatile asset. But stablecoins are also not a risk-less product, they are subject to regulators scrutiny and issued by sometimes shady companies (cough...Tether) that may or may not have the funds available to prevent a bank run. A decentralized stablecoin for defi is a no-brainer, and UST is the best of the best currently (DAI is backed by centralized stablecoins and both DAI and MIM are supply constrained, in that they can only be minted with collateral. There are no limits on how much UST can be minted). Protocols on Terra are important to the extent that they drive organic demand for UST. In other words, LUNA can survive and thrive even if all protocols on Terra die out as long as UST is adopted by other blockchains as their main stablecoin. This sets Terra apart from others, its goal is not competing with Solana, Ethereum, Avalanche, or any of the other L1s, its goal is to create the most robust and usable algorithmic stablecoin for all of crypto. A bet on LUNA is a bet on the adoption of UST. Keep this in mind.
This graphic was created in July though at that point we only had Anchor and Mirror running. Now many of these projects have launched or are soon to launch! (though a lot of them are terminated as well)
Launched: Anchor, Mirror, Angel, Valkyrie Protocol, Pylon Protocol, StarTerra, Angel, Talis, HERO, Apollo, Spectrum, Orion Money, Kado, Chai, Loterra, LOOP, Stader, Nexus, Harpoon (now Kujira).
Soon to launch: Mars, Kinetic, Ozone, Suberra, alice, Levana, Astroport, Prism, Spar, White Whale, Neptune, Glow.
I may have missed some so let me know if I did.
Even with all these new protocols, the core of the Terra ecosystem is still Anchor, so let's see what has changed since.
Anchor: Savings and borrowing
Last time I wrote about Anchor it was burning reserves and had just been given a lifeline by TFL. Deposits and borrows were a fraction of what they are today. TVL in the protocol has grown exponentially and is one one of the top 10 defi protocols across all chains. Impressive, considering it operates only on the Terra blockchain whereas many other protocols exist across blockchains. Just recently, Anchor devs announced their intent to make Anchor a cross-chain platform, which would undoubtedly bring in even more capital. On top of that, yield reserves have been growing quite consistently with the addition of bETH and rising value of LUNA. However, with deposits continuing to eclipse borrows, there will eventually come a point when Anchor can no longer sustain its close to 20% interest rate. TFL has been transparent about the fact that the rate cannot be sustained forever, so lowering rates is not cause for panic. Even 15% is far better than any traditional banks or other stablecoin earning dapps/wallets (Celsius 8%, 12%, etc). When this happens, I believe devs should implement a tiered structure of interest rates rewarding those that hold ANC tokens with higher interest. But until then, enjoy your 20% for as long as it lasts :)

Current total deposits/borrow vs. the time of my first post. Interestingly, that little blip in borrows during the May crash at the time felt like a disaster. Today you can barely see the drop.
Mirror: Synthetic assets
24/7 trading of the most popular stocks from anywhere in the world on the blockchain, what's not to like? Unfortunately, Mirror has run into some problems in its time. At one point holding nearly 2b in TVL, Mirror today has only half of that according to DefiLlama. On Mirror itself, the TVL statistic has been removed from the landing page. What happened to Mirror? I believe there were 3 main factors involved: 1. Execution 2. Regulation 3. Full decentralization
  1. Even in its heyday, Mirror listed new assets far too slowly. And when it did, it listed things like mDOT or mBTC, synthetic versions of cryptocurrencies which serves no discernible purpose other than for LPs to farm MIR tokens. Because all anyone was doing was farming MIR, the price of MIR fell and has not been doing much since. Perhaps Mirror could have done better by focusing on more exotic asset classes to list (commodities?) that would attract new capital into the protocol, but it may be too late for that now considering...
  2. regulations. It started when Uniswap delisted synthetic tokens from their DEX frontend, this included all Mirror based tokens. Shortly thereafter, we learned that Do Kwon (founder of TFL) was served (albeit unjustly) a subpoena by the SEC at Mainnet 2021 over Mirror. Hardly surprising that the SEC would be concerned about a synthetic stock market. Although Do pushed back against the SEC by suing them back, this created a lot of FUD regarding Mirror and cast its future into shadows.
  3. Perhaps as a result of these events, TFL relinquished any control of Mirror and turned it into a fully decentralized protocol run 100% by the community. Although decentralization is regarded as the holy grail in crypto, it became quickly apparent that full decentralization too soon without any leadership is not beneficial to anyone. A quick look at Mirror governance tells the story.
Full decentralization without leadership is a mess.
Long story short, I think Mirror is unfortunately a dying protocol (contrary to my original thesis) and there's not much I can see that would save it.
On the bright side, there are plenty of new protocols that have since launched or are launching that will soak up the value of Mirror, let's take a look at some of the most prominent ones.
NFTs: NFTs arrived on the Terra blockchain with the same insane excitement as any other blockchain. One of the earliest and most hyped projects was Galactic Punks (punks in space) which minted on Randomearth. Since then tens if not hundreds of additional projects have launched and minted. I won't talk about any of them individually in detail as there are just too many. Feel free to browse Randomearth! My personal favorite is definitely Hero. Just look at Do Kwon's profile picture, how cool is that?
Pylon/StarTerra: Both of these are launchpads on Terra, and both are pretty unique in terms of launchpads. Pylon was the first and incubated by TFL. It uses a clever system called 'Pylon Pools', where users can deposit UST in exchange for tokens from new project launches where the amount is determined based on how long you lock your UST, options being a 3 month/6 month/12 months vesting period. This is a 'risk-less' investment in that you recover your original UST amount at the end of the vesting period, and also allows smoother project launches that dampen price volatility. There is also Pylon Swap, where users that stake Pylon's own governance token MINE are allocated a certain amount of new project tokens in a presale (though these are much rarer with the preferred being Pylon Pools. Overall the protocol works as its intended, though there have been criticisms that MINE stakers are not rewarded enough for holding MINE. The team behind Pylon is working on improving benefits for stakers with recently implemented retroactive airdrops for long term stakers. I am excited to see what other innovative launches they come up with in the future.
StarTerra is the first gamified launchpad where stakers are divided into 1 of 3 factions and rewards are allocated differently to the stronger of the factions. To be honest, I have not looked much into this project as their launch was very rocky and received a lot of community distrust. However, I know that since then the team has worked hard to improve their reputation with the community and projects are continuing to partner with StarTerra. Anyone more involved, feel free to comment below on this project!
Loterra: If crypto isn't gambling enough, you're welcome to gamble more with Loterra! Basically a lottery protocol that charges 1UST per ticket and draws every 3 days. There are some cool features though. LOTA stakers are rewarded a portion of every lottery winning including jackpots. There is also the ability to play 'lossless' lottery, where it uses Anchor yield to buy recurring tickets whilst keeping your principal amount intact.
Orion Money: One of if not the most anticipated and hyped up project launches on Terra which to be honest up to this point has done little more than disappoint. Orion is a stablecoin savings protocol that leverages the yield of Anchor on other blockchains. It allows deposits of USDC, USDT, BUSD, and others on Ethereum, BSC, and Polygon and pays up to 15% interest by converting and depositing these coins into Anchor. It was said to be the one to open the floodgates to the masses. However, Orion has not seen the expected growth as TVL has stagnated and even fallen over the past few months with only a couple hundred million in TVL, this compared to Anchor's 5 billion in UST deposits (over the same period Anchor deposits increased by several billion). Furthermore, Orion hyped up its airdrop for months and required all recipients to stake to the Orion validator in order to be eligible. Months of staking led to a measly 1% of all tokens being airdropped to loyal stakers. Of course, free money is free money, but it still leaves a sour taste in your mouth. With UST now being available on Binance (listed today), Huobi (listed yesterday), Kucoin, and potentially many more exchanges to come, UST on-ramp will become increasingly easy and there is little reason to not use Anchor directly within Terra. That being said, credit is due for a solid team and an innovative product that unfortunately just has not gained much traction.
Apollo/Spectrum: Both are yield compounders that do exactly what they are supposed to do, there's not much more to say here. Use them to boost your yield on LP pairs within the Terra ecosystem. Spectrum launched a bit under the radar but has since proved its robustness with audits and UI enhancements. Apollo had a pre-launch token mining program which was a great success and one of the fairest launches to date. Kudos to both platforms.
Nexus: Nexus is a yield optimizer leveraging Anchor Earn and Borrow. During the May crash, many accounts borrowing UST on Anchor were liquidated when the price of LUNA used as collateral (called bLUNA) plummeted. New borrowers became hesitant to borrow for fear that they would be liquidated overnight. If there are no borrowers, Anchor Earn cannot sustain its high interest and the protocol would collapse. Nexus aims to help alleviate the problem by providing a system of automated loan managements. You deposit bLUNA into their vault which they use to borrow UST at a preset ratio safe from liquidation and autonomously readjusts itself to maintain the same rate. The borrowed UST is then deposited into Anchor Earn, the interest from borrowing and depositing is used to buy PSI tokens, and the PSI tokens are used to pay interest to those depositing bLUNA into the vault.
Kujira: The Japanese word for whale. Contrary to Nexus protecting from liquidations, Kujira aims to allow everyone the opportunity to benefit from liquidations, whereas before, liquidations would be sniped by bots. Kujira lets you bid for liquidated bAssets (bLUNA, bETH) at a discount to their current value by depositing UST. It works like a charm from what I can tell, though I haven't personally used it (feel kind of bad profiting off people being inadvertently liquidated...but free market and all that, the option is there).
Stader: Probably the most interesting protocol in this list. Stader is a liquid staking and auto-compounding platform that allows you to stake LUNA without any unbonding period (usually 21 day unlock on TerraStation). The base yield from LUNA is compounded automatically while still allowing stakers to receive all the airdrops they would have received if they had just staked LUNA normally. In exchange for staking LUNA on the platform, you are given a token called LUNAX, which is a representation of your stake much like how your UST turns into aUST when you deposit into Anchor. LUNAX will open up a whole new world of degen leverage opportunities that are currently in the works. Check out the video below, I don't think I can explain better than him.
Angel: A one of a kind charity protocol that is always worth a mention. Angel provides perpetual donations using yield generated from staked LUNA. It runs a validator for staking LUNA, and all interest generated from staked LUNA is given to charities. It is a great concept and definitely worth supporting. To date they have already donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to various charities around the world that you can see on their website.
Other launched projects (that I am not very familiar with) include, TerraFloki, Loop, Valkyrie, and maybe others I've missed. And onto the up-and-coming projects, there are a few highly anticipated ones around the corner.
Coming soon
Astroport: Can you believe Terra has the second highest TVL of any chain without a fully fledged AMM DEX? Neither can I. Astroport, incubated by Delphi Labs (a big investor and supporter of Terra who also helped design Axie Infinity), aims to be Terra's go-to exchange. Currently there is only TerraSwap, which is essentially a re-skinned version of Mirror's backend that leaves a lot of functions to be desired. People who've been in the ecosystem all know the number of times TerraSwap has broken or been hit with stupidly high slippage out of nowhere. Astroport is launching in a few days and is currently in Phase 2 of its 'lockdrop' campaign, a 3 step process to ensure the DEX launches with substantial liquidity already provided and rewarding early providers with ASTRO tokens. It is a bit complex but if you're interested it is quite an innovative model and you can read about it here. Phase 2 is ongoing and you still have the opportunity to contribute to the ASTRO liquidity bootstrapping pool for ASTRO rewards if you want to! Astroport will make the Terra ecosystem even more robust and give users one more reason to never leave again. The DEX launches in 3 days!
Ozone: Terra's native insurance protocol has been in the works for some time. It will allows you to buy insurance in case of UST depeg, smart contract risks, etc. Ozone was funded recently by TFL with ~4 billion UST from burning the LUNA held in their community funds. Last month, Risk Harbor announced they would be in charge of operating Ozone. When this project finally launches, it will provide safety assurance for many users, opening up the ecosystem even more to the masses. As a side note, the community pool burn of LUNA resulted in so many fees that will go to pay staking interest that the rewards for staking nearly doubled to around 9-10% per year and will remain consistent for the next few years.
Mars: Another project incubated by Delphi Labs, Mars is a lending and borrowing protocol set to launch early next year. Not much is known about it yet, but it is also highly anticipated. You can watch this video to learn more about it
White Whale: Allows retail investors to help maintain UST's peg and profit from arbitrage opportunities by pooling assets.
Levana: Short for Leverage any Asset, basically does what its name suggests. It will allow you to go full degen and buy leveraged assets such as 2x LUNA. What's not to like?
Prism: A very innovative protocol that will split yield-bearing assets such as LUNA into principle and yield components, name pLUNA and yLUNA, where one represents the base token and the other represents the future yield of the base token. This allows you to do things like theoretically borrowing against your future yield revenue. I am very excited to see the full functionality of this protocol once it goes live.
Finally, we can't talk about Terra protocols without talking about airdrops. Almost every protocol launched on Terra has had some form of airdrop to different participants in the ecosystem, particularly LUNA stakers. It is a tradition I expect will continue. Even projects launching on other blockchains have airdropped or will airdrop LUNA stakers, including Comdex and Shade Protocol on Secret Network (all part of overall Cosmos ecosystem).
Full airdrop chart, credit to Crypto_Carlosa on Twitter for making and updating it.
Beyond Terra
Terra now has a whole suite of defi projects driving demand for UST, but UST is not limited to Terra. Since I last wrote about Terra, UST has found its way to Solana, Fantom, Harmony, and linked with other Cosmos blockchains through Cosmos IBC and been listed on Osmosis (the premier DEX for all Cosmos-based blockchains, UST serving as the de-facto stablecoin). As regulation around centralized stablecoins inevitably continues to tighten, I predict defi ecosystems will increasingly adopt UST as their central stablecoin.
UST has also appeared on several centralized exchanges since, the most notable being Binance just this morning (a great Xmas gift for all). It is also listed on Kucoin, Huobi (just yesterday), Coinbase Pro, and others. Though being listed on CEXes is not the premier goal of UST, it definitely drives adoption and lowers barrier of entry for anyone who wants to enter the Terra ecosystem, which is a great thing for all.
Rumor has it (though not really a rumor anymore since Do Kwon confirmed it) that TFL is in talks with the government of Busan to in some way utilize their stablecoins. If it ever comes to fruition, it would represent a killer use-case and validation for decentralized stablecoins used by a government. However, government bureaucracy moves slow so I wouldn't hold my breath.
Spending UST
The big question on everyone's minds is how to even spend all that yield, assuming you aren't a complete degen leveraging everything to the limits. So what options are out there?
Chai: A payment company that launched with Terra in the beginning and uses Terra stablecoins. It can be used in Korea and is actually a huge use-case for Terra that I haven't mentioned but is worth a further look if you are interested. My go-to method. Just transfer your LUNA and convert to USDC/USDT (they haven't listed UST yet) and top up your Visa debit card. I don't wanna shill for CDC but fuck it their card is awesome (its metal from second tier up), the benefits are great, and its so easy to use. And just a tip, the app exchange rates are god-awful so its better to sell your LUNA first on Binance or elsewhere and transfer BUSD to CDC over Binance Smart Chain (super low fees), then convert to USDC/USDT to top up (no fees for swapping stablecoins).
Binance: With Binance listing UST and also offering their own debit card, spending UST should be incredibly easy for anyone with a card.
Kado Money: Kado allows you to spend UST directly on many different things, as well as providing a card that can be topped up with UST.
Terra Cards: Gift cards using UST (for US based users only)
Travala: Pay for flights and hotels using UST! Easy as that. They also accepts dozens of other crypto too.
Is it too late to get into LUNA?
No one can predict price movements, but with a long term time horizon, strong assets tend to move up and to the right (just look at a long term chart of any asset you can think of, heck even Bitcoin).
LUNA is now trading around ATH at 100$, a huge milestone for everyone involved. However, now is not the time to be FOMOing in, this is true for any asset at ATH's. The listing on Binance has been rumored for a while and may prove to be a sell the news event, as LUNA is already up more than 100% in the past month leading to this listing. Of course, I would be more than happy to see LUNA continue to make ATHs, but I urge caution and restraint to everyone. DCA in if you must. That being said, I believe LUNA is still undervalued compared to other blockchains. As a ratio of MktCap to TVL, LUNA is priced lower than almost every notable blockchain in the top 10 besides Fantom. And none of the other coins have tokenomics on par with LUNA, a hyper deflationary token as long as UST adoption increases. Again, a bet on Terra and LUNA is a bet on UST and algorithmic decentralized stablecoin winning the stablecoin war.

So for an answer to the question, I would say it's not too late. However, there may very well be better entry opportunities in the short term. Stay safe out there all you apes.
Any questions or comments are welcome!
TLDR: The defi ecosystem on Terra is thriving. It has come a long long way since the crash in May. UST is being adopted across blockchains and listed on more and more major exchanges both CEX and DEX. As UST is minted, LUNA is burned. More UST = higher value of LUNA, not financial advice.
submitted byAventadorDHtoterraluna [link][comments]

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2021.12.24 12:54 AventadorDH(Part 2) Deep dive into Terra Ecosystem

Hello all,
This is gonna be a long post.
In celebration of Binance listing UST and LUNA breaking 100$, I would like to update my original post nearly half a year ago on the Terra ecosystem. There's a ton of euphoria right now, and so its always good to take a look back at the fundamentals.
A lot has changed since then and by now I'm sure many more people have heard about Terra, maybe even used some of its dapps. For those that are brand new, I recommend reading my original post first. For those wondering if it's too late to get into LUNA, I will present why I think LUNA still has much room to grow. I won't cover every protocol, just the ones I think are most interesting/significant. Still, there's a lot to go through so let's get started.
A quick refresher
Terra is a blockchain developed by TerraForm Labs based on Cosmos SDK (this is important because it allows Terra to connect to all other blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem, more on this later). Their main products are a suite of algorithmic stablecoins, the most prominent being UST tied to the dollar. UST retains its peg through its relationship with LUNA, where LUNA absorbs the volatility of UST. LUNA is minted when selling UST, and burned when buying UST. In practice, 1$ of LUNA always equals 1$ of UST, even if UST loses its peg. This creates arbitrage opportunities, where if UST is at 1.50$, you can sell 1$ of LUNA for 1.50$ UST and immediately bank 50% profit. This increases supply of UST as people sell LUNA for UST and the peg returns to 1. In reverse, if UST is at .50$, people buy 1$ of LUNA with .50$ UST, which decreases UST supply until the peg returns to 1. Again, videos on this below:
Stablecoins are the most important product in all of crypto, no question about it. I honestly can't imagine a time without stablecoins when people took profits into BTC, itself a highly volatile asset. But stablecoins are also not a risk-less product, they are subject to regulators scrutiny and issued by sometimes shady companies (cough...Tether) that may or may not have the funds available to prevent a bank run. A decentralized stablecoin for defi is a no-brainer, and UST is the best of the best currently (DAI is backed by centralized stablecoins and both DAI and MIM are supply constrained, in that they can only be minted with collateral. There are no limits on how much UST can be minted). Protocols on Terra are important to the extent that they drive organic demand for UST. In other words, LUNA can survive and thrive even if all protocols on Terra die out as long as UST is adopted by other blockchains as their main stablecoin. This sets Terra apart from others, its goal is not competing with Solana, Ethereum, Avalanche, or any of the other L1s, its goal is to create the most robust and usable algorithmic stablecoin for all of crypto. A bet on LUNA is a bet on the adoption of UST. Keep this in mind.
This graphic was created in July though at that point we only had Anchor and Mirror running. Now many of these projects have launched or are soon to launch! (though a lot of them are terminated as well)
Launched: Anchor, Mirror, Angel, Valkyrie Protocol, Pylon Protocol, StarTerra, Angel, Talis, HERO, Apollo, Spectrum, Orion Money, Kado, Chai, Loterra, LOOP, Stader, Nexus, Harpoon (now Kujira).
Soon to launch: Mars, Kinetic, Ozone, Suberra, alice, Levana, Astroport, Prism, Spar, White Whale, Neptune, Glow.
I may have missed some so let me know if I did.
Even with all these new protocols, the core of the Terra ecosystem is still Anchor, so let's see what has changed since.
Anchor: Savings and borrowing
Last time I wrote about Anchor it was burning reserves and had just been given a lifeline by TFL. Deposits and borrows were a fraction of what they are today. TVL in the protocol has grown exponentially and is one one of the top 10 defi protocols across all chains. Impressive, considering it operates only on the Terra blockchain whereas many other protocols exist across blockchains. Just recently, Anchor devs announced their intent to make Anchor a cross-chain platform, which would undoubtedly bring in even more capital. On top of that, yield reserves have been growing quite consistently with the addition of bETH and rising value of LUNA. However, with deposits continuing to eclipse borrows, there will eventually come a point when Anchor can no longer sustain its close to 20% interest rate. TFL has been transparent about the fact that the rate cannot be sustained forever, so lowering rates is not cause for panic. Even 15% is far better than any traditional banks or other stablecoin earning dapps/wallets (Celsius 8%, 12%, etc). When this happens, I believe devs should implement a tiered structure of interest rates rewarding those that hold ANC tokens with higher interest. But until then, enjoy your 20% for as long as it lasts :)
Current total deposits/borrow vs. the time of my first post. Interestingly, that little blip in borrows during the May crash at the time felt like a disaster. Today you can barely see the drop.
Mirror: Synthetic assets
24/7 trading of the most popular stocks from anywhere in the world on the blockchain, what's not to like? Unfortunately, Mirror has run into some problems in its time. At one point holding nearly 2b in TVL, Mirror today has only half of that according to DefiLlama. On Mirror itself, the TVL statistic has been removed from the landing page. What happened to Mirror? I believe there were 3 main factors involved: 1. Execution 2. Regulation 3. Full decentralization
  1. Even in its heyday, Mirror listed new assets far too slowly. And when it did, it listed things like mDOT or mBTC, synthetic versions of cryptocurrencies which serves no discernible purpose other than for LPs to farm MIR tokens. Because all anyone was doing was farming MIR, the price of MIR fell and has not been doing much since. Perhaps Mirror could have done better by focusing on more exotic asset classes to list (commodities?) that would attract new capital into the protocol, but it may be too late for that now considering...
  2. regulations. It started when Uniswap delisted synthetic tokens from their DEX frontend, this included all Mirror based tokens. Shortly thereafter, we learned that Do Kwon (founder of TFL) was served (albeit unjustly) a subpoena by the SEC at Mainnet 2021 over Mirror. Hardly surprising that the SEC would be concerned about a synthetic stock market. Although Do pushed back against the SEC by suing them back, this created a lot of FUD regarding Mirror and cast its future into shadows.
  3. Perhaps as a result of these events, TFL relinquished any control of Mirror and turned it into a fully decentralized protocol run 100% by the community. Although decentralization is regarded as the holy grail in crypto, it became quickly apparent that full decentralization too soon without any leadership is not beneficial to anyone. A quick look at Mirror governance tells the story.
Full decentralization without leadership is a mess.
Long story short, I think Mirror is unfortunately a dying protocol (contrary to my original thesis) and there's not much I can see that would save it.
On the bright side, there are plenty of new protocols that have since launched or are launching that will soak up the value of Mirror, let's take a look at some of the most prominent ones.
NFTs: NFTs arrived on the Terra blockchain with the same insane excitement as any other blockchain. One of the earliest and most hyped projects was Galactic Punks (punks in space) which minted on Randomearth. Since then tens if not hundreds of additional projects have launched and minted. I won't talk about any of them individually in detail as there are just too many. Feel free to browse Randomearth! My personal favorite is definitely Hero. Just look at Do Kwon's profile picture, how cool is that?
Pylon/StarTerra: Both of these are launchpads on Terra, and both are pretty unique in terms of launchpads. Pylon was the first and incubated by TFL. It uses a clever system called 'Pylon Pools', where users can deposit UST in exchange for tokens from new project launches where the amount is determined based on how long you lock your UST, options being a 3 month/6 month/12 months vesting period. This is a 'risk-less' investment in that you recover your original UST amount at the end of the vesting period, and also allows smoother project launches that dampen price volatility. There is also Pylon Swap, where users that stake Pylon's own governance token MINE are allocated a certain amount of new project tokens in a presale (though these are much rarer with the preferred being Pylon Pools. Overall the protocol works as its intended, though there have been criticisms that MINE stakers are not rewarded enough for holding MINE. The team behind Pylon is working on improving benefits for stakers with recently implemented retroactive airdrops for long term stakers. I am excited to see what other innovative launches they come up with in the future.
StarTerra is the first gamified launchpad where stakers are divided into 1 of 3 factions and rewards are allocated differently to the stronger of the factions. To be honest, I have not looked much into this project as their launch was very rocky and received a lot of community distrust. However, I know that since then the team has worked hard to improve their reputation with the community and projects are continuing to partner with StarTerra. Anyone more involved, feel free to comment below on this project!
Loterra: If crypto isn't gambling enough, you're welcome to gamble more with Loterra! Basically a lottery protocol that charges 1UST per ticket and draws every 3 days. There are some cool features though. LOTA stakers are rewarded a portion of every lottery winning including jackpots. There is also the ability to play 'lossless' lottery, where it uses Anchor yield to buy recurring tickets whilst keeping your principal amount intact.
Orion Money: One of if not the most anticipated and hyped up project launches on Terra which to be honest up to this point has done little more than disappoint. Orion is a stablecoin savings protocol that leverages the yield of Anchor on other blockchains. It allows deposits of USDC, USDT, BUSD, and others on Ethereum, BSC, and Polygon and pays up to 15% interest by converting and depositing these coins into Anchor. It was said to be the one to open the floodgates to the masses. However, Orion has not seen the expected growth as TVL has stagnated and even fallen over the past few months with only a couple hundred million in TVL, this compared to Anchor's 5 billion in UST deposits (over the same period Anchor deposits increased by several billion). Furthermore, Orion hyped up its airdrop for months and required all recipients to stake to the Orion validator in order to be eligible. Months of staking led to a measly 1% of all tokens being airdropped to loyal stakers. Of course, free money is free money, but it still leaves a sour taste in your mouth. With UST now being available on Binance (listed today), Huobi (listed yesterday), Kucoin, and potentially many more exchanges to come, UST on-ramp will become increasingly easy and there is little reason to not use Anchor directly within Terra. That being said, credit is due for a solid team and an innovative product that unfortunately just has not gained much traction.
Apollo/Spectrum: Both are yield compounders that do exactly what they are supposed to do, there's not much more to say here. Use them to boost your yield on LP pairs within the Terra ecosystem. Spectrum launched a bit under the radar but has since proved its robustness with audits and UI enhancements. Apollo had a pre-launch token mining program which was a great success and one of the fairest launches to date. Kudos to both platforms.
Nexus: Nexus is a yield optimizer leveraging Anchor Earn and Borrow. During the May crash, many accounts borrowing UST on Anchor were liquidated when the price of LUNA used as collateral (called bLUNA) plummeted. New borrowers became hesitant to borrow for fear that they would be liquidated overnight. If there are no borrowers, Anchor Earn cannot sustain its high interest and the protocol would collapse. Nexus aims to help alleviate the problem by providing a system of automated loan managements. You deposit bLUNA into their vault which they use to borrow UST at a preset ratio safe from liquidation and autonomously readjusts itself to maintain the same rate. The borrowed UST is then deposited into Anchor Earn, the interest from borrowing and depositing is used to buy PSI tokens, and the PSI tokens are used to pay interest to those depositing bLUNA into the vault.
Kujira: The Japanese word for whale. Contrary to Nexus protecting from liquidations, Kujira aims to allow everyone the opportunity to benefit from liquidations, whereas before, liquidations would be sniped by bots. Kujira lets you bid for liquidated bAssets (bLUNA, bETH) at a discount to their current value by depositing UST. It works like a charm from what I can tell, though I haven't personally used it (feel kind of bad profiting off people being inadvertently liquidated...but free market and all that, the option is there).
Stader: Probably the most interesting protocol in this list. Stader is a liquid staking and auto-compounding platform that allows you to stake LUNA without any unbonding period (usually 21 day unlock on TerraStation). The base yield from LUNA is compounded automatically while still allowing stakers to receive all the airdrops they would have received if they had just staked LUNA normally. In exchange for staking LUNA on the platform, you are given a token called LUNAX, which is a representation of your stake much like how your UST turns into aUST when you deposit into Anchor. LUNAX will open up a whole new world of degen leverage opportunities that are currently in the works. Check out the video below, I don't think I can explain better than him.
Angel: A one of a kind charity protocol that is always worth a mention. Angel provides perpetual donations using yield generated from staked LUNA. It runs a validator for staking LUNA, and all interest generated from staked LUNA is given to charities. It is a great concept and definitely worth supporting. To date they have already donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to various charities around the world that you can see on their website.
Other launched projects (that I am not very familiar with) include, TerraFloki, Loop, Valkyrie, and maybe others I've missed. And onto the up-and-coming projects, there are a few highly anticipated ones around the corner.
Coming soon
Astroport: Can you believe Terra has the second highest TVL of any chain without a fully fledged AMM DEX? Neither can I. Astroport, incubated by Delphi Labs (a big investor and supporter of Terra who also helped design Axie Infinity), aims to be Terra's go-to exchange. Currently there is only TerraSwap, which is essentially a re-skinned version of Mirror's backend that leaves a lot of functions to be desired. People who've been in the ecosystem all know the number of times TerraSwap has broken or been hit with stupidly high slippage out of nowhere. Astroport is launching in a few days and is currently in Phase 2 of its 'lockdrop' campaign, a 3 step process to ensure the DEX launches with substantial liquidity already provided and rewarding early providers with ASTRO tokens. It is a bit complex but if you're interested it is quite an innovative model and you can read about it here. Phase 2 is ongoing and you still have the opportunity to contribute to the ASTRO liquidity bootstrapping pool for ASTRO rewards if you want to! Astroport will make the Terra ecosystem even more robust and give users one more reason to never leave again. The DEX launches in 3 days!
Ozone: Terra's native insurance protocol has been in the works for some time. It will allows you to buy insurance in case of UST depeg, smart contract risks, etc. Ozone was funded recently by TFL with ~4 billion UST from burning the LUNA held in their community funds. Last month, Risk Harbor announced they would be in charge of operating Ozone. When this project finally launches, it will provide safety assurance for many users, opening up the ecosystem even more to the masses. As a side note, the community pool burn of LUNA resulted in so many fees that will go to pay staking interest that the rewards for staking nearly doubled to around 9-10% per year and will remain consistent for the next few years.
Mars: Another project incubated by Delphi Labs, Mars is a lending and borrowing protocol set to launch early next year. Not much is known about it yet, but it is also highly anticipated. You can watch this video to learn more about it
White Whale: Allows retail investors to help maintain UST's peg and profit from arbitrage opportunities by pooling assets.
Levana: Short for Leverage any Asset, basically does what its name suggests. It will allow you to go full degen and buy leveraged assets such as 2x LUNA. What's not to like?
Prism: A very innovative protocol that will split yield-bearing assets such as LUNA into principle and yield components, name pLUNA and yLUNA, where one represents the base token and the other represents the future yield of the base token. This allows you to do things like theoretically borrowing against your future yield revenue. I am very excited to see the full functionality of this protocol once it goes live.
Finally, we can't talk about Terra protocols without talking about airdrops. Almost every protocol launched on Terra has had some form of airdrop to different participants in the ecosystem, particularly LUNA stakers. It is a tradition I expect will continue. Even projects launching on other blockchains have airdropped or will airdrop LUNA stakers, including Comdex and Shade Protocol on Secret Network (all part of overall Cosmos ecosystem).
Full airdrop chart, credit to Crypto_Carlosa on Twitter for making and updating it.
Beyond Terra
Terra now has a whole suite of defi projects driving demand for UST, but UST is not limited to Terra. Since I last wrote about Terra, UST has found its way to Solana, Fantom, Harmony, and linked with other Cosmos blockchains through Cosmos IBC and been listed on Osmosis (the premier DEX for all Cosmos-based blockchains, UST serving as the de-facto stablecoin). As regulation around centralized stablecoins inevitably continues to tighten, I predict defi ecosystems will increasingly adopt UST as their central stablecoin.
UST has also appeared on several centralized exchanges since, the most notable being Binance just this morning (a great Xmas gift for all). It is also listed on Kucoin, Huobi (just yesterday), Coinbase Pro, and others. Though being listed on CEXes is not the premier goal of UST, it definitely drives adoption and lowers barrier of entry for anyone who wants to enter the Terra ecosystem, which is a great thing for all.
Rumor has it (though not really a rumor anymore since Do Kwon confirmed it) that TFL is in talks with the government of Busan to in some way utilize their stablecoins. If it ever comes to fruition, it would represent a killer use-case and validation for decentralized stablecoins used by a government. However, government bureaucracy moves slow so I wouldn't hold my breath.
Spending UST
The big question on everyone's minds is how to even spend all that yield, assuming you aren't a complete degen leveraging everything to the limits. So what options are out there?
Chai: A payment company that launched with Terra in the beginning and uses Terra stablecoins. It can be used in Korea and is actually a huge use-case for Terra that I haven't mentioned but is worth a further look if you are interested. My go-to method. Just transfer your LUNA and convert to USDC/USDT (they haven't listed UST yet) and top up your Visa debit card. I don't wanna shill for CDC but fuck it their card is awesome (its metal from second tier up), the benefits are great, and its so easy to use. And just a tip, the app exchange rates are god-awful so its better to sell your LUNA first on Binance or elsewhere and transfer BUSD to CDC over Binance Smart Chain (super low fees), then convert to USDC/USDT to top up (no fees for swapping stablecoins).
Binance: With Binance listing UST and also offering their own debit card, spending UST should be incredibly easy for anyone with a card.
Kado Money: Kado allows you to spend UST directly on many different things, as well as providing a card that can be topped up with UST.
Terra Cards: Gift cards using UST (for US based users only)
Travala: Pay for flights and hotels using UST! Easy as that. They also accepts dozens of other crypto too.
Is it too late to get into LUNA?
No one can predict price movements, but with a long term time horizon, strong assets tend to move up and to the right (just look at a long term chart of any asset you can think of, heck even Bitcoin).
LUNA is now trading around ATH at 100$, a huge milestone for everyone involved. However, now is not the time to be FOMOing in, this is true for any asset at ATH's. The listing on Binance has been rumored for a while and may prove to be a sell the news event, as LUNA is already up more than 100% in the past month leading to this listing. Of course, I would be more than happy to see LUNA continue to make ATHs, but I urge caution and restraint to everyone. DCA in if you must. That being said, I believe LUNA is still undervalued compared to other blockchains. As a ratio of MktCap to TVL, LUNA is priced lower than almost every notable blockchain in the top 10 besides Fantom. And none of the other coins have tokenomics on par with LUNA, a hyper deflationary token as long as UST adoption increases. Again, a bet on Terra and LUNA is a bet on UST and algorithmic decentralized stablecoin winning the stablecoin war.
So for an answer to the question, I would say it's not too late. However, there may very well be better entry opportunities in the short term. Stay safe out there all you apes.
Any questions or comments are welcome!
TLDR: The defi ecosystem on Terra is thriving. It has come a long long way since the crash in May. UST is being adopted across blockchains and listed on more and more major exchanges both CEX and DEX. As UST is minted, LUNA is burned. More UST = higher value of LUNA, not financial advice.
submitted byAventadorDHtodefi [link][comments]

2021.12.24 12:08 twofuxxCooked Tamale meat bubbling like a volcano

See Full List On

I've been making tamales for 30 years red chili pork all kinds I cooked a 15 lb pork butt yesterday let me clarify Wednesday in a crock pot. As soon as it was cool enough I put it in the refrigerator. Thursday late afternoon evening took it out to add to the red chili sauce that I made on the stove it was hot, combined the pork and the beef chuck roast that I had made the same day. Like I've done many times the meat tasted great.. sauce was great cooked the meat before the sell-by date. I then put the meat in a cambro and set it on my table starting my masa it's sat for about an hour cooled off.. I walked by to grab something and noticed it all the juices were bubbling up like a volcano and coming over the side of the cambro all over my table. When I went to grab it it was foamy and bubbly and had a slight odor of pork-ish or farts lack of a better word I had just eaten this an hour prior it tasted fine didn't really notice a smell cuz it was coming right off the stove. Definitely didn't smell when I opened it from the fridge 2 hours prior. When I put my hands in it it was very light like it was all foam. I can't understand what is going on with it I drained it I rinsed it rinsed almost all of my chili sauce off of it put it back at a cambro put it in the fridge.. Just checked on it before I go to bed it's 2:00 a.m. here where I'm at and it's bubbling up again.. I wonder if something was in some of the spices I put in I ended up putting some powdered spices nothing else as bubbling that has those spices... I need to get up very early and make six dozen tamales for my family dinner Christmas Eve any thoughts on what could be causing this? I've been eating it all evening and I feel fine so if it was food poisoning or rotten I would be sick I've looked all over Google and I cannot find anything.. I would have thought maybe some baking soda had gotten in there but I put nothing that I thought had baking soda in it just powdered spices. Sorry for the long post but really kind of need to know hate to throw away $38 worth of pork from Costco and really hate to disappoint my family who is very much looking forward to having tamales for the first time in 2 years getting together. Thanks and happy holidays to everyone!
submitted bytwofuxxtoCooking [link][comments]
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